blob: 149495989e409f232abd6839328b36a6d3ecde29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
function MockRowProvider(document, count) {
this.document_ = document;
this.rows_ = new Array();
this.rows_.length = count;
this.rowNodeCache_ = null;
this.callCounts_ = {
getRowNode: 0
MockRowProvider.prototype.resetCallCount = function(name) {
this.callCounts_[name] = 0;
MockRowProvider.prototype.getCallCount = function(name) {
if (!(name in this.callCounts_))
throw 'Unknown name: ' + name;
return this.callCounts_[name];
MockRowProvider.prototype.addCallCount = function(name) {
if (!(name in this.callCounts_)) {
this.callCounts_[name] = 1;
} else {
MockRowProvider.prototype.setCacheEnabled = function(state) {
this.rowNodeCache_ = state ? {} : null;
MockRowProvider.prototype.getRowCount = function() {
return this.rows_.length;
MockRowProvider.prototype.getRowRecord_ = function(index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.rows_.length)
throw 'Index out of bounds: ' + index;
if (!this.rows_[index]) {
this.rows_[index] = {
'<x-state data-fg=7 data-bg=0>This is line ' + index +
'</x-state>' +
'<x-state data-fg=1 data-bg=0> red</x-state>' +
'<x-state data-fg=2 data-bg=0> green</x-state>' +
'<x-state data-fg=3 data-bg=0> yellow</x-state>' +
'<x-state data-fg=4 data-bg=0> blue</x-state>' +
'<x-state data-fg=5 data-bg=0> magenta</x-state>' +
'<x-state data-fg=6 data-bg=0> cyan</x-state>',
'This is line ' + index + ' red green yellow blue magenta cyan'
return this.rows_[index];
MockRowProvider.prototype.getRowsText = function(start, end) {
if (start < 0 || end >= this.rows_.length)
throw 'Index out of bounds.';
var text = this.rows_.slice(start, end);
return (e) { return e.text }).join('\n');
MockRowProvider.prototype.getRowText = function(index) {
var rec = this.getRowRecord_(index);
return rec.text;
MockRowProvider.prototype.getRowNode = function(index) {
if (this.rowNodeCache_ && index in this.rowNodeCache_)
return this.rowNodeCache_[index];
var rec = this.getRowRecord_(index);
var rowNode = this.document_.createElement('x-row');
rowNode.rowIndex = index;
rowNode.innerHTML = rec.html;
if (this.rowNodeCache_)
this.rowNodeCache_[index] = rowNode;
return rowNode;