blob: be8b8526490b5b4e999953deb60e64859fabb7a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Base class of XHR or WebSocket backed streams.
* This class implements session initialization and back-off logic common for
* both types of streams.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay = function(fd) {
nassh.Stream.apply(this, [fd]);
this.host_ = null;
this.port_ = null;
this.relay_ = null;
this.sessionID_ = null;
this.backoffMS_ = 0;
this.backoffTimeout_ = null;
this.writeBuffer_ = '';
this.writeCount_ = 0;
this.onWriteSuccess_ = null;
this.readCount_ = 0;
* We are a subclass of nassh.Stream.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.prototype = Object.create(nassh.Stream.prototype);
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.constructor = nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay;
* Open a relay socket.
* This fires off the /proxy request, and if it succeeds starts the /read
* hanging GET.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.prototype.asyncOpen_ = function(args, onComplete) {
this.relay_ = args.relay;
this.host_ =;
this.port_ = args.port;
var sessionRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
var onError = () => {
console.error('Failed to get session id:', sessionRequest);
var onReady = () => {
if (sessionRequest.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
if (sessionRequest.status != 200)
return onError();
this.sessionID_ = sessionRequest.responseText;
};'GET', this.relay_.relayServer +
'proxy?host=' + this.host_ + '&port=' + this.port_,
sessionRequest.withCredentials = true; // We need to see cookies for /proxy.
sessionRequest.onabort = sessionRequest.ontimeout =
sessionRequest.onerror = onError;
sessionRequest.onloadend = onReady;
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.prototype.resumeRead_ = function() {
throw nassh.Stream.ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
* Queue up some data to write.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.prototype.asyncWrite = function(data, onSuccess) {
if (!data.length)
this.writeBuffer_ = this.writeBuffer_ + atob(data);
this.onWriteSuccess_ = onSuccess;
if (!this.backoffTimeout_)
* Send the next pending write.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.prototype.sendWrite_ = function() {
throw nassh.Stream.ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
* Indicates that the backoff timer has expired and we can try again.
* This does not guarantee that communications have been restored, only
* that we can try again.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.prototype.onBackoffExpired_ = function() {
this.backoffTimeout_ = null;
* Called after a successful read or write to indicate that communication
* is working as expected.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.prototype.requestSuccess_ = function(isRead) {
this.backoffMS_ = 0;
if (this.backoffTimeout_) {
// Sometimes we end up clearing the backoff before the timeout actually
// expires. This is the case if a read and write request are in progress
// and one fails while the other succeeds. If the success completes *after*
// the failure, we end up here.
// We assume we're free to clear the backoff and continue as normal.
} else {
if (isRead) {
} else {
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.prototype.requestError_ = function(isRead) {
if (!this.sessionID_ || this.backoffTimeout_)
if (!this.backoffMS_) {
this.backoffMS_ = 1;
} else {
this.backoffMS_ = this.backoffMS_ * 2 + 13;
if (this.backoffMS_ > 10000)
this.backoffMS_ = 10000 - (this.backoffMS_ % 9000);
var requestType = isRead ? 'read' : 'write';
console.log('Error during ' + requestType +
', backing off: ' + this.backoffMS_ + 'ms');
if (this.backoffMS_ >= 1000) {
// Browser timeouts tend to have a wide margin for error. We want to reduce
// the risk that a failed retry will redisplay this message just as its
// fading away. So we show the retry message for a little longer than we
// expect to back off.'RELAY_RETRY'), this.backoffMS_ + 500);
this.backoffTimeout_ =
setTimeout(this.onBackoffExpired_.bind(this), this.backoffMS_);
* XHR backed stream.
* This class manages the read and write XML http requests used to communicate
* with the Google relay server.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR = function(fd) {
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.apply(this, [fd]);
this.writeRequest_ = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.writeRequest_.ontimeout = this.writeRequest_.onabort =
this.writeRequest_.onerror = this.onRequestError_.bind(this);
this.writeRequest_.onloadend = this.onWriteDone_.bind(this);
this.readRequest_ = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.readRequest_.ontimeout = this.readRequest_.onabort =
this.readRequest_.onerror = this.onRequestError_.bind(this);
this.readRequest_.onloadend = this.onReadReady_.bind(this);
this.lastWriteSize_ = 0;
* We are a subclass of nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype =
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.constructor = nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR;
* Maximum length of message that can be sent to avoid request limits.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.maxMessageLength = 1024;
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.resumeRead_ = function() {
if (this.isRequestBusy_(this.readRequest_)) {
// Read request is in progress.
if (this.backoffTimeout_) {
console.warn('Attempt to read while backing off.');
}'GET', this.relay_.relayServer + 'read?sid=' +
this.sessionID_ + '&rcnt=' + this.readCount_, true);
* Send the next pending write.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.sendWrite_ = function() {
if (!this.writeBuffer_.length || this.isRequestBusy_(this.writeRequest_)) {
// Nothing to write, or a write is in progress.
if (this.backoffTimeout_) {
console.warn('Attempt to write while backing off.');
var size = Math.min(this.writeBuffer_.length, this.maxMessageLength);
var data = this.writeBuffer_.substr(0, size);
data = this.base64ToWebSafe_(btoa(data));'GET', this.relay_.relayServer +
'write?sid=' + this.sessionID_ +
'&wcnt=' + this.writeCount_ + '&data=' + data, true);
this.lastWriteSize_ = size;
* Called when the readRequest_ has finished loading.
* This indicates that the response entity has the data for us to send to the
* terminal.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.onReadReady_ = function(e) {
if (this.readRequest_.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
if (this.readRequest_.status == 410) {
// HTTP 410 Gone indicates that the relay has dropped our ssh session.
this.sessionID_ = null;
if (this.readRequest_.status != 200)
return this.onRequestError_(e);
this.readCount_ += Math.floor(
this.readRequest_.responseText.length * 3 / 4);
var data = this.webSafeToBase64_(this.readRequest_.responseText);
* Called when the writeRequest_ has finished loading.
* This indicates that data we wrote has either been successfully written, or
* failed somewhere along the way.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.onWriteDone_ = function(e) {
if (this.writeRequest_.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
if (this.writeRequest_.status == 410) {
// HTTP 410 Gone indicates that the relay has dropped our ssh session.
if (this.writeRequest_.status != 200)
return this.onRequestError_(e);
this.writeBuffer_ = this.writeBuffer_.substr(this.lastWriteSize_);
this.writeCount_ += this.lastWriteSize_;
if (typeof this.onWriteSuccess_ == 'function')
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.onRequestError_ = function(e) {
this.requestError_( == this.readRequest_);
* Returns true if the given XHR is busy.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.isRequestBusy_ = function(r) {
return (r.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE &&
r.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.UNSENT);
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.webSafeToBase64_ = function(s) {
s = s.replace(/[-_]/g, function(ch) { return (ch == '-' ? '+' : '/'); });
var mod4 = s.length % 4;
if (mod4 == 2) {
s = s + '==';
} else if (mod4 == 3) {
s = s + '=';
} else if (mod4 != 0) {
throw 'Invalid web safe base64 string length: ' + s.length;
return s;
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayXHR.prototype.base64ToWebSafe_ = function(s) {
return s.replace(/[+/=]/g, function(ch) {
if (ch == '+')
return '-';
if (ch == '/')
return '_';
return '';
* WebSocket backed stream.
* This class manages the read and write through WebSocket to communicate
* with the Google relay server.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS = function(fd) {
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.apply(this, [fd]);
this.socket_ = null;
// Amount of data in buffer that were sent but not acknowledged yet.
this.sentCount_ = 0;
// Time when data was sent most recently.
this.ackTime_ = 0;
// Ack related to most recently sent data.
this.expectedAck_ = 0;
// Circular list of recently observed ack times.
this.ackTimes_ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
// Slot to record next ack time in.
this.ackTimesIndex_ = 0;
// Number of connect attempts made.
this.connectCount_ = 0;
* We are a subclass of nassh.Stream.GoogleRelay.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.prototype =
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.constructor = nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS;
* Maximum length of message that can be sent to avoid request limits.
* -4 for 32-bit ack that is sent before payload.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.prototype.maxMessageLength = 32 * 1024 - 4;
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.prototype.resumeRead_ = function() {
if (this.backoffTimeout_) {
console.warn('Attempt to read while backing off.');
if (this.sessionID_ && !this.socket_) {
var uri = this.relay_.relayServerSocket +
'connect?sid=' + this.sessionID_ +
'&ack=' + (this.readCount_ & 0xffffff) +
'&pos=' + (this.writeCount_ & 0xffffff);
if (this.relay_.reportConnectAttempts)
uri += '&try=' + ++this.connectCount_;
this.socket_ = new WebSocket(uri);
this.socket_.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
this.socket_.onopen = this.onSocketOpen_.bind(this);
this.socket_.onmessage = this.onSocketData_.bind(this);
this.socket_.onclose = this.socket_.onerror =
this.sentCount_ = 0;
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.prototype.onSocketOpen_ = function(e) {
if ( !== this.socket_)
this.connectCount_ = 0;
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.prototype.recordAckTime_ = function(deltaTime) {
this.ackTimes_[this.ackTimesIndex_] = deltaTime;
this.ackTimesIndex_ = (this.ackTimesIndex_ + 1) % this.ackTimes_.length;
if (this.ackTimesIndex_ == 0) {
// Filled the circular buffer; compute average.
var average = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.ackTimes_.length; ++i)
average += this.ackTimes_[i];
average /= this.ackTimes_.length;
if (this.relay_.reportAckLatency) {
// Report observed average to relay.
// Send this meta-data as string vs. the normal binary payloads.
var msg = 'A:' + Math.round(average);
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.prototype.onSocketData_ = function(e) {
if ( !== this.socket_)
var u8 = new Uint8Array(;
var ack = lib.array.arrayBigEndianToUint32(u8);
// Acks are unsigned 24 bits. Negative means error.
if (ack < 0) {
this.sessionID_ = null;
// Track ack latency.
if (this.ackTime_ != 0 && ack == this.expectedAck_) {
this.recordAckTime_( - this.ackTime_);
this.ackTime_ = 0;
// Unsigned 24 bits wrap-around delta.
var delta = ((ack & 0xffffff) - (this.writeCount_ & 0xffffff)) & 0xffffff;
this.writeBuffer_ = this.writeBuffer_.substr(delta);
this.sentCount_ -= delta;
this.writeCount_ += delta;
// TODO: use Uint8Array throughout rather than copy.
var data = '';
for (var i = 4; i < u8.length; ++i)
data = data + String.fromCharCode(u8[i]);
if (data.length)
this.readCount_ += (u8.length - 4);
// isRead == false since for WebSocket we don't need to send another read
// request, we will get new data as soon as it comes.
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.prototype.onSocketError_ = function(e) {
if ( !== this.socket_)
this.socket_ = null;
nassh.Stream.GoogleRelayWS.prototype.sendWrite_ = function() {
if (!this.socket_ || this.socket_.readyState != 1 ||
this.sentCount_ == this.writeBuffer_.length) {
// Nothing to write or socket is not ready.
if (this.backoffTimeout_) {
console.warn('Attempt to write while backing off.');
var size = Math.min(this.maxMessageLength,
this.writeBuffer_.length - this.sentCount_);
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(size + 4);
var u8 = new Uint8Array(buf);
// Every ws.send() maps to a Websocket frame on wire.
// Use first 4 bytes to send ack.
u8[0] = (((this.readCount_ & 0xffffff) >> 24) & 255);
u8[1] = (((this.readCount_ & 0xffffff) >> 16) & 255);
u8[2] = (((this.readCount_ & 0xffffff) >> 8) & 255);
u8[3] = (((this.readCount_ & 0xffffff) >> 0) & 255);
for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i)
u8[i + 4] = this.writeBuffer_.charCodeAt(this.sentCount_ + i);
u8 = null;
this.sentCount_ += size;
// Track ack latency.
this.ackTime_ =;
this.expectedAck_ = (this.writeCount_ + this.sentCount_) & 0xffffff;
if (typeof this.onWriteSuccess_ == 'function') {
// Notify nassh that we are ready to consume more data.
this.onWriteSuccess_(this.writeCount_ + this.sentCount_);
if (this.sentCount_ < this.writeBuffer_.length) {
// We have more data to send but due to message limit we didn't send it.
// We don't know when data was sent so just send new portion async.
setTimeout(this.sendWrite_.bind(this), 0);