blob: 5f00747c6e537877f09c00681bb6e5fe0c66739e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* PreferenceManager subclass managing global NaSSH preferences.
* This is currently just an ordered list of known connection profiles.
* @param {string} profileId
* @extends {lib.PreferenceManager}
* @constructor
hterm.PreferenceManager = function(profileId) {, hterm.defaultStorage,
hterm.PreferenceManager.prefix_ + profileId);
([key, entry]) => {
this.definePreference(key, entry['default']);
* The storage key prefix to namespace the preferences.
hterm.PreferenceManager.prefix_ = '/hterm/profiles/';
* List all the defined profiles.
* @param {!lib.Storage} storage Where to look for profiles.
* @param {function(!Array<string>)} callback Called with the list of profiles.
hterm.PreferenceManager.listProfiles = function(storage, callback) {
storage.getItems(null).then((items) => {
const profiles = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(items)) {
if (key.startsWith(hterm.PreferenceManager.prefix_)) {
// Turn "/hterm/profiles/foo/bar/cow" to "foo/bar/cow".
const subKey = key.slice(hterm.PreferenceManager.prefix_.length);
// Turn "foo/bar/cow" into "foo".
profiles[subKey.split('/', 1)[0]] = true;
/** @enum {string} */
hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories = {
Keyboard: 'Keyboard',
Appearance: 'Appearance',
CopyPaste: 'CopyPaste',
Sounds: 'Sounds',
Scrolling: 'Scrolling',
Encoding: 'Encoding',
Extensions: 'Extensions',
Miscellaneous: 'Miscellaneous',
* List of categories, ordered by display order (top to bottom)
hterm.PreferenceManager.categoryDefinitions = [
{id: hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories.Appearance,
text: 'Appearance (fonts, colors, images)'},
{id: hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories.CopyPaste,
text: 'Copy & Paste'},
{id: hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories.Encoding,
text: 'Encoding'},
{id: hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories.Keyboard,
text: 'Keyboard'},
{id: hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories.Scrolling,
text: 'Scrolling'},
{id: hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories.Sounds,
text: 'Sounds'},
{id: hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories.Extensions,
text: 'Extensions'},
{id: hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories.Miscellaneous,
text: 'Miscellaneous'},
* Internal helper to create a default preference object.
* @param {string} name The user readable name/title.
* @param {!hterm.PreferenceManager.Categories} category The pref category.
* @param {boolean|number|string|?Object} defaultValue The default pref value.
* @param {string|!Array<string|null>} type The type for this pref (or an array
* for enums).
* @param {string} help The user readable help text.
* @return {!Object} The default pref object.
hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_ = function(
name, category, defaultValue, type, help) {
return {
'name': name,
'category': category,
'default': defaultValue,
'type': type,
'help': help,
hterm.PreferenceManager.defaultPreferences = {
'alt-gr-mode': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'AltGr key mode',
null, [null, 'none', 'ctrl-alt', 'left-alt', 'right-alt'],
`Select an AltGr detection heuristic.\n` +
`\n` +
`'null': Autodetect based on navigator.language:\n` +
` 'en-us' => 'none', else => 'right-alt'\n` +
`'none': Disable any AltGr emulation.\n` +
`'ctrl-alt': Assume Ctrl+Alt means AltGr.\n` +
`'left-alt': Assume left Alt means AltGr.\n` +
`'right-alt': Assume right Alt means AltGr.`,
'alt-backspace-is-meta-backspace': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Alt+Backspace is Meta+Backspace',
false, 'bool',
`If set, undoes the Chrome OS Alt+Backspace->Delete remap, so that ` +
`Alt+Backspace indeed is Alt+Backspace.`,
'alt-is-meta': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Treat Alt key as Meta key',
false, 'bool',
`Whether the Alt key acts as a Meta key or as a distinct Alt key.`,
'alt-sends-what': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Alt key modifier handling',
'escape', ['escape', '8-bit', 'browser-key'],
`Controls how the Alt key is handled.\n` +
`\n` +
` escape: Send an ESC prefix.\n` +
` 8-bit: Add 128 to the typed character as in xterm.\n` +
` browser-key: Wait for the keypress event and see what the browser\n` +
` says. (This won't work well on platforms where the browser\n` +
` performs a default action for some Alt sequences.)`,
'audible-bell-sound': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Alert bell sound (URI)',
'lib-resource:hterm/audio/bell', 'url',
`URL of the terminal bell sound. Leave it blank for no audible bell.`,
'desktop-notification-bell': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Create desktop notifications for alert bells',
false, 'bool',
`If true, terminal bells in the background will create a Web ` +
`Notification.\n` +
`\n` +
`Displaying notifications requires permission from the user. When this ` +
`option is set to true, hterm will attempt to ask the user for ` +
`permission if necessary. Browsers might not show this permission ` +
`request if it was not triggered by a user action.\n` +
`\n` +
`Chrome extensions with the "notifications" permission have permission ` +
`to display notifications.`,
'background-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Background color',
'rgb(16, 16, 16)', 'color',
`The background color for text with no other color attributes.`,
'background-image': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Background image',
'', 'string',
`CSS value of the background image. Leave it blank for no image.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example:\n` +
` url(\n` +
` linear-gradient(top bottom, blue, red)`,
'background-size': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Background image size',
'', 'string',
`CSS value of the background image size.`,
'background-position': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Background image position',
'', 'string',
`CSS value of the background image position.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example:\n` +
` 10% 10%\n` +
` center`,
'backspace-sends-backspace': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Backspace key behavior',
false, 'bool',
`If true, the Backspace key will send BS ('\\x08', aka ^H). Otherwise ` +
`the Backspace key will send '\\x7f'.`,
'character-map-overrides': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Character map overrides',
null, 'value',
`This is specified as an object. It is a sparse array, where each ` +
`property is the character set code and the value is an object that is ` +
`a sparse array itself. In that sparse array, each property is the ` +
`received character and the value is the displayed character.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example:\n` +
`{ "0": {\n` +
` "+": "\\u2192",\n` +
` ",": "\\u2190",\n` +
` "-": "\\u2191",\n` +
` ".": "\\u2193",\n` +
` "0": "\\u2588"\n} }`,
'close-on-exit': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Close window on exit',
true, 'bool',
`Whether to close the window when the command finishes executing.`,
'cursor-blink': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Cursor blink',
false, 'bool',
`Whether the text cursor blinks by default. This can be toggled at ` +
`runtime via terminal escape sequences.`,
'cursor-blink-cycle': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Cursor blink rate',
[1000, 500], 'value',
`The text cursor blink rate in milliseconds.\n` +
`\n` +
`A two element array, the first of which is how long the text cursor ` +
`should be on, second is how long it should be off.`,
'cursor-shape': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text cursor shape',
`The shape of the visible text cursor. This can be changed at ` +
`runtime via terminal escape sequences.`,
'cursor-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text cursor color',
'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)', 'color',
`The color of the visible text cursor.`,
'color-palette-overrides': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Initial color palette',
null, 'value',
`Override colors in the default palette.\n` +
`\n` +
`This can be specified as an array or an object. If specified as an ` +
`object it is assumed to be a sparse array, where each property ` +
`is a numeric index into the color palette.\n` +
`\n` +
`Values can be specified as almost any CSS color value. This ` +
`includes #RGB, #RRGGBB, rgb(...), rgba(...), and any color names ` +
`that are also part of the standard X11 rgb.txt file.\n` +
`\n` +
`You can use 'null' to specify that the default value should be not ` +
`be changed. This is useful for skipping a small number of indices ` +
`when the value is specified as an array.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example, these both set color index 1 to blue:\n` +
` {1: "#0000ff"}\n` +
` [null, "#0000ff"]`,
'copy-on-select': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Automatically copy selected content',
true, 'bool',
`Automatically copy mouse selection to the clipboard.`,
'use-default-window-copy': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Let the browser handle text copying',
false, 'bool',
`Whether to use the default browser/OS's copy behavior.\n` +
`\n` +
`Allow the browser/OS to handle the copy event directly which might ` +
`improve compatibility with some systems (where copying doesn't work ` +
`at all), but makes the text selection less robust.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example, long lines that were automatically line wrapped will ` +
`be copied with the newlines still in them.`,
'clear-selection-after-copy': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Automatically clear text selection',
true, 'bool',
`Whether to clear the selection after copying.`,
'ctrl-plus-minus-zero-zoom': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl++/-/0 zoom behavior',
true, 'bool',
`If true, Ctrl+Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom.\n` +
`If false, Ctrl+Shift+Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom, Ctrl+Minus sends ` +
`^_, Ctrl+Plus/Zero do nothing.`,
'ctrl-c-copy': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl+C copy behavior',
false, 'bool',
`Ctrl+C copies if true, send ^C to host if false.\n` +
`Ctrl+Shift+C sends ^C to host if true, copies if false.`,
'ctrl-v-paste': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl+V paste behavior',
false, 'bool',
`Ctrl+V pastes if true, send ^V to host if false.\n` +
`Ctrl+Shift+V sends ^V to host if true, pastes if false.`,
'east-asian-ambiguous-as-two-column': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'East Asian Ambiguous use two columns',
false, 'bool',
`Whether East Asian Ambiguous characters have two column width.`,
'enable-8-bit-control': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Support non-UTF-8 C1 control characters',
false, 'bool',
`True to enable 8-bit control characters, false to ignore them.\n` +
`\n` +
`We'll respect the two-byte versions of these control characters ` +
`regardless of this setting.`,
'enable-bold': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Bold text behavior',
null, 'tristate',
`If true, use bold weight font for text with the bold/bright ` +
`attribute. False to use the normal weight font. Null to autodetect.`,
'enable-bold-as-bright': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Use bright colors with bold text',
true, 'bool',
`If true, use bright colors (8-15 on a 16 color palette) for any text ` +
`with the bold attribute. False otherwise.`,
'enable-blink': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Enable blinking text',
true, 'bool',
`If true, respect the blink attribute. False to ignore it.`,
'enable-clipboard-notice': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Show notification when copying content',
true, 'bool',
`Whether to show a message in the terminal when the host writes to the ` +
'enable-clipboard-write': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow remote clipboard writes',
true, 'bool',
`Allow the remote host to write directly to the local system ` +
`clipboard.\n` +
`Read access is never granted regardless of this setting.\n` +
`\n` +
`This is used to control access to features like OSC-52.`,
'enable-dec12': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow changing of text cursor blinking',
false, 'bool',
`Respect the host's attempt to change the text cursor blink status ` +
`using DEC Private Mode 12.`,
'enable-csi-j-3': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow clearing of scrollback buffer (CSI-J-3)',
true, 'bool',
`Whether the Erase Saved Lines function (mode 3) of the Erase Display ` +
`command (CSI-J) may clear the terminal scrollback buffer.\n` +
`\n` +
`Enabling this by default is safe.`,
'environment': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Environment variables',
// Signal ncurses based apps to use UTF-8 output instead of legacy
// drawing modes (which only work in ISO-2022 mode). Since hterm is
// always UTF-8, this shouldn't cause problems.
'TERM': 'xterm-256color',
// Set this env var that a bunch of mainstream terminal emulators set
// to indicate we support true colors.
'COLORTERM': 'truecolor',
`The initial set of environment variables, as an object.`,
'find-result-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Find results highlight color',
'rgba(102, 204, 255, 0.4)', 'color',
`The background color to highlight find results.`,
'find-result-selected-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Find results selected highlight color',
'rgba(102, 204, 255, 0.8)', 'color',
`The background color to highlight the selected find result.`,
'font-family': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text font family',
'"DejaVu Sans Mono", "Noto Sans Mono", "Everson Mono", FreeMono, ' +
'Menlo, Terminal, monospace',
`Default font family for the terminal text.`,
'font-size': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text font size',
15, 'int',
`The default font size in pixels.`,
'font-smoothing': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text font smoothing',
'antialiased', 'string',
`CSS font-smoothing property.`,
'foreground-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text color',
'rgb(240, 240, 240)', 'color',
`The foreground color for text with no other color attributes.`,
'enable-resize-status': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Show terminal dimensions when resized',
false, 'bool',
`Whether to show terminal dimensions when the terminal changes size.`,
'hide-mouse-while-typing': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Hide mouse cursor while typing',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether to automatically hide the mouse cursor when typing. ` +
`By default, autodetect whether the platform/OS handles this.\n` +
`\n` +
`Note: Your operating system might override this setting and thus you ` +
`might not be able to always disable it.`,
'home-keys-scroll': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Home/End key scroll behavior',
false, 'bool',
`If true, Home/End controls the terminal scrollbar and Shift+Home/` +
`Shift+End are sent to the remote host. If false, then Home/End are ` +
`sent to the remote host and Shift+Home/Shift+End scrolls.`,
'keybindings': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Keyboard bindings/shortcuts',
null, 'value',
`A map of key sequence to key actions. Key sequences include zero or ` +
`more modifier keys followed by a key code. Key codes can be decimal ` +
`or hexadecimal numbers, or a key identifier. Key actions can be ` +
`specified as a string to send to the host, or an action identifier. ` +
`For a full explanation of the format, see\n` +
`\n` +
`Sample keybindings:\n` +
`{\n` +
` "Ctrl+Alt+K": "clearTerminal",\n` +
` "Ctrl+Shift+L": "PASS",\n` +
` "Ctrl+H": "'Hello World'"\n` +
'keybindings-os-defaults': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Use default OS Keyboard bindings/shortcuts',
false, 'bool',
`Whether common OS keyboard bindings should be respected instead of ` +
`always capturing for hterm's own use.`,
'media-keys-are-fkeys': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Media keys are Fkeys',
false, 'bool',
`If true, convert media keys to their Fkey equivalent. If false, let ` +
`the browser handle the keys.`,
'meta-sends-escape': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Meta key modifier handling',
true, 'bool',
`Send an ESC prefix when pressing a key while holding the Meta key.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example, when enabled, pressing Meta+K will send ^[k as if you ` +
`typed Escape then k. When disabled, only k will be sent.`,
'mouse-right-click-paste': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Mouse right clicks paste content',
true, 'bool',
`Paste on right mouse button clicks.\n` +
`\n` +
`This option is independent of the "mouse-paste-button" setting.\n` +
`\n` +
`Note: The primary & secondary buttons are handled for you with left ` +
`& right handed mice.`,
'mouse-paste-button': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Mouse button paste',
null, [null, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
`The mouse button to use for pasting.\n` +
`\n` +
`For autodetect, we'll use the middle mouse button for non-X11 ` +
`platforms (including Chrome OS). On X11, we'll use the right mouse ` +
`button (since the window manager should handle pasting via the middle ` +
`mouse button).\n` +
`\n` +
`0 == left (primary) button.\n` +
`1 == middle (auxiliary) button.\n` +
`2 == right (secondary) button.\n` +
`\n` +
`This option is independent of the setting for right-click paste.\n` +
`\n` +
`Note: The primary & secondary buttons are handled for you with left ` +
`& right handed mice.`,
'screen-padding-size': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Screen padding size',
8, 'int',
`The padding size in pixels around the border of the terminal screen.\n` +
`\n` +
`This controls the size of the border around the terminal screen so ` +
`the user can add some visible padding to the edges of the screen.`,
'screen-border-size': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Screen border size',
0, 'int',
`The border size in pixels around the terminal screen.\n` +
`\n` +
`This controls the size of the border around the terminal screen to ` +
`create a visible line at the edges of the screen.`,
'screen-border-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Screen border color',
'rgb(128, 128, 128)', 'color',
`The color for the border around the terminal screen.\n` +
`\n` +
`This controls the color of the border around the terminal screen to ` +
`create a visible line at the edges of the screen.`,
'word-break-match-left': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Automatic selection halting (to the left)',
// TODO(vapier): Switch \u back to ‘“‹« once builders are fixed.
'[^\\s[\\](){}<>"\'^!@#$%&*,;:`\u{2018}\u{201c}\u{2039}\u{ab}]', 'string',
`Regular expression to halt matching to the left (start) of a ` +
`selection.\n` +
`\n` +
`Normally this is a character class to reject specific characters.\n` +
`We allow "~" and "." by default as paths frequently start with those.`,
'word-break-match-right': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Automatic selection halting (to the right)',
// TODO(vapier): Switch \u back to ’”›» once builders are fixed.
`Regular expression to halt matching to the right (end) of a ` +
`selection.\n` +
`\n` +
`Normally this is a character class to reject specific characters.`,
'word-break-match-middle': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Word break characters',
'[^\\s[\\](){}<>"\'^]*', 'string',
`Regular expression to match all the characters in the middle.\n` +
`\n` +
`Normally this is a character class to reject specific characters.\n` +
`\n` +
`Used to expand the selection surrounding the starting point.`,
'page-keys-scroll': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Page Up/Down key scroll behavior',
false, 'bool',
`If true, Page Up/Page Down controls the terminal scrollbar and ` +
`Shift+Page Up/Shift+Page Down are sent to the remote host. If false, ` +
`then Page Up/Page Down are sent to the remote host and Shift+Page Up/` +
`Shift+Page Down scrolls.`,
'pass-alt-number': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Alt+1..9 switch tab/app behavior',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether Alt+1..9 is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't ` +
`lose Chrome's "switch to tab/app" keyboard shortcuts. When not ` +
`running in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they ` +
`can be used in vim or emacs.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Alt+1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, Alt+1..9 ` +
`will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on browser ` +
`platform and window type.`,
'pass-ctrl-number': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl+1..9 switch tab behavior',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether Ctrl+1..9 is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't ` +
`lose Chrome's "switch to tab" keyboard shortcuts. When not running ` +
`in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they can be ` +
`used in vim or emacs.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Ctrl+1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, ` +
`Ctrl+1..9 will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on ` +
`browser platform and window type.`,
'pass-ctrl-n': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl+N new window behavior',
false, 'bool',
`Whether Ctrl+N is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Ctrl+N will be handled by the browser as the "new window" ` +
`keyboard shortcut. If false, Ctrl+N will be sent to the host.`,
'pass-ctrl-t': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl+T new tab behavior',
false, 'bool',
`Whether Ctrl+T is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Ctrl+T will be handled by the browser as the "new tab" ` +
`keyboard shortcut. If false, Ctrl+T will be sent to the host.`,
'pass-ctrl-tab': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl+Tab switch tab behavior',
false, 'bool',
`Whether Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab are passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab will be handled by the browser ` +
`as the "next/previous tab" keyboard shortcut. If false, the Tab ` +
`key is sent to the host without Ctrl or Shift.`,
'pass-ctrl-w': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl+W close tab behavior',
false, 'bool',
`Whether Ctrl+W is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Ctrl+W will be handled by the browser as the "close tab" ` +
`keyboard shortcut. If false, Ctrl+W will be sent to the host.`,
'pass-meta-number': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Meta+1..9 switch tab behavior',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether Meta+1..9 is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't ` +
`lose Chrome's "switch to tab" keyboard shortcuts. When not running ` +
`in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they can be ` +
`used in vim or emacs.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Meta+1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, ` +
`Meta+1..9 will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on ` +
`browser platform and window type.`,
'pass-meta-v': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Meta+V paste behavior',
true, 'bool',
`Whether Meta+V gets passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`On some systems, this is used to paste content.`,
'paste-on-drop': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow drag & drop to paste',
true, 'bool',
`If true, Drag and dropped text will paste into terminal.\n` +
`If false, dropped text will be ignored.`,
'receive-encoding': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Receive encoding',
'utf-8', ['utf-8', 'raw'],
`Set the expected encoding for data received from the host.\n` +
`If the encodings do not match, visual bugs are likely to be ` +
`observed.\n` +
`\n` +
`Valid values are 'utf-8' and 'raw'.`,
'scroll-on-keystroke': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Scroll to bottom after keystroke',
true, 'bool',
`Whether to scroll to the bottom on any keystroke.`,
'scroll-on-output': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Scroll to bottom after new output',
false, 'bool',
`Whether to scroll to the bottom on terminal output.`,
'scrollbar-visible': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Scrollbar visibility',
true, 'bool',
`The vertical scrollbar mode.`,
'scroll-wheel-may-send-arrow-keys': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Emulate arrow keys with scroll wheel',
false, 'bool',
`When using the alternative screen buffer, and DECCKM (Application ` +
`Cursor Keys) is active, mouse scroll wheel events will emulate arrow ` +
`keys.\n` +
`\n` +
`It can be temporarily disabled by holding the Shift key.\n` +
`\n` +
`This frequently comes up when using pagers (less) or reading man ` +
`pages or text editors (vi/nano) or using screen/tmux.`,
'scroll-wheel-move-multiplier': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Mouse scroll wheel multiplier',
1, 'int',
`The multiplier for mouse scroll wheel events when measured in ` +
`pixels.\n` +
`\n` +
`Alters how fast the page scrolls.`,
'terminal-encoding': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Terminal encoding',
'utf-8', ['iso-2022', 'utf-8', 'utf-8-locked'],
`The default terminal encoding (DOCS).\n` +
`\n` +
`ISO-2022 enables character map translations (like graphics maps).\n` +
`UTF-8 disables support for those.\n` +
`\n` +
`The locked variant means the encoding cannot be changed at runtime ` +
`via terminal escape sequences.\n` +
`\n` +
`You should stick with UTF-8 unless you notice broken rendering with ` +
`legacy applications.`,
'shift-insert-paste': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Shift+Insert paste',
true, 'bool',
`Whether Shift+Insert is used for pasting or is sent to the remote host.`,
'user-css': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Custom CSS (URI)',
'', 'url',
`URL of user stylesheet to include in the terminal document.`,
'user-css-text': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Custom CSS (inline text)',
'', 'multiline-string',
`Custom CSS text for styling the terminal.`,
'allow-images-inline': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow inline image display',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether to allow the remote host to display images in the terminal.\n` +
`\n` +
`By default, we prompt until a choice is made.`,
hterm.PreferenceManager.prototype =
/** @override */
hterm.PreferenceManager.constructor = hterm.PreferenceManager;