blob: b91db8087e58e59eba2600766007abb1a2d6cb3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
lib.rtdep('lib.f', 'lib.wc',
'hterm.RowCol', 'hterm.Size', 'hterm.TextAttributes');
* @fileoverview This class represents a single terminal screen full of text.
* It maintains the current cursor position and has basic methods for text
* insert and overwrite, and adding or removing rows from the screen.
* This class has no knowledge of the scrollback buffer.
* The number of rows on the screen is determined only by the number of rows
* that the caller inserts into the screen. If a caller wants to ensure a
* constant number of rows on the screen, it's their responsibility to remove a
* row for each row inserted.
* The screen width, in contrast, is enforced locally.
* In practice...
* - The hterm.Terminal class holds two hterm.Screen instances. One for the
* primary screen and one for the alternate screen.
* - The html.Screen class only cares that rows are HTMLElements. In the
* larger context of hterm, however, the rows happen to be displayed by an
* hterm.ScrollPort and have to follow a few rules as a result. Each
* row must be rooted by the custom HTML tag 'x-row', and each must have a
* rowIndex property that corresponds to the index of the row in the context
* of the scrollback buffer. These invariants are enforced by hterm.Terminal
* because that is the class using the hterm.Screen in the context of an
* hterm.ScrollPort.
* Create a new screen instance.
* The screen initially has no rows and a maximum column count of 0.
* @param {integer} opt_columnCount The maximum number of columns for this
* screen. See insertString() and overwriteString() for information about
* what happens when too many characters are added too a row. Defaults to
* 0 if not provided.
hterm.Screen = function(opt_columnCount) {
* Public, read-only access to the rows in this screen.
this.rowsArray = [];
// The max column width for this screen.
this.columnCount_ = opt_columnCount || 80;
// The current color, bold, underline and blink attributes.
this.textAttributes = new hterm.TextAttributes(window.document);
// Current zero-based cursor coordinates.
this.cursorPosition = new hterm.RowCol(0, 0);
// The node containing the row that the cursor is positioned on.
this.cursorRowNode_ = null;
// The node containing the span of text that the cursor is positioned on.
this.cursorNode_ = null;
// The offset in column width into cursorNode_ where the cursor is positioned.
this.cursorOffset_ = null;
// Regexes for expanding word selections.
this.wordBreakMatchLeft = null;
this.wordBreakMatchRight = null;
this.wordBreakMatchMiddle = null;
* Return the screen size as an hterm.Size object.
* @return {hterm.Size} hterm.Size object representing the current number
* of rows and columns in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getSize = function() {
return new hterm.Size(this.columnCount_, this.rowsArray.length);
* Return the current number of rows in this screen.
* @return {integer} The number of rows in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getHeight = function() {
return this.rowsArray.length;
* Return the current number of columns in this screen.
* @return {integer} The number of columns in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getWidth = function() {
return this.columnCount_;
* Set the maximum number of columns per row.
* @param {integer} count The maximum number of columns per row.
hterm.Screen.prototype.setColumnCount = function(count) {
this.columnCount_ = count;
if (this.cursorPosition.column >= count)
this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, count - 1);
* Remove the first row from the screen and return it.
* @return {HTMLElement} The first row in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.shiftRow = function() {
return this.shiftRows(1)[0];
* Remove rows from the top of the screen and return them as an array.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
* @return {Array.<HTMLElement>} The selected rows.
hterm.Screen.prototype.shiftRows = function(count) {
return this.rowsArray.splice(0, count);
* Insert a row at the top of the screen.
* @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.unshiftRow = function(row) {
this.rowsArray.splice(0, 0, row);
* Insert rows at the top of the screen.
* @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} rows The rows to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.unshiftRows = function(rows) {
this.rowsArray.unshift.apply(this.rowsArray, rows);
* Remove the last row from the screen and return it.
* @return {HTMLElement} The last row in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.popRow = function() {
return this.popRows(1)[0];
* Remove rows from the bottom of the screen and return them as an array.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
* @return {Array.<HTMLElement>} The selected rows.
hterm.Screen.prototype.popRows = function(count) {
return this.rowsArray.splice(this.rowsArray.length - count, count);
* Insert a row at the bottom of the screen.
* @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.pushRow = function(row) {
* Insert rows at the bottom of the screen.
* @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} rows The rows to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.pushRows = function(rows) {
rows.push.apply(this.rowsArray, rows);
* Insert a row at the specified row of the screen.
* @param {integer} index The index to insert the row.
* @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.insertRow = function(index, row) {
this.rowsArray.splice(index, 0, row);
* Insert rows at the specified row of the screen.
* @param {integer} index The index to insert the rows.
* @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} rows The rows to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.insertRows = function(index, rows) {
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
this.rowsArray.splice(index + i, 0, rows[i]);
* Remove a row from the screen and return it.
* @param {integer} index The index of the row to remove.
* @return {HTMLElement} The selected row.
hterm.Screen.prototype.removeRow = function(index) {
return this.rowsArray.splice(index, 1)[0];
* Remove rows from the bottom of the screen and return them as an array.
* @param {integer} index The index to start removing rows.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
* @return {Array.<HTMLElement>} The selected rows.
hterm.Screen.prototype.removeRows = function(index, count) {
return this.rowsArray.splice(index, count);
* Invalidate the current cursor position.
* This sets this.cursorPosition to (0, 0) and clears out some internal
* data.
* Attempting to insert or overwrite text while the cursor position is invalid
* will raise an obscure exception.
hterm.Screen.prototype.invalidateCursorPosition = function() {
this.cursorPosition.move(0, 0);
this.cursorRowNode_ = null;
this.cursorNode_ = null;
this.cursorOffset_ = null;
* Clear the contents of the cursor row.
hterm.Screen.prototype.clearCursorRow = function() {
this.cursorRowNode_.innerHTML = '';
this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
this.cursorPosition.column = 0;
this.cursorPosition.overflow = false;
var text;
if (this.textAttributes.isDefault()) {
text = '';
} else {
text = lib.f.getWhitespace(this.columnCount_);
// We shouldn't honor inverse colors when clearing an area, to match
// xterm's back color erase behavior.
var inverse = this.textAttributes.inverse;
this.textAttributes.inverse = false;
var node = this.textAttributes.createContainer(text);
this.cursorNode_ = node;
this.textAttributes.inverse = inverse;
* Mark the current row as having overflowed to the next line.
* The line overflow state is used when converting a range of rows into text.
* It makes it possible to recombine two or more overflow terminal rows into
* a single line.
* This is distinct from the cursor being in the overflow state. Cursor
* overflow indicates that printing at the cursor position will commit a
* line overflow, unless it is preceded by a repositioning of the cursor
* to a non-overflow state.
hterm.Screen.prototype.commitLineOverflow = function() {
this.cursorRowNode_.setAttribute('line-overflow', true);
* Relocate the cursor to a give row and column.
* @param {integer} row The zero based row.
* @param {integer} column The zero based column.
hterm.Screen.prototype.setCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
if (!this.rowsArray.length) {
console.warn('Attempt to set cursor position on empty screen.');
if (row >= this.rowsArray.length) {
console.error('Row out of bounds: ' + row);
row = this.rowsArray.length - 1;
} else if (row < 0) {
console.error('Row out of bounds: ' + row);
row = 0;
if (column >= this.columnCount_) {
console.error('Column out of bounds: ' + column);
column = this.columnCount_ - 1;
} else if (column < 0) {
console.error('Column out of bounds: ' + column);
column = 0;
this.cursorPosition.overflow = false;
var rowNode = this.rowsArray[row];
var node = rowNode.firstChild;
if (!node) {
node = rowNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode('');
var currentColumn = 0;
if (rowNode == this.cursorRowNode_) {
if (column >= this.cursorPosition.column - this.cursorOffset_) {
node = this.cursorNode_;
currentColumn = this.cursorPosition.column - this.cursorOffset_;
} else {
this.cursorRowNode_ = rowNode;
this.cursorPosition.move(row, column);
while (node) {
var offset = column - currentColumn;
var width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
if (!node.nextSibling || width > offset) {
this.cursorNode_ = node;
this.cursorOffset_ = offset;
currentColumn += width;
node = node.nextSibling;
* Set the provided selection object to be a caret selection at the current
* cursor position.
hterm.Screen.prototype.syncSelectionCaret = function(selection) {
try {
selection.collapse(this.cursorNode_, this.cursorOffset_);
} catch (firefoxIgnoredException) {
// FF can throw an exception if the range is off, rather than just not
// performing the collapse.
* Split a single node into two nodes at the given offset.
* For example:
* Given the DOM fragment '<div><span>Hello World</span></div>', call splitNode_
* passing the span and an offset of 6. This would modify the fragment to
* become: '<div><span>Hello </span><span>World</span></div>'. If the span
* had any attributes they would have been copied to the new span as well.
* The to-be-split node must have a container, so that the new node can be
* placed next to it.
* @param {HTMLNode} node The node to split.
* @param {integer} offset The offset into the node where the split should
* occur.
hterm.Screen.prototype.splitNode_ = function(node, offset) {
var afterNode = node.cloneNode(false);
var textContent = node.textContent;
node.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, 0, offset);
afterNode.textContent = lib.wc.substr(textContent, offset);
if (afterNode.textContent)
node.parentNode.insertBefore(afterNode, node.nextSibling);
if (!node.textContent)
* Ensure that text is clipped and the cursor is clamped to the column count.
hterm.Screen.prototype.maybeClipCurrentRow = function() {
var width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(this.cursorRowNode_);
if (width <= this.columnCount_) {
// Current row does not need clipping, but may need clamping.
if (this.cursorPosition.column >= this.columnCount_) {
this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, this.columnCount_ - 1);
this.cursorPosition.overflow = true;
// Save off the current column so we can maybe restore it later.
var currentColumn = this.cursorPosition.column;
// Move the cursor to the final column.
this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, this.columnCount_ - 1);
// Remove any text that partially overflows.
width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(this.cursorNode_);
if (this.cursorOffset_ < width - 1) {
this.cursorNode_.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(
this.cursorNode_, 0, this.cursorOffset_ + 1);
// Remove all nodes after the cursor.
var rowNode = this.cursorRowNode_;
var node = this.cursorNode_.nextSibling;
while (node) {
node = this.cursorNode_.nextSibling;
if (currentColumn < this.columnCount_) {
// If the cursor was within the screen before we started then restore its
// position.
this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, currentColumn);
} else {
// Otherwise leave it at the the last column in the overflow state.
this.cursorPosition.overflow = true;
* Insert a string at the current character position using the current
* text attributes.
* You must call maybeClipCurrentRow() after in order to clip overflowed
* text and clamp the cursor.
* It is also up to the caller to properly maintain the line overflow state
* using hterm.Screen..commitLineOverflow().
hterm.Screen.prototype.insertString = function(str) {
var cursorNode = this.cursorNode_;
var cursorNodeText = cursorNode.textContent;
// We may alter the width of the string by prepending some missing
// whitespaces, so we need to record the string width ahead of time.
var strWidth = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
// No matter what, before this function exits the cursor column will have
// moved this much.
this.cursorPosition.column += strWidth;
// Local cache of the cursor offset.
var offset = this.cursorOffset_;
// Reverse offset is the offset measured from the end of the string.
// Zero implies that the cursor is at the end of the cursor node.
var reverseOffset = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(cursorNode) - offset;
if (reverseOffset < 0) {
// A negative reverse offset means the cursor is positioned past the end
// of the characters on this line. We'll need to insert the missing
// whitespace.
var ws = lib.f.getWhitespace(-reverseOffset);
// This whitespace should be completely unstyled. Underline, background
// color, and strikethrough would be visible on whitespace, so we can't use
// one of those spans to hold the text.
if (!(this.textAttributes.underline ||
this.textAttributes.strikethrough ||
this.textAttributes.background ||
this.textAttributes.wcNode ||
this.textAttributes.tileData != null)) {
// Best case scenario, we can just pretend the spaces were part of the
// original string.
str = ws + str;
} else if (cursorNode.nodeType == 3 ||
!(cursorNode.wcNode ||
cursorNode.tileNode || || {
// Second best case, the current node is able to hold the whitespace.
cursorNode.textContent = (cursorNodeText += ws);
} else {
// Worst case, we have to create a new node to hold the whitespace.
var wsNode = cursorNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(ws);
this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(wsNode, cursorNode.nextSibling);
this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode = wsNode;
this.cursorOffset_ = offset = -reverseOffset;
cursorNodeText = ws;
// We now know for sure that we're at the last character of the cursor node.
reverseOffset = 0;
if (this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(cursorNode)) {
// The new text can be placed directly in the cursor node.
if (reverseOffset == 0) {
cursorNode.textContent = cursorNodeText + str;
} else if (offset == 0) {
cursorNode.textContent = str + cursorNodeText;
} else {
cursorNode.textContent =
hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(cursorNode, 0, offset) +
str + hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(cursorNode, offset);
this.cursorOffset_ += strWidth;
// The cursor node is the wrong style for the new text. If we're at the
// beginning or end of the cursor node, then the adjacent node is also a
// potential candidate.
if (offset == 0) {
// At the beginning of the cursor node, the check the previous sibling.
var previousSibling = cursorNode.previousSibling;
if (previousSibling &&
this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(previousSibling)) {
previousSibling.textContent += str;
this.cursorNode_ = previousSibling;
this.cursorOffset_ = lib.wc.strWidth(previousSibling.textContent);
var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, cursorNode);
this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
this.cursorOffset_ = strWidth;
if (reverseOffset == 0) {
// At the end of the cursor node, the check the next sibling.
var nextSibling = cursorNode.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling &&
this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(nextSibling)) {
nextSibling.textContent = str + nextSibling.textContent;
this.cursorNode_ = nextSibling;
this.cursorOffset_ = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, nextSibling);
this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
// We specifically need to include any missing whitespace here, since it's
// going in a new node.
this.cursorOffset_ = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(newNode);
// Worst case, we're somewhere in the middle of the cursor node. We'll
// have to split it into two nodes and insert our new container in between.
this.splitNode_(cursorNode, offset);
var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, cursorNode.nextSibling);
this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
this.cursorOffset_ = strWidth;
* Overwrite the text at the current cursor position.
* You must call maybeClipCurrentRow() after in order to clip overflowed
* text and clamp the cursor.
* It is also up to the caller to properly maintain the line overflow state
* using hterm.Screen..commitLineOverflow().
hterm.Screen.prototype.overwriteString = function(str) {
var maxLength = this.columnCount_ - this.cursorPosition.column;
if (!maxLength)
return [str];
var width = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
if (this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(this.cursorNode_) &&
this.cursorNode_.textContent.substr(this.cursorOffset_) == str) {
// This overwrite would be a no-op, just move the cursor and return.
this.cursorOffset_ += width;
this.cursorPosition.column += width;
this.deleteChars(Math.min(width, maxLength));
* Forward-delete one or more characters at the current cursor position.
* Text to the right of the deleted characters is shifted left. Only affects
* characters on the same row as the cursor.
* @param {integer} count The column width of characters to delete. This is
* clamped to the column width minus the cursor column.
* @return {integer} The column width of the characters actually deleted.
hterm.Screen.prototype.deleteChars = function(count) {
var node = this.cursorNode_;
var offset = this.cursorOffset_;
var currentCursorColumn = this.cursorPosition.column;
count = Math.min(count, this.columnCount_ - currentCursorColumn);
if (!count)
return 0;
var rv = count;
var startLength, endLength;
while (node && count) {
startLength = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
node.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, 0, offset) +
hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, offset + count);
endLength = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
count -= startLength - endLength;
if (offset < startLength && endLength && startLength == endLength) {
// No characters were deleted when there should be. We're probably trying
// to delete one column width from a wide character node. We remove the
// wide character node here and replace it with a single space.
var spaceNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(' ');
node.parentNode.insertBefore(spaceNode, node.nextSibling);
node.textContent = '';
endLength = 0;
count -= 1;
var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
if (endLength == 0 && node != this.cursorNode_) {
node = nextNode;
offset = 0;
// Remove this.cursorNode_ if it is an empty non-text node.
if (this.cursorNode_.nodeType != 3 && !this.cursorNode_.textContent) {
var cursorNode = this.cursorNode_;
if (cursorNode.previousSibling) {
this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode.previousSibling;
this.cursorOffset_ = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(
} else if (cursorNode.nextSibling) {
this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode.nextSibling;
this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
} else {
var emptyNode = this.cursorRowNode_.ownerDocument.createTextNode('');
this.cursorNode_ = emptyNode;
this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
return rv;
* Finds first X-ROW of a line containing specified X-ROW.
* Used to support line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW to begin search for first row of line.
* @return {Node} The X-ROW that is at the beginning of the line.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getLineStartRow_ = function(row) {
while (row.previousSibling &&
row.previousSibling.hasAttribute('line-overflow')) {
row = row.previousSibling;
return row;
* Gets text of a line beginning with row.
* Supports line overflow.
* @param {Node} row First X-ROW of line.
* @return {string} Text content of line.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getLineText_ = function(row) {
var rowText = "";
while (row) {
rowText += row.textContent;
if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow')) {
row = row.nextSibling;
} else {
return rowText;
* Returns X-ROW that is ancestor of the node.
* @param {Node} node Node to get X-ROW ancestor for.
* @return {Node} X-ROW ancestor of node, or null if not found.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getXRowAncestor_ = function(node) {
while (node) {
if (node.nodeName === 'X-ROW')
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
* Returns position within line of character at offset within node.
* Supports line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
* @param {Node} node Node to get position of.
* @param {integer} offset Offset into node.
* @return {integer} Position within line of character at offset within node.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getPositionWithOverflow_ = function(row, node, offset) {
if (!node)
return -1;
var ancestorRow = this.getXRowAncestor_(node);
if (!ancestorRow)
return -1;
var position = 0;
while (ancestorRow != row) {
position += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row);
if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow') && row.nextSibling) {
row = row.nextSibling;
} else {
return -1;
return position + this.getPositionWithinRow_(row, node, offset);
* Returns position within row of character at offset within node.
* Does not support line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW to get position within.
* @param {Node} node Node to get position for.
* @param {integer} offset Offset within node to get position for.
* @return {integer} Position within row of character at offset within node.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getPositionWithinRow_ = function(row, node, offset) {
if (node.parentNode != row) {
// If we traversed to the top node, then there's nothing to find here.
if (node.parentNode == null)
return -1;
return this.getPositionWithinRow_(node.parentNode, node, offset) +
this.getPositionWithinRow_(row, node.parentNode, 0);
var position = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < row.childNodes.length; i++) {
var currentNode = row.childNodes[i];
if (currentNode == node)
return position + offset;
position += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(currentNode);
return -1;
* Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within line.
* Supports line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
* @param {integer} position Position within line to retrieve node and offset.
* @return {Array} Two element array containing node and offset respectively.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_ = function(row, position) {
while (row && position > hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row)) {
if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow') && row.nextSibling) {
position -= hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row);
row = row.nextSibling;
} else {
return -1;
return this.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_(row, position);
* Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within row.
* Does not support line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW to get position within.
* @param {integer} position Position within row to retrieve node and offset.
* @return {Array} Two element array containing node and offset respectively.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_ = function(row, position) {
for (var i = 0; i < row.childNodes.length; i++) {
var node = row.childNodes[i];
var nodeTextWidth = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
if (position <= nodeTextWidth) {
if (node.nodeName === 'SPAN') {
/** Drill down to node contained by SPAN. **/
return this.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_(node, position);
} else {
return [node, position];
position -= nodeTextWidth;
return null;
* Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within line.
* Supports line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
* @param {integer} start Start position of range within line.
* @param {integer} end End position of range within line.
* @param {Range} range Range to modify.
hterm.Screen.prototype.setRange_ = function(row, start, end, range) {
var startNodeAndOffset = this.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_(row, start);
if (startNodeAndOffset == null)
var endNodeAndOffset = this.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_(row, end);
if (endNodeAndOffset == null)
range.setStart(startNodeAndOffset[0], startNodeAndOffset[1]);
range.setEnd(endNodeAndOffset[0], endNodeAndOffset[1]);
* Expands selection to surround URLs.
* @param {Selection} selection Selection to expand.
hterm.Screen.prototype.expandSelection = function(selection) {
if (!selection)
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
if (!range || range.toString().match(/\s/))
var row = this.getLineStartRow_(this.getXRowAncestor_(range.startContainer));
if (!row)
var startPosition = this.getPositionWithOverflow_(row,
if (startPosition == -1)
var endPosition = this.getPositionWithOverflow_(row,
if (endPosition == -1)
// Use the user configurable match settings.
var leftMatch = this.wordBreakMatchLeft;
var rightMatch = this.wordBreakMatchRight;
var insideMatch = this.wordBreakMatchMiddle;
//Move start to the left.
var rowText = this.getLineText_(row);
var lineUpToRange = lib.wc.substring(rowText, 0, endPosition);
var leftRegularExpression = new RegExp(leftMatch + insideMatch + "$");
var expandedStart =;
if (expandedStart == -1 || expandedStart > startPosition)
//Move end to the right.
var lineFromRange = lib.wc.substring(rowText, startPosition,
var rightRegularExpression = new RegExp("^" + insideMatch + rightMatch);
var found = lineFromRange.match(rightRegularExpression);
if (!found)
var expandedEnd = startPosition + lib.wc.strWidth(found[0]);
if (expandedEnd == -1 || expandedEnd < endPosition)
this.setRange_(row, expandedStart, expandedEnd, range);