blob: dc8efb43dae3d3cba117b0b7f82c3b0db247edeb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VOLUME_H_
#define VOLUME_H_
#include <pthread.h>
#include "archive.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/instance_handle.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var_array_buffer.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var_dictionary.h"
#include "ppapi/utility/completion_callback_factory.h"
#include "ppapi/utility/threading/lock.h"
#include "ppapi/utility/threading/simple_thread.h"
#include "javascript_requestor_interface.h"
#include "javascript_message_sender_interface.h"
#include "volume_archive.h"
// A factory that creates VolumeArchive(s). Useful for testing.
class VolumeArchiveFactoryInterface {
virtual ~VolumeArchiveFactoryInterface() {}
// Creates a new VolumeArchive.
virtual VolumeArchive* Create(VolumeReader* reader) = 0;
// A factory that creates VolumeReader(s). Useful for testing.
class VolumeReaderFactoryInterface {
virtual ~VolumeReaderFactoryInterface() {}
// Creates a new VolumeReader. Returns NULL if failed.
// Passes VolumeReader ownership to the implementation of
// VolumeArchiveInterfaceInterface.
virtual VolumeReader* Create(int64_t archive_size) = 0;
// Handles all operations like reading metadata and reading files from a single
// Volume.
class Volume {
Volume(const pp::InstanceHandle& instance_handle /* Used for workers. */,
const std::string& file_system_id,
JavaScriptMessageSenderInterface* message_sender);
// Used by tests to create custom VolumeArchive and VolumeReader objects.
// VolumeArchiveFactory and VolumeReaderFactory should be allocated with new
// and the ownership will be passed to Volume on constructing it.
Volume(const pp::InstanceHandle& instance_handle /* Used for workers. */,
const std::string& file_system_id,
JavaScriptMessageSenderInterface* message_sender,
VolumeArchiveFactoryInterface* volume_archive_factory,
VolumeReaderFactoryInterface* volume_reader_factory);
virtual ~Volume();
// Initializes the volume.
bool Init();
// Reads archive metadata using libarchive.
void ReadMetadata(const std::string& request_id,
const std::string& encoding,
int64_t archive_size);
// Processes a successful archive chunk read from JavaScript. Read offset
// represents the offset from where the data contained in array_buffer starts.
void ReadChunkDone(const std::string& nacl_request_id,
const pp::VarArrayBuffer& array_buffer,
int64_t read_offset);
// Processes an invalid archive chunk read from JavaScript.
void ReadChunkError(const std::string& nacl_request_id);
// Processes a successful passphrase read from JavaScript.
void ReadPassphraseDone(const std::string& nacl_request_id,
const std::string& passphrase);
// Processes an error when requesting a passphrase from JavaScript.
void ReadPassphraseError(const std::string& nacl_request_id);
// Opens a file.
void OpenFile(const std::string& request_id,
int64_t index,
const std::string& encoding,
int64_t archive_size);
// Closes a file.
void CloseFile(const std::string& request_id,
const std::string& open_request_id);
// Reads a file contents from offset to offset + length. dictionary
// should contain the open_request_id, the offset and the length with
// the keys as defined in "request" namespace, and they should have
// valid types. The reason for not passing them directly is that
// pp::CompletionCallbackFactory can create a callback with a maximum of
// 3 parameters, not 4 as needed here (including request_id).
void ReadFile(const std::string& request_id,
const pp::VarDictionary& dictionary);
JavaScriptMessageSenderInterface* message_sender() { return message_sender_; }
JavaScriptRequestorInterface* requestor() { return requestor_; }
std::string file_system_id() { return file_system_id_; }
// Encapsulates arguments to OpenFileCallback, as NewCallback supports binding
// up to three arguments, while here we have four.
struct OpenFileArgs;
// A callback helper for ReadMetadata.
void ReadMetadataCallback(int32_t result,
const std::string& request_id,
const std::string& encoding,
int64_t archive_size);
// A calback helper for OpenFile.
void OpenFileCallback(int32_t result,
const OpenFileArgs& args);
// A callback helper for CloseFile.
void CloseFileCallback(int32_t result,
const std::string& request_id,
const std::string& open_request_id);
// A calback helper for ReadFile.
void ReadFileCallback(int32_t result,
const std::string& request_id,
const pp::VarDictionary& dictionary);
// Creates a new archive object for this volume.
VolumeArchive* CreateVolumeArchive(const std::string& request_id,
const std::string& encoding,
int64_t archive_size);
// Clears job.
void ClearJob();
// Libarchive wrapper instance per volume, shared across all operations.
VolumeArchive* volume_archive_;
// The file system id for this volume.
std::string file_system_id_;
// An object that sends messages to JavaScript.
JavaScriptMessageSenderInterface* message_sender_;
// A worker for jobs that require blocking operations or a lot of processing
// time. Those shouldn't be done on the main thread. The jobs submitted to
// this thread are executed in order, so a new job must wait for the last job
// to finish.
// TODO(cmihail): Consider using multiple workers in case of many jobs to
// improve execution speedup. In case multiple workers are added
// synchronization between workers might be needed.
pp::SimpleThread worker_;
// Callback factory used to submit jobs to worker_.
// See "Detailed Description" Note at:
// pepper_dev/cpp/classpp_1_1_completion_callback_factory
// As a minus this would require ugly synchronization between the main thread
// and the function that is executed on worker_ construction. Current
// implementation is simimlar to examples in $NACL_SDK_ROOT and according to
// it should be safe (see TODO(dmichael)). That's because both worker_ and
// callback_factory_ will be alive during the life of Volume and deleting a
// Volume is permitted only if there are no requests in progress on
// JavaScript side (this means no Callbacks in progress).
pp::CompletionCallbackFactory<Volume> callback_factory_;
// Request ID of the current reader instance.
std::string reader_request_id_;
pp::Lock job_lock_; // A lock for guarding members related to jobs.
// A requestor for making calls to JavaScript.
JavaScriptRequestorInterface* requestor_;
// A factory for creating VolumeArchive.
VolumeArchiveFactoryInterface* volume_archive_factory_;
// A factory for creating VolumeReader.
VolumeReaderFactoryInterface* volume_reader_factory_;
#endif /// VOLUME_H_