blob: d79408fd961e1690774161041491e279b6195f56 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Provides functions for parsing the options for and
import argparse
import functools
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from import build_common
from import ninja_generator
from import OPTIONS
from import manager
from import launch_chrome_util
from import remote_executor
_SYSTEM_CRX_NAME = 'system_mode.default'
def _parse_barewords(args, parsed_args):
for i in range(0, len(args)):
if re.match('.*\.apk', args[i]):
raise Exception('Unrecognized arg "%s"' % args[i])
return True
def _parse_mode_arguments(remaining_args, parsed_args):
if not _parse_barewords(remaining_args, parsed_args):
return False
if parsed_args.mode == 'system':
# TODO( Currently, system mode CRX is generated in the
# launch_chrome. But it should be generated in the build step.
if not parsed_args.crx_name_override:
parsed_args.crx_name_override = _SYSTEM_CRX_NAME
elif parsed_args.mode == 'atftest':
# We need an APK to test unless we override the CRX.
if not parsed_args.apk_path_list and not parsed_args.crx_name_override:
raise Exception('Must specify atftest test')
# HelloAndroid is the default APK if no APK is specified.
if not parsed_args.apk_path_list:
parsed_args.apk_path_list = [
if parsed_args.mode == 'arcwelder':
parsed_args.build_crx = False
parsed_args.arc_data_dir = os.path.join(
parsed_args.arc_data_dir = _get_arc_data_dir(parsed_args)
return True
def _parse_gdb_targets(value):
known_targets = ('plugin', 'gpu', 'renderer', 'browser')
targets = []
for t in value.split(','):
if t in known_targets:
print 'discarding unknown gdb target:', t
return targets
def _validate_perftest_settings(parser, args):
if args.mode == 'perftest':
if args.iterations < 1:
args.iterations = 1
args.stop_before_resume = True
if args.no_cache_warming:
parser.error("--no-cache-warming only valid in 'perftest' mode")
if args.iterations:
parser.error("--iterations only valid in 'perftest' mode")
if args.iteration_lock_file:
parser.error("--iteration-lock-file only valid in 'perftest' mode")
def _validate_system_settings(parser, args):
if args.mode != 'system':
args.enable_adb = True
if args.apk_path_list:
parser.error("[path-to-apk]* is not valid in 'system' mode")
def _validate_gdb_type(parser, args):
if args.gdb_type == 'wait':
if len(args.gdb) != 1 or args.gdb[0] != 'plugin':
parser.error('--gdb_type=wait works only with --gdb=plugin')
def _validate_remote_debug_settings(parser, args):
if 'plugin' in args.gdb:
if (args.nacl_helper_nonsfi_binary and
not os.path.exists(args.nacl_helper_nonsfi_binary)):
parser.error('The file specified by --nacl-helper-nonsfi-binary must '
'exist in your workstation.')
if args.nacl_helper_nonsfi_binary:
parser.error('--nacl-helper-nonsfi-binary can only be used with '
def _validate_debug_modes(parser, args):
debug_modes = []
if args.gdb:
if args.perfstartup:
if args.java_trace_startup:
if args.tracestartup:
if len(debug_modes) > 1:
parser.error("Cannot use more than 1 debug mode:" + str(debug_modes))
_validate_gdb_type(parser, args)
_validate_remote_debug_settings(parser, args)
def _validate_timeout(parser, args):
if (args.timeout != _DEFAULT_TIMEOUT and
args.mode not in ['perftest', 'atftest', 'system']):
parser.error("--timeout only valid in 'perftest' or 'atftest' mode")
def _validate_valgrind(parser, args):
if OPTIONS.enable_valgrind():
parser.error("You cannot run ARC with binaries built for Valgrind "
"because Valgrind build uses with a "
"special hack for Valgrind.")
def _validate_flakiness_retry(parser, args):
if args.chrome_flakiness_retry and (args.jdb_port or args.gdb):
parser.error('--chrome-flakiness-retry cannot be used with '
'--gdb or --jdb-port.')
if args.chrome_flakiness_retry < 0:
parser.error('--chrome-flakiness-retry must be non-negative value.')
def _setup_filterspec_from_args(args):
if args.silent:
args.stderr_log = 'S'
if args.logcat is not None:
args.stderr_log = 'S'
args.enable_adb = True
def _resolve_perf_test_mode(args):
if args.mode == 'perftest':
# Use clean profile for performance test unless --user-data-dir is
# explicitly set.
if not args.user_data_dir:
args.use_temporary_data_dirs = True
if args.minimum_launch_delay is not None:
if args.remote:
# Right after launching Chrome, the browser process is very busy doing its
# own initialization and installing the ARC app to its disk. On Z620,
# where disk is very fast and many CPU cores are available, the tasks
# running in the browser process does not affect perftest score that much,
# but on Chromebooks, especially Yoshi, it does. To make the perftest
# score more realistic, add 1.5s wait to the onLaunched handler in
# main.html.
args.minimum_launch_delay = 1500 # in milliseconds.
# Launch delay to allow dexopt to complete.
args.minimum_launch_delay = 500 # in milliseconds.
def _get_arc_data_dir(parsed_args):
if parsed_args.crx_name_override:
# We use crx_name_override to isolate /mnt and /data of non pepper FS mode.
crx_name = parsed_args.crx_name_override
# The last APK listed is the one that is actually run. For consistency, use
# it also for the path to the unpacked CRX.
crx_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(
# Chrome does not like spaces in paths to CRXs to load.
return os.path.join(build_common.get_data_root_dir(),
crx_name.replace(' ', '_'))
def _set_default_args(args):
"""Override for local developing if not specific."""
if args.stderr_log is None:
args.stderr_log = 'W'
def _add_parser_arguments_for_metadata(parser):
def convert_short_options_to_long(metadata_definition, value):
if metadata_definition.short_value_mapping:
mapping = metadata_definition.short_value_mapping
if value in mapping:
return mapping[value]
return value
group = parser.add_argument_group('Manifest metadata (auto-generated)')
metadata_definitions = manager.get_metadata_definitions()
for definition in metadata_definitions:
argument_names = ['--' + definition.command_argument_name]
if definition.short_option_name:
argument_names.append('-' + definition.short_option_name)
default = definition.default_value
metadata_type = type(default)
additional_params = {}
if metadata_type is bool:
action = 'store_true'
if default is True:
action = 'store_false'
additional_params['action'] = action
elif metadata_type is unicode:
'choices': definition.allowed_values,
'type': functools.partial(convert_short_options_to_long, definition)
elif metadata_type is int:
'choices': definition.allowed_values,
'type': int
raise Exception('Unknown metdata type: ' + str(metadata_type))
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
usage='%(prog)s [options...] <command> [...]',
Start Chrome and launch the ARC Welder packaging tool.
atftest [path-to-apk]*
Starts Chrome, and launches the first set of tests found which target the
last APK given. Some APKs test themselves, but others might test what
would otherwise be the full app. If you do have multiple APKs, list the
one which contains the unit test code first, and the code being tested
The output of Chrome will be examined for any test related messages, and
the exit code of the script process will be set according to whether it
passed or failed.
run [path-to-apk]*
Start Chrome with one or more Android APKs. Only the last one listed has
its default activity launched.
If no APKs are given, a sample set is used by default.
Starts Chrome with ARC system services, but no APK. AdbService is
enabled so to accept adb commands through the network.
perftest [path-to-apk]*
Test that the given APKs can be started and print the time to boot.
If no APKs are given, a sample set is used by default.
Native Client Debugging
When debugging NativeClient, you can also increase logging output with
these environment variables:
NACL_SRPC_DEBUG=[1-255] (higher is more output)
NACLVERBOSITY=[1-255] (higher is more output)
When you need to debug a remote machine (e.g. Chromebook), add them
to _REMOTE_ENV[] in util/
""", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
choices=('arcwelder', 'atftest', 'run', 'system',
help='A comma separated list of additional Android'
' permissions the CRX should declare.',
parser.add_argument('--additional-metadata', '-m', default={},
help='Add additional metadata to the crx.')
parser.add_argument('--arc-strace-output', metavar='<file>',
help='Output file for --enable-arc-strace (default: '
'out/arc_strace.txt). Use \'stderr\' to send results to '
help='A \':\' separated list of googletest test filters '
'for ATF based gtest suite runner. The delimiter of the '
'TestCase and TestMethodName is \'.\'.')
help='A \':\' separated list of all googletest test '
'cases contained in the testing binary (regardless '
'whether it will run or not based on the '
'--atf-gtest-filter ) for ATF based gtest suite runner. '
'The delimiter of the TestCase and TestMethodName is '
parser.add_argument('--app-template', metavar='<path>', default=None,
help='Path to an override app template for apk_to_crx '
parser.add_argument('--no-cache-warming', action='store_true',
help='Works with perftest command only. Not starts the '
'plugin page before --iterations start counting.')
parser.add_argument('--chrome-binary', metavar='<path>', default=None,
help='The path to the Chrome binary on which ARC '
'runs. Note that the directory containing the binary '
'needs to contain other data/binaries to run Chrome '
'(for example, nacl_helper is needed to be contained). '
'Be careful. There can be PPAPI compatibility issues '
'when the version of your Chrome binary is very '
'different from src/build/')
parser.add_argument('--chrome-arg', metavar='<arg>', action='append',
help='The additional argument for launching the Chrome.')
parser.add_argument('--chrome-flakiness-retry', default=0, type=int,
help='The max number of retry when Chrome looks flaky. '
'This is applied for each iteration. This flag cannot '
'be used with --jdb, --jdb_port or --gdb flags at a same '
'time. Note that this number does not contain the first '
'run, i.e., --chrome-flakiness-retry=2 means that '
'the subprocess would be launched at most 3 times '
'(first run + 2 retries (in worst case)).')
parser.add_argument('--crx-name-override', metavar='<path>', default=None,
help='The name of the CRX which will be generated '
'by this script from an APK. This will be set by '
'run_integration_tests to isolate each test. '
'The basename of APK will be used if not specified.')
parser.add_argument('--disable-nacl-sandbox', action='store_true',
help='Disable NaCl sandbox.')
parser.add_argument('--display', help='Use given display for Chrome')
# TODO( Remove this option and make it the default
# once we remove all individual metadata options and only specify
# metadata via -m option.
parser.add_argument('--dogfood-metadata', '-D', action='store_true',
help='Use dogfood metadata settings to start this app')
parser.add_argument('--enable-fake-video-source', action='store_true',
help='Enable a fake video source for testing')
parser.add_argument('--enable-nacl-list-mappings', action='store_true',
help='Enable the nacl_list_mappings call.')
parser.add_argument('--enable-osmesa', action='store_true', default=None,
help='Enable GL emulation with OSMesa.')
parser.add_argument('--gdb', metavar='<targets>', default=[],
help='A comma-seperated list of targets to debug. '
'Possible values include: plugin, gpu, browser, '
choices=('xterm', 'wait', 'screen', 'emacsclient'),
help='Specifies how GDB is launched. By default, it is '
'launched under GDB. If you specify "wait", the plugin '
'will not run until you attach GDB by yourself. '
'Currently "wait" is supported only for NaCl plugins.')
parser.add_argument('--iteration-lock-file', metavar='<path>',
help='If a filename is specified, '
'touches a file and waits for it to be removed before '
'every perftest iteration.')
parser.add_argument('--iterations', type=int, metavar='<N>',
help='Works with perftest command only. Starts the '
'plugin page <N> times and prints average stats. '
'Starts counting after warmup iterations.')
parser.add_argument('--jdb', dest='jdb_port', action='store_const',
default=None, const=8000,
help='Wait for a JDWP compliant debugger (such as jdb '
'or Eclipse) to connect. Once the user resumes, '
'booting will resume.')
parser.add_argument('--jdb-type', dest='jdb_type',
choices=('eclipse', 'emacsclient', 'none'),
help='Specifies which java debugger is launched. If you '
'specify "none" it is launched in mode which waits JDWP '
'compliant debugger (such as jdb) to connect. Once the '
'user resumes, booting will resume. If you specify '
'"eclipse" then the Eclipse framework will be launched '
'and it will be automatically connected to debugger. '
'Implies --jdb.')
parser.add_argument('--logcat', dest='logcat', metavar='[filterspecs]',
type=str, nargs='+', default=None,
help='Execute adb logcat with given filtersepcs.')
parser.add_argument('--nacl-helper-nonsfi-binary', metavar='<path>',
help='The path to nacl_helper_nonsfi binary. This '
'option is usable only when both --remote and '
'--gdb=plugin are specified. If this is not specified, '
'nacl_helper_nonsfi will be copied from the remote host '
'but symbols in nacl_helper_nonsfi may be unavailable.')
parser.add_argument('--nocrxbuild', dest='build_crx', action='store_false',
help='Do not to rebuild the crx - just use what is '
'already there.')
parser.add_argument('--noninja', dest='run_ninja', action='store_false',
help='Do not attempt build before running the above '
parser.add_argument('--obb-main', type=str, default=None, metavar='<path>',
help='The main expansion file, e.g. '
parser.add_argument('--obb-patch', type=str, default=None, metavar='<path>',
help='The patch expansion file, e.g. '
parser.add_argument('--perfstartup', type=int, metavar='<N>',
help='Launch with perf and collect data for the first '
'<N> seconds. Plugin will be killed after this timeout.')
parser.add_argument('--lang', help='Set language for the Chrome')
# TODO( Get rid of the fake ATF test concept used
# by NDK tests currently.
parser.add_argument('--run-test-as-app', action='store_true',
help='Runs a test as an application and not as '
parser.add_argument('--run-test-classes', metavar='<classes>',
help='Used by atftest to specify which test classes to '
parser.add_argument('--run-test-packages', metavar='<packages>',
help='Used by atftest to specify which test packages to '
parser.add_argument('--silent', '-s', action='store_true',
help='Sets the default filter spec to silent.')
parser.add_argument('--start-test-component', metavar='<component>',
help='Used by atftest to indicate how to launch the '
parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
help='Works with atftest, system and perftest commands '
'only. Specifies timeout for running test in seconds. '
'Default is ' + str(_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) + ' sec.')
parser.add_argument('--tracestartup', type=int, metavar='<N>',
help='Trace from browser startup (the first <N> '
'seconds) to collect data for chrome://tracing. Output '
'file is chrometrace.log.')
parser.add_argument('--use-temporary-data-dirs', action='store_true',
help='Use a temporary directory as the user data '
'directory of Chrome. The launched Chrome has empty '
'profile and HTML5 filesystem and they will be '
'removed when this script finishes. The ARC data '
'directory, which contains the unpacked CRX files, is '
'also removed.')
parser.add_argument('--use-all-play-services', action='store_true',
help='Enable all available Play Services APIs')
parser.add_argument('--use-test-app', action='store_true',
help='Use the ARC Test App ID with enabled APIs')
parser.add_argument('--user-data-dir', metavar='<path>',
help='Specify user data dir for Chrome to run')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true',
help='Show verbose logging')
# We do not support '--use-high-dpi=yes/no' here since as of today Chrome's
# device scale setting is almost always 1.0 at this point except on Pixel
# where this script is not needed.
args, opts = parser.parse_known_args(
if not args.dogfood_metadata:
# Inject a few additional attributes to the parsed args that we'll use
# throughout the rest of this script.
setattr(args, 'arc_data_dir', None)
setattr(args, 'apk_path_list', [])
if not _parse_mode_arguments(opts, args):
_validate_perftest_settings(parser, args)
_validate_system_settings(parser, args)
_validate_debug_modes(parser, args)
_validate_timeout(parser, args)
_validate_valgrind(parser, args)
_validate_flakiness_retry(parser, args)
return args