blob: 5d28be3bc9158a05151ec0b16420301dd596cccc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines utility functions for working with process data.
#include <link.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "common/private/minimal_base.h"
#include "gtest/gtest_prod.h"
template <typename T> struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
namespace base {
class Lock;
} // namespace base
namespace arc {
class BacktraceInterface;
// Describes a single segment from an ELF file in memory.
class ProcessMapHeader {
uint32_t GetType() const { return type_; }
std::string GetLibrary() const { return library_; }
uintptr_t GetBaseAddress() const { return base_address_; }
uintptr_t GetObjectAddress() const { return object_address_; }
uintptr_t GetVirtualAddress() const {
return base_address_ + object_address_;
uintptr_t GetMemorySize() const { return memory_size_; }
uintptr_t GetFileOffset() const { return file_offset_; }
uint32_t GetFlags() const { return flags_; }
std::string GetTypeStr() const;
std::string GetFlagsStr() const;
std::string ConvertToString() const;
std::string ConvertToJSON() const;
typedef std::vector<ProcessMapHeader> List;
// Dumps layout of the current process.
static void DumpLayout(List* list);
static void SortByVirtualAddress(List* list);
static void AddSyntheticLibraries(
size_t loader_size, size_t irt_size, List* list);
// Prints layout of the current process to stderr.
// To dump code segments call PrintLayout(PT_LOAD).
static void PrintLayout(int type_filter);
static std::string ConvertListToJSON(const List& list);
FRIEND_TEST(ProcessMapHeaderTest, ConvertToJSON);
FRIEND_TEST(ProcessMapHeaderTest, ConvertListToJSON);
ProcessMapHeader(); // No default constructor.
ProcessMapHeader(const struct dl_phdr_info* info, int idx);
static int DumpPhdrCallback(
struct dl_phdr_info* info, size_t size, void *data);
static bool CompareByVirtualAddress(
ProcessMapHeader i, ProcessMapHeader j);
int type_;
std::string library_;
uintptr_t base_address_;
uintptr_t object_address_;
uintptr_t memory_size_;
uintptr_t file_offset_;
uint32_t flags_;
// TODO( Drop this.
// This structure matches the current unstable abi of the NaCl list_mappings
// syscall. Eventually a public header will be provided when the interface is
// stable and we should use that instead.
struct NaClMemMappingInfo {
uint32_t start;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t prot;
uint32_t max_prot;
uint32_t vmmap_type;
// Records backtraces when mmap is done.
struct MemoryMappingBacktrace;
class MemoryMappingBacktraceMap {
static MemoryMappingBacktraceMap* GetInstance();
void MapCurrentStackFrame(void *addr, size_t length);
void Unmap(void *addr, size_t length);
std::string ConvertBacktraceToJSON(void *addr);
static int GetUninterestingLayers();
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<MemoryMappingBacktraceMap>;
friend class MemoryMappingBacktraceMapTest;
// Hook to allow mocking of backtracing.
BacktraceInterface* backtracer_;
typedef std::map<uintptr_t, MemoryMappingBacktrace*> Map;
Map memory_;
// TODO( Use std::unique_ptr once we completely migrate to
// clang.
base::Lock* mu_;
// Describes a single mmap memory mapping region.
class MemoryMappingInfo {
uint32_t GetStart() const { return info_.start; }
uint32_t GetSize() const { return info_.size; }
uint32_t GetProtection() const { return info_.prot; }
uint32_t GetMaximumProtection() const { return info_.max_prot; }
uint32_t GetVmmapType() const { return info_.vmmap_type; }
std::string ConvertToJSON() const;
typedef std::vector<MemoryMappingInfo> List;
// Dump mappings in the current process (sorted by start address).
static void DumpRegions(List* list);
static std::string ConvertListToJSON(const List& list);
static void ExtractNaClSizes(
const List& list, size_t* loader_size, size_t* irt_size);
FRIEND_TEST(MemoryMappingInfoTest, ConvertToJSON);
FRIEND_TEST(MemoryMappingInfoTest, ConvertListToJSON);
MemoryMappingInfo(); // No default constructor.
explicit MemoryMappingInfo(const struct NaClMemMappingInfo* info);
NaClMemMappingInfo info_;
// Place to collect all interesting memory state snapshot related functionality.
class MemoryState {
static std::string DumpAsJSON();
static std::string DumpMallocInfoAsJSON();
} // namespace arc