blob: 0a92abe0fcee56392ded4ba001fbd3184d792646 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Simple class to give sub-second timing and memory usage.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
const int kVirtualMemoryField = 22;
template <typename T> struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
namespace arc {
class Performance {
// Callback type used for RegisterPrintCallback(). |message| is a perf
// message generated in Print() function.
typedef void (*PrintCallback)(const std::string& message);
static Performance* GetInstance();
void Start();
void Print(const char* description);
void BeginTrace(const char* name);
void EndTrace(const char* name);
void InstantTrace(const char* name);
// Registers a callback to be called when Print() is called. This function
// is not thread safe and should be called from the main thread before any
// other thread is created. The callback should be thread-safe as Print()
// function can be called from any thread.
void RegisterPrintCallback(PrintCallback print_callback) {
print_callback_ = print_callback;
// Returns time in microseconds since epoch.
static int64_t GetTimeInMicroseconds();
// Returns microsecond ticks which match Chrome ticks.
static int64_t GetTicksInMicroseconds();
// Returns virtual memory usage in bytes
bool GetMemoryUsage(int* virtual_bytes, int* resident_bytes) const;
int64_t GetPluginStartTimeInMicroseconds() const {
return plugin_start_time_;
void SetAppLaunchTimeInMicroseconds(int64_t us) {
app_launch_time_ = us;
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<Performance>;
~Performance() {}
// Converts |tick| obtained by calling GetTicksInMicroseconds() to time in
// milliseconds since epoch.
int64_t TickToTime(int64_t tick) const;
int64_t app_launch_time_;
int64_t plugin_start_time_;
int64_t tick_base_; // a tick that roughly corresponds to plugin_start_time_
int start_virtual_bytes_;
int start_resident_bytes_;
PrintCallback print_callback_;
} // namespace arc