blob: a4ead0d5a57e64b685236a799d08ae9badc2c7b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Takes an image bitmap as input and prints it out in ANSI format.
#include <common/print_image.h>
#include <stdio.h>
template <class T> struct ImageBits {
T r, g, b, a;
// We pick 5x10 pixels to be expressed per pixel. We could have
// instead picked a number of characters max to display the image, but
// in debugging it was often useful to see the relative sizes of
// different images.
const int kCharPixelWidth = 5;
const int kCharPixelHeight = 10;
// Threshold value for an 8-bit color channel signal level to be shown
// in output.
const unsigned char kColorThreshold = 128;
namespace arc {
void PrintImage(FILE* fp, void* data_rgba8, int width, int height,
bool upside_down) {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;
fprintf(fp, "\e[0m");
const int kAnsiRed = 1;
const int kAnsiGreen = 2;
const int kAnsiBlue = 4;
ImageBits<unsigned char>* texture =
reinterpret_cast<ImageBits<unsigned char>*>(data_rgba8);
for (int sy = 0; sy < height; sy += kCharPixelHeight) {
for (int sx = 0; sx < width; sx += kCharPixelWidth) {
ImageBits<uint64_t> summed = {};
int samples = 0;
for (int suby = sy; suby < sy + kCharPixelHeight; ++suby) {
if (suby >= height)
for (int subx = sx; subx < sx + kCharPixelHeight; ++subx) {
if (subx >= width)
ImageBits<unsigned char>* here = NULL;
if (upside_down)
here = &texture[(height - 1 - suby) * width + subx];
here = &texture[suby * width + subx];
summed.r += here->r;
summed.g += here->g;
summed.b += here->b;
summed.a += here->a;
summed.r /= samples;
summed.g /= samples;
summed.b /= samples;
summed.a /= samples;
int ansi_color = 0;
if (summed.r > kColorThreshold) ansi_color |= kAnsiRed;
if (summed.g > kColorThreshold) ansi_color |= kAnsiGreen;
if (summed.b > kColorThreshold) ansi_color |= kAnsiBlue;
fprintf(fp, "\e[4%dm%s", ansi_color,
summed.a > kColorThreshold ? " " : ".");
fprintf(fp, "\e[0m");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
} // namespace arc