Switch the Linux minidump writer to use MDCVInfoELF for CV data.

This preserves full build ids in minidumps, which are useful for
tracking down the right version of system libraries from Linux

The default build id produced by GNU binutils' ld is a 160-bit SHA-1
hash of some parts of the binary, which is exactly 20 bytes:

The bulk of the changes here are to change the signatures of the
FileID methods to use a wasteful_vector instead of raw pointers, since
build ids can be of arbitrary length.

The previous change that added support for this in the processor code
preserved the return value of `Minidump::debug_identifier()` as the
current `GUID+age` treatment for backwards-compatibility, and exposed
the full build id from `Minidump::code_identifier()`, which was
previously stubbed out for Linux dumps. This change keeps the debug ID
in the `dump_syms` output the same to match.

R=mark@chromium.org, thestig@chromium.org

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1688743002 .
16 files changed
tree: 2164203da75d894883e042368c34370f6c3af4c8
  1. android/
  2. autotools/
  3. docs/
  4. m4/
  5. src/
  6. .gitignore
  7. aclocal.m4
  9. breakpad-client.pc.in
  10. breakpad.pc.in
  11. ChangeLog
  12. codereview.settings
  13. configure
  14. configure.ac
  15. DEPS
  18. Makefile.am
  19. Makefile.in
  20. NEWS
  22. README.md


Breakpad is a set of client and server components which implement a crash-reporting system.

Getting started in 32-bit mode (from trunk)

# Configure
CXXFLAGS=-m32 CFLAGS=-m32 CPPFLAGS=-m32 ./configure
# Build
# Test
make check
# Install
make install

If you need to reconfigure your build be sure to run make distclean first.

To request change review:

  1. Get a copy of depot_tools repo. http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/install-depot-tools

  2. Create a new directory for checking out the source code. mkdir breakpad && cd breakpad

  3. Run the fetch tool from depot_tools to download all the source repos. fetch breakpad

  4. Make changes. Build and test your changes. For core code like processor use methods above. For linux/mac/windows, there are test targets in each project file.

  5. Commit your changes to your local repo and upload them to the server. http://dev.chromium.org/developers/contributing-code e.g. git commit ... && git cl upload ... You will be prompted for credential and a description.

  6. At https://codereview.chromium.org/ you'll find your issue listed; click on it, and select Publish+Mail, and enter in the code reviewer and CC google-breakpad-dev@googlegroups.com