blob: 3035ca773234007ced73c9fb09dc03ffd3601155 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package cast.platform;
import "proto/common/duration.proto";
import "proto/common/service_info.proto";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Platform service. Implemented and hosted by Platform.
service PlatformService {
// Starts a runtime. Called by CastCoreService which endpoint is fetched from
// the ServerContext.
rpc StartRuntime(StartRuntimeRequest) returns (StartRuntimeResponse);
// Stops a runtime.
rpc StopRuntime(StopRuntimeRequest) returns (StopRuntimeResponse);
// A server-streaming RPC that requests repeated heartbeats from the Platform
// with a period defined in HeartbeatRequest. CastCore considers the Platform
// 'unavailable' if heartbeats time out or the streaming connection is
// terminated, and will unregister all the runtimes.
rpc Heartbeat(HeartbeatRequest) returns (stream HeartbeatResponse);
// Brings the runtime to the foreground on the screen. This method can be
// called for a runtime that is already in foreground in which case the OK
// status must be returned.
rpc BringToForeground(BringToForegroundRequest)
returns (BringToForegroundResponse);
message StartRuntimeRequest {
// Cast Runtime ID assigned in CastCoreService.RegisterRuntime.
string runtime_id = 1;
// gRPC endpoint Cast Runtime must run on.
cast.common.ServiceInfo runtime_service_info = 2;
// Flag to indicate that the request is for prelaunch.
bool prelaunch = 3;
// Home directory which must be used by CAST_WEB runtimes.
string runtime_home = 4;
message StartRuntimeResponse {}
message StopRuntimeRequest {
string runtime_id = 1;
message StopRuntimeResponse {}
message HeartbeatRequest {
// Period between two heartbeat responses. The Core will wait for double of
// this time to avoid network glitches. The minimum value is 5 seconds.
cast.common.Duration heartbeat_period = 1;
message HeartbeatResponse {}
message BringToForegroundRequest {
// Cast Runtime ID assigned in CastCoreService.RegisterRuntime.
string runtime_id = 1;
message BringToForegroundResponse {}