blob: 879ace7fb0f936c28fd08a40b4d4a6fec4c7eff0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import datetime
# Need to have dateutil module installed locally.
# pylint:disable=import-error
import dateutil.parser
from benchmark_health_report import dashboard_api
from benchmark_health_report import drive_api
import six
def LoadBenchmarkData(
start_date, end_date, single_benchmark):
"""Pulls benchmark data from dashboard API and sheets, and summarizes."""
today = _GetTodayUtc()
num_days = (today - start_date).days + 1
alerts = dashboard_api.GetAlerts(num_days, single_benchmark)
benchmarks = {}
bugs = {}
owners = _GetOwners()
builds = _GetBuilds()
for alert in alerts:
utc_timestamp = _GetUtcDatetimeFromIsoTimestamp(alert['timestamp'])
if utc_timestamp > end_date or utc_timestamp < start_date:
benchmark_name = alert['testsuite']
if single_benchmark and benchmark_name != single_benchmark:
benchmark = benchmarks.setdefault(
benchmark_name, _GetDefaultBenchmark(benchmark_name, owners, builds))
_AddAlertDataToBenchmark(benchmark, alert, bugs)
for bug_id in bugs:
bugs[bug_id] = dashboard_api.GetBug(bug_id)
for _, benchmark in six.iteritems(benchmarks):
for bug_id in benchmark['bugs']:
bug = bugs[bug_id]
_AddBugDataToBenchmark(benchmark, bug)
return benchmarks, bugs
def _GetOwners():
"""Reads the owners spreadsheet and returns a map of benchmark:owner."""
owners = {}
owner_values = drive_api.ReadSpreadsheet(
'1xaAo0_SU3iDfGdqDJZX_jRV0QtkufwHUKH3kQKF3YQs', 'A4:B')
for row in owner_values:
if len(row) < 2:
owners[row[0]] = row[1]
return owners
def _GetBuilds():
"""Reads the build failure spreadsheet and returns a map of benchmark:data.
TODO(sullivan): replace with flakiness dashboard data when available.
build_values = drive_api.ReadSpreadsheet(
'1FG217E4V_E7Wxn1_mlMaqRAPIQyebzcGIjv4SPxddzQ', 'A2:D')
builds = {}
for row in build_values:
name = row[0]
successful = float(row[1])
failed = float(row[2])
builds[name] = {
'successful': successful,
'failed': failed,
'total': successful + failed,
'percent_failed': round((failed / (successful + failed)) * 100)
return builds
def _GetDefaultBenchmark(benchmark_name, owners, builds):
return {
'name': benchmark_name,
'total_alerts': 0,
'untriaged_alerts': 0,
'invalid_alerts': 0,
'valid_alerts': 0,
'total_bugs': 0,
'open_bugs': 0,
'closed_bugs': 0,
'fixed_bugs': 0,
'wontfix_bugs': 0,
'duplicate_bugs': 0,
'total_bisects': 0,
'successful_bisects': 0,
'no_repro_bisects': 0,
'infra_failure_bisects': 0,
'bugs': set([]),
'alerts': [],
'owner': owners.get(benchmark_name),
'percent_failed_builds': builds.get(
benchmark_name, {}).get('percent_failed'),
'total_builds': builds.get(benchmark_name, {}).get('total'),
def _AddAlertDataToBenchmark(benchmark, alert, bugs):
if not alert['improvement']:
benchmark['total_alerts'] += 1
bug_id = alert['bug_id']
if bug_id is None:
benchmark['untriaged_alerts'] += 1
elif bug_id < 0:
benchmark['invalid_alerts'] += 1
benchmark['valid_alerts'] += 1
bugs[bug_id] = {}
def _AddBugDataToBenchmark(benchmark, bug):
benchmark['total_bugs'] += 1
if bug['state'] == 'open':
benchmark['open_bugs'] += 1
benchmark['closed_bugs'] += 1
if bug['status'] == 'Fixed' or bug['status'] == 'Verified':
benchmark['fixed_bugs'] += 1
elif bug['status'] == 'WontFix' or bug['status'] == 'Archived':
benchmark['wontfix_bugs'] += 1
elif bug['status'] == 'Duplicate':
# TODO(sullivan): report the duplicate bug status
benchmark['duplicate_bugs'] += 1
for bisect in bug['legacy_bisects']:
benchmark['total_bisects'] += 1
if bisect['status'] == 'success':
benchmark['successful_bisects'] += 1
elif bisect['status'] == 'no-repro':
benchmark['no_repro_bisects'] += 1
elif bisect['status'] == 'failed':
benchmark['infra_failure_bisects'] += 1
def GetTimeseriesList(benchmark):
return dashboard_api.GetTimeseriesList(benchmark)
def _GetUtcDatetimeFromIsoTimestamp(timestamp_str):
if not timestamp_str.endswith('Z'):
# Dashboard keeps all dates in UTC, and always writes ISO timestamps, but
# it does not append the 'Z'. Since we want the datetime to be UTC and
# timezone-aware, just append the 'Z'.
timestamp_str += 'Z'
return dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp_str)
def _GetTodayUtc():
return datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(
def GetTimeseries(name, start_date, end_date):
num_days = (_GetTodayUtc() - start_date).days + 1
full_timeseries = dashboard_api.GetTimeseries(name, num_days)['timeseries']
filtered_timeseries = [full_timeseries[0]]
for row in full_timeseries[1:]:
row_datetime = _GetUtcDatetimeFromIsoTimestamp(row[2])
if row_datetime < start_date or row_datetime > end_date:
return filtered_timeseries