blob: d7b40c5d16e24a913f094e443573c52b830b53f1 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
* Concrete implementation of Plotter strategy for creating
* bar charts.
* @implements {Plotter}
class BarPlotter {
constructor() {
/** @private @const {number} x_
* The x axis column in the graph data table.
this.x_ = 0;
/** @private @const {number} x_
* The y axis column in the graph data table.
this.y_ = 1;
* Initalises the chart by computing the scales for the axes and
* drawing them. It also applies the labels to the graph (axes and
* graph titles).
* @param {GraphData} graph Data to be drawn.
* @param {Object} chart Chart to draw to.
* @param {Object} chartDimensions Size of the chart.
initChart_(graph, chart, chartDimensions) {
this.outerBandScale_ = this.createXAxisScale_(graph, chartDimensions);
this.scaleForYAxis_ = this.createYAxisScale_(graph, chartDimensions);
this.xAxisGenerator_ = d3.axisBottom(this.outerBandScale_);
this.yAxisGenerator_ = d3.axisLeft(this.scaleForYAxis_);
// Wrap in untransformed g tag to preserve co ordinate system of chart.
.attr('class', 'xaxis')
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${chartDimensions.height})`);
this.yAxisDrawing_ = chart.append('g')
// Each story is assigned a band by the createXAxisScale function
// which maintains the positions in which each category of the chart
// will be rendered. This further divides these bands into
// sub-bands for each data source, so that different labels can be
// grouped within the same category.
this.innerBandScale_ = this.createInnerBandScale_(graph);
getBarCategories_(graph) {
// Process data sources so that their data contains only their categories.
const dataSources = graph.process(data => => row[this.x_]));
if (dataSources.length > 0) {
return dataSources[0].data;
return [];
createXAxisScale_(graph, chartDimensions) {
return d3.scaleBand()
.range([0, chartDimensions.width])
createYAxisScale_(graph, chartDimensions) {
const maxHeight =
Math.round(graph.max(row => this.computeAverage_(row[this.y_])));
const defaultRange = 1;
return d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([maxHeight || defaultRange, 0]).nice()
.range([0, chartDimensions.height]);
createInnerBandScale_(graph) {
const keys = graph.keys();
return d3.scaleBand()
.range([0, this.outerBandScale_.bandwidth()]);
* Attempts to compute the average of the given numbers but returns
* 0 if the supplied array is empty.
* @param {Array<number>} data
* @returns {number}
computeAverage_(data) {
if (!data.every(val => typeof val === 'number')) {
throw new TypeError('Expected an array of numbers.');
return data.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / data.length || 0;
* Calculates the standard error of the mean for the sample.
* See
* @param {Array<number>} sample The input data.
* @returns {number} The standard error of the mean for sample.
standardError_(sample) {
const sampleSize = sample.length;
if (sampleSize < 2) {
return 0;
const mean = this.computeAverage_(sample);
const sampleStandardDeviation = (sample) => {
let sum = 0;
for (const val of sample) {
sum += Math.pow((val - mean), 2);
return Math.sqrt(sum / (sampleSize - 1));
return sampleStandardDeviation(sample) / Math.sqrt(sampleSize);
statistics_(sample) {
const mean = this.computeAverage_(sample);
const se = this.standardError_(sample);
return {
upper: mean + se,
lower: mean - se,
barStart_(category, key) {
return this.outerBandScale_(category) + this.innerBandScale_(key);
barWidthQuantile_(category, key, quantile) {
return this.barStart_(category, key) +
this.innerBandScale_.bandwidth() * quantile;
* Draws a bar chart to the canvas. If there are multiple dataSources it will
* plot them both and label their colors in the legend. This expects the data
* in graph to be formatted as a table, with the first column being categories
* and the second being the corresponding values.
* @param {GraphData} graph The data to be plotted.
* @param {Object} chart d3 selection for the chart element to be drawn on.
* @param {Object} legend d3 selection for the legend element for
* additional information to be drawn on.
* @param {Object} chartDimensions The margins, width and height
* of the chart. This is useful for computing appropriates axis
* scales and positioning elements.
plot(graph, chart, legend, chartDimensions) {
this.initChart_(graph, chart, chartDimensions);
const computeAllAverages = stories =>
([story, rawData]) => [story, this.statistics_(rawData)]);
const dataInAverages = graph.process(computeAllAverages);
const getClassNameSuffix = GraphUtils.getClassNameSuffixFactory();
dataInAverages.forEach(({ data, color, key }, index) => {
.call(this.appendErrorLine_.bind(this), key)
.call(this.appendErrorLineCaps_.bind(this), key);
const boxSize = 10;
const offset = `${index}em`;
.attr('fill', color)
.attr('height', boxSize)
.attr('width', boxSize)
.attr('y', offset)
.attr('x', 0);
.attr('x', boxSize)
.attr('y', offset)
.attr('dy', boxSize)
.attr('text-anchor', 'start');
const tickRotation = -30;'.xaxis')
.attr('clip-path', 'url(#regionForXAxisTickText)')
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('font-size', 12)
.attr('transform', `rotate(${tickRotation})`)
.text(text => text);
selection, graph, color, key, chartDimensions, getClassNameSuffix) {
const barWidth = this.innerBandScale_.bandwidth();
const barHeight = value =>
chartDimensions.height - this.scaleForYAxis_(value);
.attr('class', `.bar-${getClassNameSuffix(key)}`)
.attr('x', d => this.barStart_(d[this.x_], key))
.attr('y', d => this.scaleForYAxis_(d[this.y_].mean))
.attr('width', barWidth)
.attr('height', d => barHeight(d[this.y_].mean))
.attr('fill', color)
.on('click', d =>
.on('mouseover', function() {'opacity', 0.5);
.on('mouseout', function() {'opacity', 1);
return selection;
appendErrorLine_(selection, key) {
const middle = 0.5;
const getXPosition =
([category]) => this.barWidthQuantile_(category, key, middle);
.attr('x1', getXPosition)
.attr('x2', getXPosition)
.attr('y1', ([, data]) => this.scaleForYAxis_(data.lower))
.attr('y2', ([, data]) => this.scaleForYAxis_(data.upper))
.attr('stroke-width', 2)
.attr('stroke', 'black');
return selection;
appendErrorLineCaps_(selection, key) {
const quarter = 0.25;
const upperQuarter = 0.75;
const getXPosition = (category, quantile) =>
this.barWidthQuantile_(category, key, quantile);
const appendLine = (selection, error) => {
.attr('x1', ([category]) => getXPosition(category, quarter))
.attr('x2', ([category]) => getXPosition(category, upperQuarter))
.attr('y1', ([, data]) => this.scaleForYAxis_(data[error]))
.attr('y2', ([, data]) => this.scaleForYAxis_(data[error]))
.attr('stroke-width', 2)
.attr('stroke', 'black');
return selection;
return selection
.call(appendLine.bind(this), 'upper')
.call(appendLine.bind(this), 'lower');