blob: 451a31dfc06c33e1d2eff2a4ab95b708fb97da68 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
* Represents the data to be displayed on a graph and provides
* the endpoints allowing for the plotting of this data.
class GraphData {
constructor() {
/** @private @const {xAxis: string, yAxis:string, title:string} labels */
this.labels = {
xAxis: '',
yAxis: '',
title: '',
/** @const {Array<Object>} */
this.dataSources = [];
/** @private @const {GraphPlotter} */
this.plotter_ = new GraphPlotter(this);
/** @private @const {Array<string>} colors_
* Each new datasource is assigned a color.
* At first an attempt will be made to assign an unused color
* from this array and failing that old colors are reused.
this.colors_ = d3.schemeCategory10;
/** @private {function(*):} */
this.interactiveCallback_ = undefined;
* Sets the label for the x-axis if provided as an argument and returns
* this instance for method chaining. If no label is provided then
* the current label is returned.
* @param {string} label
* @return {(string|GraphData)}
xAxis(label) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this.labels.xAxis = label;
return this;
return this.labels.xAxis;
* Sets the label for the y-axis if provided as an argument and returns
* this instance for method chaining. If no label is provided then
* the current label is returned.
* @param {string} label
* @return {(string|GraphData)}
yAxis(label) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this.labels.yAxis = label;
return this;
return this.labels.yAxis;
* Sets the label for the title if provided as an argument and returns
* this instance for method chaining. If no label is provided then
* the current label is returned.
* @param {string} label
* @return {(string|GraphData)}
title(label) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this.labels.title = label;
return this;
return this.labels.title;
* Calls the provided callback if provided.
* Note that this uses the datums original index as supplied
* by the data provider. Hence, if any processing is performed on the
* data then it is the responsibility of the processor to preserve knowledge
* of this index.
* @param {string} key
* @param {number} index
interactiveCallbackForSelectedDatum(key, index) {
this.callInteractiveCallback_(key, index);
interactiveCallbackForCategory(category) {
callInteractiveCallback_(...args) {
if (this.interactiveCallback_ !== undefined) {
* Registers the supplied data as a dataSource, enabling it to be plotted and
* processed. The data source should be in the form of an object where
* the keys are the desired display labels (for the legend) corresponding
* to the supplied values, each of which should be a one dimensional array of
* numbers or a dict of key:value pairs for categorical data.
* For example:
* {
* labelOne: [numbers...],
* labelTwo: [numbers...],
* }
* or
* {
* labelOne: {
* categoryOne: [numbers...],
* categoryTwo: [numbers...],
* },
* labelTwo: {
* categoryOne: [numbers...],
* categoryTwo: [numbers...],
* },
* }
* Data of the second form will be converted into a table on the
* dataSource object with the first column corresponding to the
* categories and the second to the values.
* So for the above example it will become:
* [
* [categoryOne, [numbers...]],
* [categoryTwo, [numbers...]],
* ]
* This also accepts an optional callback which can be used to enable
* interactive behaviour with the graph. It will attempt to provide
* the metric, story, key and index of the data when these are
* known.
* @param {Object} data
* @param {function(*):} [callback]
* @return {GraphData}
addData(data, callback) {
this.interactiveCallback_ = callback;
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError('Expected an object to be supplied.');
for (const [displayLabel, values] of Object.entries(data)) {
if (values.constructor !== Array && typeof values !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError(`Unexpected type for value: ${typeof values}`);
const table =
values.constructor === Array ? values : Object.entries(values);
data: table,
color: this.nextColor_(),
key: displayLabel,
return this;
* Deletes any old data and registers the supplied data as a dataSource,
* enabling it to be plotted and processed. The data source should be in
* the form of an object where the keys are the desired display labels
* (for the legend) corresponding to the supplied values, each of which
* should be an array of numbers.
* For example:
* {
* labelOne: [numbers...],
* labelTwo: [numbers...],
* }
* @param {Object} data
* @param {function(*):} [callback]
* @return {GraphData}
setData(data, callback) {
this.dataSources = [];
return this.addData(data, callback);
* Returns the next color to be assigned to a data source from
* the colors array. This will cycle through old colors once
* the unused colors are exhausted.
* @return {string}
nextColor_() {
return this.colors_[this.dataSources.length % this.colors_.length];
* Returns the maximum value from all dataSources based on the value
* computed by projection.
* @param {function(Object): number} projection
* @return {number}
max(projection) {
const projectAll = dataSource =>;
const maxReducer =
(acc, curr) => Math.max(acc, Math.max(...projectAll(curr)));
return this.dataSources.reduce(maxReducer, Number.MIN_VALUE);
* Applies the supplied processingFn to all of the dataSources held
* in this instance and returns an array of the processed data along
* with it's additional plotting information.
* The processing function supplied to process should return data in
* a format suitable for plotting (e.g., an array of
* objects, consisting of x and y co-ordinates, for a line plot).
* @param {function(Array<?>): Array<Object>} processingFn
* @returns {Array<Object>}
process(processingFn, ...args) {
if (typeof processingFn !== 'function') {
const type = typeof processingFn;
throw new TypeError(
`Expected argument of type function, but got: ${type}`);
return{ key, color, data}) => {
return {
data: processingFn(data, ...args)
* Returns all of the labels associated with each data source.
* @returns {Array<string>}
keys() {
return{ key }) => key);
* Computes the cumulative frequency for all data sources provided
* and plots the results to the screen.
plotCumulativeFrequency() {
this.plotter_.plot(new LinePlotter());
* Orders the data so that it's percentiles can be identified
* and plots a box and whisker plot.
plotBoxPlot() {
this.plotter_.plot(new BoxPlotter());
* Plot a dot plot. This will assign stack offsets to each of the data points
* where the dots would otherwise overlap (so that instead they are stacked
* atop each other).
plotDot() {
this.plotter_.plot(new DotPlotter());
* Plots a bar chart. Data should be inputted in the categorical format
* described in the documentation of addData.
plotBar() {
this.plotter_.plot(new BarPlotter());
plotStackedBar() {
this.plotter_.plot(new StackedBarPlotter());
* Computes the cumulative frequency for the list of values provided.
* @param {Array<number>} data
* @returns {Array<Object>}
static computeCumulativeFrequencies(data) {
const labeledData =, id) => {
return {
const sortedData = labeledData.sort((a, b) => a.value - b.value);
return{value, id}, i) => {
return {
y: i,
x: value,