blob: 062af82ff259e99a3381ffdf068063e2bfe1236d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* TablePrinter is a helper to format a table as ASCII art or an HTML table.
* Usage: call addRow() and addCell() repeatedly to specify the data.
* addHeaderCell() can optionally be called to specify header cells for a
* single header row. The header row appears at the top of an HTML formatted
* table, and uses thead and th tags. In ascii tables, the header is separated
* from the table body by a partial row of dashes.
* setTitle() can optionally be used to set a title that is displayed before
* the header row. In HTML tables, it uses the title class and in ascii tables
* it's between two rows of dashes.
* Once all the fields have been input, call toText() to format it as text or
* toHTML() to format it as HTML.
var TablePrinter = (function() {
'use strict';
* @constructor
function TablePrinter() {
this.rows_ = [];
this.hasHeaderRow_ = false;
this.title_ = null;
// Number of cells automatically added at the start of new rows.
this.newRowCellIndent_ = 0;
TablePrinter.prototype = {
* Sets the number of blank cells to add after each call to addRow.
setNewRowCellIndent: function(newRowCellIndent) {
this.newRowCellIndent_ = newRowCellIndent;
* Starts a new row.
addRow: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.newRowCellIndent_; ++i)
* Adds a column to the current row, setting its value to cellText.
* @return {!TablePrinterCell} the cell that was added.
addCell: function(cellText) {
var r = this.rows_[this.rows_.length - 1];
var cell = new TablePrinterCell(cellText);
return cell;
* Sets the title displayed at the top of a table. Titles are optional.
setTitle: function(title) {
this.title_ = title;
* Adds a header row, if not already present, and adds a new column to it,
* setting its contents to |headerText|.
* @return {!TablePrinterCell} the cell that was added.
addHeaderCell: function(headerText) {
// Insert empty new row at start of |rows_| if currently no header row.
if (!this.hasHeaderRow_) {
this.rows_.splice(0, 0, []);
this.hasHeaderRow_ = true;
var cell = new TablePrinterCell(headerText);
return cell;
* Returns the maximum number of columns this table contains.
getNumColumns: function() {
var numColumns = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.rows_.length; ++i) {
numColumns = Math.max(numColumns, this.rows_[i].length);
return numColumns;
* Returns the cell at position (rowIndex, columnIndex), or null if there is
* no such cell.
getCell_: function(rowIndex, columnIndex) {
if (rowIndex >= this.rows_.length)
return null;
var row = this.rows_[rowIndex];
if (columnIndex >= row.length)
return null;
return row[columnIndex];
* Returns true if searchString can be found entirely within a cell.
* Case insensitive.
* @param {string} string String to search for, must be lowercase.
* @return {boolean} True if some cell contains searchString.
search: function(searchString) {
var numColumns = this.getNumColumns();
for (var r = 0; r < this.rows_.length; ++r) {
for (var c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c) {
var cell = this.getCell_(r, c);
if (!cell)
if (cell.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchString) != -1)
return true;
return false;
* Prints a formatted text representation of the table data to the
* node |parent|. |spacing| indicates number of extra spaces, if any,
* to add between columns.
toText: function(spacing, parent) {
var pre = addNode(parent, 'pre');
var numColumns = this.getNumColumns();
// Figure out the maximum width of each column.
var columnWidths = [];
columnWidths.length = numColumns;
for (var i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i)
columnWidths[i] = 0;
// If header row is present, temporarily add a spacer row to |rows_|.
if (this.hasHeaderRow_) {
var headerSpacerRow = [];
for (var c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c) {
var cell = this.getCell_(0, c);
if (!cell)
var spacerStr = makeRepeatedString('-', cell.text.length);
headerSpacerRow.push(new TablePrinterCell(spacerStr));
this.rows_.splice(1, 0, headerSpacerRow);
var numRows = this.rows_.length;
for (var c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c) {
for (var r = 0; r < numRows; ++r) {
var cell = this.getCell_(r, c);
if (cell && !cell.allowOverflow) {
columnWidths[c] = Math.max(columnWidths[c], cell.text.length);
var out = [];
// Print title, if present.
if (this.title_) {
var titleSpacerStr = makeRepeatedString('-', this.title_.length);
// Print each row.
var spacingStr = makeRepeatedString(' ', spacing);
for (var r = 0; r < numRows; ++r) {
for (var c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c) {
var cell = this.getCell_(r, c);
if (cell) {
// Pad the cell with spaces to make it fit the maximum column width.
var padding = columnWidths[c] - cell.text.length;
var paddingStr = makeRepeatedString(' ', padding);
if (cell.alignRight)
if ( {
// Output all previous text, and clear |out|.
addTextNode(pre, out.join(''));
out = [];
var linkNode = addNodeWithText(pre, 'a', cell.text);
linkNode.href =;
} else {
if (!cell.alignRight)
// Remove spacer row under the header row, if one was added.
if (this.hasHeaderRow_)
this.rows_.splice(1, 1);
addTextNode(pre, out.join(''));
* Adds a new HTML table to the node |parent| using the specified style.
toHTML: function(parent, style) {
var numRows = this.rows_.length;
var numColumns = this.getNumColumns();
var table = addNode(parent, 'table');
table.setAttribute('class', style);
var thead = addNode(table, 'thead');
var tbody = addNode(table, 'tbody');
// Add title, if needed.
if (this.title_) {
var tableTitleRow = addNode(thead, 'tr');
var tableTitle = addNodeWithText(tableTitleRow, 'th', this.title_);
tableTitle.colSpan = numColumns;
// Fill table body, adding header row first, if needed.
for (var r = 0; r < numRows; ++r) {
var cellType;
var row;
if (r == 0 && this.hasHeaderRow_) {
row = addNode(thead, 'tr');
cellType = 'th';
} else {
row = addNode(tbody, 'tr');
cellType = 'td';
for (var c = 0; c < numColumns; ++c) {
var cell = this.getCell_(r, c);
if (cell) {
var tableCell = addNode(row, cellType, cell.text);
if (cell.alignRight)
tableCell.alignRight = true;
// If allowing overflow on the rightmost cell of a row,
// make the cell span the rest of the columns. Otherwise,
// ignore the flag.
if (cell.allowOverflow && !this.getCell_(r, c + 1))
tableCell.colSpan = numColumns - c;
if ( {
var linkNode = addNodeWithText(tableCell, 'a', cell.text);
linkNode.href =;
} else {
addTextNode(tableCell, cell.text);
return table;
* Links are only used in HTML tables.
function TablePrinterCell(value) {
this.text = '' + value; = null;
this.alignRight = false;
this.allowOverflow = false;
return TablePrinter;