blob: a3315512fa472dc5ec6166df70f418f8c552ee91 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import logging
import traceback
from telemetry.internal.backends.chrome_inspector import inspector_websocket
from telemetry.internal.backends.chrome_inspector import websocket
class MemoryTimeoutException(Exception):
class MemoryUnrecoverableException(Exception):
class MemoryUnexpectedResponseException(Exception):
class MemoryBackend(object):
def __init__(self, inspector_socket):
self._inspector_websocket = inspector_socket
def SetMemoryPressureNotificationsSuppressed(self, suppressed, timeout=30):
"""Enable/disable suppressing memory pressure notifications.
suppressed: If true, memory pressure notifications will be suppressed.
timeout: The timeout in seconds.
MemoryTimeoutException: If more than |timeout| seconds has passed
since the last time any data is received.
MemoryUnrecoverableException: If there is a websocket error.
MemoryUnexpectedResponseException: If the response contains an error
or does not contain the expected result.
{'suppressed': suppressed}, timeout)
def SimulateMemoryPressureNotification(self, pressure_level, timeout=30):
"""Simulate a memory pressure notification.
pressure level: The memory pressure level of the notification ('moderate'
or 'critical').
timeout: The timeout in seconds.
MemoryTimeoutException: If more than |timeout| seconds has passed
since the last time any data is received.
MemoryUnrecoverableException: If there is a websocket error.
MemoryUnexpectedResponseException: If the response contains an error
or does not contain the expected result.
{'level': pressure_level}, timeout)
def _SendMemoryRequest(self, command, params, timeout):
method = 'Memory.%s' % command
request = {'method': method, 'params': params}
response = self._inspector_websocket.SyncRequest(request, timeout)
except inspector_websocket.WebSocketException as err:
if issubclass(
err.websocket_error_type, websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException):
raise MemoryTimeoutException(
'Exception raised while sending a %s request:\n%s' %
(method, traceback.format_exc()))
raise MemoryUnrecoverableException(
'Exception raised while sending a %s request:\n%s' %
(method, traceback.format_exc()))
raise MemoryUnrecoverableException(
'Exception raised while sending a %s request:\n%s' %
(method, traceback.format_exc()))
if 'error' in response:
code = response['error']['code']
if code == inspector_websocket.InspectorWebsocket.METHOD_NOT_FOUND_CODE:
'%s DevTools method not supported by the browser', method)
raise MemoryUnexpectedResponseException(
'Inspector returned unexpected response for %s:\n%s' %
(method, json.dumps(response, indent=2)))
def Close(self):
self._inspector_websocket = None