blob: 17f9680230cf96046eaee0a3a01a74bb64146635 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Program wpr records and replays web traffic.
package main
import (
const longUsage = `
%s [installroot|removeroot] [options]
%s [record|replay] [options] archive_file
Before: Install a test root CA.
$ GOPATH=$PWD go run src/wpr.go installroot
To record web pages:
1. Start this program in record mode.
$ GOPATH=$PWD go run src/wpr.go record archive.json
2. Load the web pages you want to record in a web browser. It is important to
clear browser caches before this so that all subresources are requested
from the network.
3. Kill the process to stop recording.
To replay web pages:
1. Start this program in replay mode with a previously recorded archive.
$ GOPATH=$PWD go run src/wpr.go replay archive.json
2. Load recorded pages in a web browser. A 404 will be served for any pages or
resources not in the recorded archive.
After: Remove the test root CA.
$ GOPATH=$PWD go run src/wpr.go removeroot`
type CertConfig struct {
// Flags common to all commands.
certFile, keyFile string
type CommonConfig struct {
// Info about this command.
cmd cli.Command
// Flags common to RecordCommand and ReplayCommand.
host string
httpPort, httpsPort, httpSecureProxyPort int
certConfig CertConfig
injectScripts string
// Computed state.
root_cert tls.Certificate
transformers []webpagereplay.ResponseTransformer
type RecordCommand struct {
common CommonConfig
cmd cli.Command
type ReplayCommand struct {
common CommonConfig
cmd cli.Command
// Custom flags for replay.
rulesFile string
serveResponseInChronologicalSequence bool
quietMode bool
disableFuzzyURLMatching bool
type RootCACommand struct {
certConfig CertConfig
installer webpagereplay.Installer
cmd cli.Command
func (certCfg *CertConfig) Flags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "https_cert_file",
Value: "wpr_cert.pem",
Usage: "File containing a PEM-encoded X509 certificate to use with SSL.",
Destination: &certCfg.certFile,
Name: "https_key_file",
Value: "wpr_key.pem",
Usage: "File containing a PEM-encoded private key to use with SSL.",
Destination: &certCfg.keyFile,
func (common *CommonConfig) Flags() []cli.Flag {
return append(common.certConfig.Flags(),
Name: "host",
Value: "localhost",
Usage: "IP address to bind all servers to. Defaults to localhost if not specified.",
Destination: &,
Name: "http_port",
Value: -1,
Usage: "Port number to listen on for HTTP requests, 0 to use any port, or -1 to disable.",
Destination: &common.httpPort,
Name: "https_port",
Value: -1,
Usage: "Port number to listen on for HTTPS requests, 0 to use any port, or -1 to disable.",
Destination: &common.httpsPort,
Name: "https_to_http_port",
Value: -1,
Usage: "Port number to listen on for HTTP proxy requests over an HTTPS connection, 0 to use any port, or -1 to disable.",
Destination: &common.httpSecureProxyPort,
Name: "inject_scripts",
Value: "deterministic.js",
Usage: "A comma separated list of JavaScript sources to inject in all pages. " +
"By default a script is injected that eliminates sources of entropy " +
"such as Date() and Math.random() deterministic. " +
"CAUTION: Without deterministic.js, many pages will not replay.",
Destination: &common.injectScripts,
func (common *CommonConfig) CheckArgs(c *cli.Context) error {
if len(c.Args()) > 1 {
return errors.New("too many args")
if len(c.Args()) != 1 {
return errors.New("must specify archive_file")
if common.httpPort == -1 && common.httpsPort == -1 && common.httpSecureProxyPort == -1 {
return errors.New("must specify at least one port flag")
// Load common configs.
log.Printf("Loading cert from %v\n", common.certConfig.certFile)
log.Printf("Loading key from %v\n", common.certConfig.keyFile)
var err error
common.root_cert, err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(common.certConfig.certFile, common.certConfig.keyFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error opening cert or key files: %v", err)
return nil
func (common *CommonConfig) ProcessInjectedScripts(timeSeedMs int64) error {
if common.injectScripts != "" {
for _, scriptFile := range strings.Split(common.injectScripts, ",") {
log.Printf("Loading script from %v\n", scriptFile)
// Replace {{WPR_TIME_SEED_TIMESTAMP}} with the time seed.
replacements := map[string]string{"{{WPR_TIME_SEED_TIMESTAMP}}": strconv.FormatInt(timeSeedMs, 10)}
si, err := webpagereplay.NewScriptInjectorFromFile(scriptFile, replacements)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error opening script %s: %v", scriptFile, err)
common.transformers = append(common.transformers, si)
return nil
func (r *RecordCommand) Flags() []cli.Flag {
return r.common.Flags()
func (r *ReplayCommand) Flags() []cli.Flag {
return append(r.common.Flags(),
Name: "rules_file",
Value: "",
Usage: "File containing rules to apply to responses during replay",
Destination: &r.rulesFile,
Name: "serve_response_in_chronological_sequence",
Usage: "When an incoming request matches multiple recorded " +
"responses, serve response in chronological sequence. " +
"I.e. wpr responds to the first request with the first " +
"recorded response, and the second request with the " +
"second recorded response.",
Destination: &r.serveResponseInChronologicalSequence,
Name: "disable_fuzzy_url_matching",
Usage: "When doing playback, require URLs to match exactly.",
Destination: &r.disableFuzzyURLMatching,
Name: "quiet_mode",
Usage: "quiets the logging output by not logging the " +
"ServeHTTP url call and responses",
Destination: &r.quietMode,
func (r *RootCACommand) Flags() []cli.Flag {
return append(r.certConfig.Flags(),
Name: "android_device_id",
Value: "",
Usage: "Device id of an android device. Only relevant for Android",
Destination: &r.installer.AndroidDeviceId,
Name: "adb_binary_path",
Value: "adb",
Usage: "Path to adb binary. Only relevant for Android",
Destination: &r.installer.AdbBinaryPath,
// Most desktop machines Google engineers use come with certutil installed.
// In the chromium lab, desktop bots do not have certutil. Instead, desktop bots
// deploy certutil binaries to <chromium src>/third_party/nss/certutil.
// To accommodate chromium bots, the following flag accepts a custom path to
// certutil. Otherwise WPR assumes that certutil resides in the PATH.
Name: "certutil_path",
Value: "certutil",
Usage: "Path to Network Security Services (NSS)'s certutil tool.",
Destination: &r.installer.CertUtilBinaryPath,
func getListener(host string, port int) (net.Listener, error) {
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%d", host, port))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return net.ListenTCP("tcp", addr)
// Copied from
// This is to make dead TCP connections to eventually go away.
type tcpKeepAliveListener struct {
func (ln tcpKeepAliveListener) Accept() (c net.Conn, err error) {
tc, err := ln.AcceptTCP()
if err != nil {
tc.SetKeepAlivePeriod(3 * time.Minute)
return tc, nil
func startServers(tlsconfig *tls.Config, httpHandler, httpsHandler http.Handler, common *CommonConfig) {
type Server struct {
Scheme string
Host string
Port int
servers := []*Server{}
if common.httpPort > -1 {
servers = append(servers, &Server{
Scheme: "http",
Port: common.httpPort,
Server: &http.Server{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v",, common.httpPort),
Handler: httpHandler,
if common.httpsPort > -1 {
servers = append(servers, &Server{
Scheme: "https",
Port: common.httpsPort,
Server: &http.Server{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v",, common.httpsPort),
Handler: httpsHandler,
TLSConfig: tlsconfig,
if common.httpSecureProxyPort > -1 {
servers = append(servers, &Server{
Scheme: "https",
Port: common.httpSecureProxyPort,
Server: &http.Server{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v",, common.httpSecureProxyPort),
Handler: httpHandler, // this server proxies HTTP requests over an HTTPS connection
TLSConfig: nil, // use the default since this is as a proxy, not a MITM server
for _, s := range servers {
s := s
go func() {
var ln net.Listener
var err error
switch s.Scheme {
case "http":
ln, err = getListener(s.Host, s.Port)
if err != nil {
logServeStarted(s.Scheme, ln)
err = s.Serve(tcpKeepAliveListener{ln.(*net.TCPListener)})
case "https":
ln, err = getListener(s.Host, s.Port)
if err != nil {
logServeStarted(s.Scheme, ln)
http2.ConfigureServer(s.Server, &http2.Server{})
tlsListener := tls.NewListener(tcpKeepAliveListener{ln.(*net.TCPListener)}, s.TLSConfig)
err = s.Serve(tlsListener)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown s.Scheme: %s", s.Scheme))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to start server on %s://%s: %v", s.Scheme, s.Addr, err)
log.Printf("Use Ctrl-C to exit.")
select {}
func logServeStarted(scheme string, ln net.Listener) {
log.Printf("Starting server on %s://%s", scheme, ln.Addr().String())
func (r *RecordCommand) Run(c *cli.Context) {
archiveFileName := c.Args().First()
archive, err := webpagereplay.OpenWritableArchive(archiveFileName)
if err != nil {
defer archive.Close()
log.Printf("Opened archive %s", archiveFileName)
// Install a SIGINT handler to close the archive before shutting down.
go func() {
sigchan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigchan, os.Interrupt)
log.Printf("Shutting down")
log.Printf("Writing archive file to %s", archiveFileName)
if err := archive.Close(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error flushing archive: %v", err)
timeSeedMs := time.Now().Unix() * 1000
if err := r.common.ProcessInjectedScripts(timeSeedMs); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error processing injected scripts: %v", err)
archive.DeterministicTimeSeedMs = timeSeedMs
httpHandler := webpagereplay.NewRecordingProxy(archive, "http", r.common.transformers)
httpsHandler := webpagereplay.NewRecordingProxy(archive, "https", r.common.transformers)
tlsconfig, err := webpagereplay.RecordTLSConfig(r.common.root_cert, archive)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error creating TLSConfig: %v", err)
startServers(tlsconfig, httpHandler, httpsHandler, &r.common)
func (r *ReplayCommand) Run(c *cli.Context) {
archiveFileName := c.Args().First()
log.Printf("Loading archive file from %s\n", archiveFileName)
archive, err := webpagereplay.OpenArchive(archiveFileName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error opening archive file: %v", err)
log.Printf("Opened archive %s", archiveFileName)
archive.ServeResponseInChronologicalSequence = r.serveResponseInChronologicalSequence
archive.DisableFuzzyURLMatching = r.disableFuzzyURLMatching
if archive.DisableFuzzyURLMatching {
log.Printf("Disabling fuzzy URL matching.")
timeSeedMs := archive.DeterministicTimeSeedMs
if timeSeedMs == 0 {
// The time seed hasn't been set in the archive. Time seeds used to not be
// stored in the archive, so this is expected to happen when loading old
// archives. Just revert to the previous behavior: use the current time as
// the seed.
timeSeedMs = time.Now().Unix() * 1000
if err := r.common.ProcessInjectedScripts(timeSeedMs); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error processing injected scripts: %v", err)
if r.rulesFile != "" {
t, err := webpagereplay.NewRuleBasedTransformer(r.rulesFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error opening rules file %s: %v\n", r.rulesFile, err)
r.common.transformers = append(r.common.transformers, t)
log.Printf("Loaded replay rules from %s", r.rulesFile)
httpHandler := webpagereplay.NewReplayingProxy(archive, "http", r.common.transformers, r.quietMode)
httpsHandler := webpagereplay.NewReplayingProxy(archive, "https", r.common.transformers, r.quietMode)
tlsconfig, err := webpagereplay.ReplayTLSConfig(r.common.root_cert, archive)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error creating TLSConfig: %v", err)
startServers(tlsconfig, httpHandler, httpsHandler, &r.common)
func (r *RootCACommand) Install(c *cli.Context) {
if err := r.installer.InstallRoot(
r.certConfig.certFile, r.certConfig.keyFile); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Install root failed: %v", err)
func (r *RootCACommand) Remove(c *cli.Context) {
func main() {
progName := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
var record RecordCommand
var replay ReplayCommand
var installroot RootCACommand
var removeroot RootCACommand
record.cmd = cli.Command{
Name: "record",
Usage: "Record web pages to an archive",
Flags: record.Flags(),
Before: record.common.CheckArgs,
Action: record.Run,
replay.cmd = cli.Command{
Name: "replay",
Usage: "Replay a previously-recorded web page archive",
Flags: replay.Flags(),
Before: replay.common.CheckArgs,
Action: replay.Run,
installroot.cmd = cli.Command{
Name: "installroot",
Usage: "Install a test root CA",
Flags: installroot.Flags(),
Action: installroot.Install,
removeroot.cmd = cli.Command{
Name: "removeroot",
Usage: "Remove a test root CA",
Flags: removeroot.Flags(),
Action: removeroot.Remove,
// TODO(xunjieli): Remove ConvertorCommand once is done.
type ConvertorCommand struct {
cfg webpagereplay.ConvertorConfig
cmd cli.Command
var convert ConvertorCommand
convert.cmd = cli.Command{
Name: "convert",
Flags: convert.cfg.Flags(),
Usage: "Convert a legacy format to the new format",
Action: convert.cfg.Convert,
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Commands = []cli.Command{record.cmd, replay.cmd, installroot.cmd, removeroot.cmd, convert.cmd}
app.Usage = "Web Page Replay"
app.UsageText = fmt.Sprintf(longUsage, progName, progName)
app.HideVersion = true
app.Version = ""
app.Writer = os.Stderr