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Testing Applications with Paste
:author: Ian Bicking <>
:revision: $Rev$
:date: $LastChangedDate$
.. contents::
Paste includes functionality for testing your application in a
convenient manner. These facilities are quite young, and feedback is
invited. Feedback and discussion should take place on the
`Paste-users list
These facilities let you test your Paste and WSGI-based applications
easily and without a server.
.. include:: include/contact.txt
The Tests Themselves
The ``app`` object is a wrapper around your application, with many
methods to make testing convenient. Here's an example test script::
def test_myapp():
res = app.get('/view', params={'id': 10})
# We just got /view?id=10
res.mustcontain('Item 10')
res ='/view', params={'id': 10, 'name': 'New item
# The app does POST-and-redirect...
res = res.follow()
assert res.request.url == '/view?id=10'
res.mustcontain('New item name')
res.mustcontain('Item updated')
The methods of the ``app`` object (a ``paste.tests.fixture.TestApp``
``get(url, params={}, headers={}, status=None)``:
Gets the URL. URLs are based in the root of your application; no
domains are allowed. Parameters can be given as a dictionary, or
included directly in the ``url``. Headers can also be added.
This tests that the status is a ``200 OK`` or a redirect header,
unless you pass in a ``status``. A status of ``"*"`` will never
fail; or you can assert a specific status (like ``500``).
Also, if any errors are written to the error stream this will
raise an error.
``post(url, params={}, headers={}, status=None, upload_files=())``:
POSTS to the URL. Like GET, except also allows for uploading
files. The uploaded files are a list of ``(field_name, filename,
If you don't want to do a urlencoded post body, you can put a
``content-type`` header in your header, and pass the body in as a
string with ``params``.
The response object:
``header(header_name, [default])``:
Returns the named header. It's an error if there is more than one
matching header. If you don't provide a default, it is an error
if there is no matching header.
Returns a list of all matching headers.
Follows the redirect, returning the new response. It is an error
if this response wasn't a redirect. Any keyword arguments are
passed to ``app.get`` (e.g., ``status``).
``x in res``:
Returns True if the string is found in the response. Whitespace
is normalized for this test.
Raises an error if any of the strings are not found in the
Opens the HTML response in a browser; useful for debugging.
Gives a slightly-compacted version of the response.
``click(description=None, linkid=None, href=None, anchor=None, index=None, verbose=False)``:
Clicks the described link (`see docstring for more
Return a dictionary of forms; you can use both indexes (refer to
the forms in order) or the string ids of forms (if you've given
them ids) to identify the form. See `Form Submissions <#form-submissions>`_ for
more on the form objects.
Request objects:
The url requested.
The environment used for the request.
The url with query string.
Form Submissions
You can fill out and submit forms from your tests. First you get the
res = testapp.get('/entry_form')
form = res.forms[0]
Then you fill it in fields::
# when there's one unambiguous name field:
form['name'] = 'Bob'
# Enter something into the first field named 'age'
form.set('age', '45', index=1)
Finally you submit::
# Submit with no particular submit button pressed:
# Or submit a button:
Framework Hooks
Frameworks can detect that they are in a testing environment by the
presence (and truth) of the WSGI environmental variable
More generally, frameworks can detect that something (possibly a test
fixture) is ready to catch unexpected errors by the presence and truth
of ``"paste.throw_errors"`` (this is sometimes set outside of testing
fixtures too, when an error-handling middleware is in place).
Frameworks that want to expose the inner structure of the request may
use ``"paste.testing_variables"``. This will be a dictionary -- any
values put into that dictionary will become attributes of the response
object. So if you do ``env["paste.testing_variables"]['template'] =
template_name`` in your framework, then ``response.template`` will be