| [tox] |
| envlist = |
| py26,py27,py32,py33,py34,pypy,pypy3, |
| {py2,py3}-cover,coverage |
| |
| [testenv] |
| # Most of these are defaults but if you specify any you can't fall back |
| # to defaults for others. |
| basepython = |
| py26: python2.6 |
| py27: python2.7 |
| py32: python3.2 |
| py33: python3.3 |
| py34: python3.4 |
| pypy: pypy |
| pypy3: pypy3 |
| py2: python2.7 |
| py3: python3.4 |
| |
| commands = |
| pip install webob[testing] |
| nosetests --with-xunit --xunit-file=nosetests-{envname}.xml {posargs:} |
| |
| [testenv:py2-cover] |
| commands = |
| pip install webob[testing] |
| coverage run --source=webob {envbindir}/nosetests |
| coverage xml -o coverage-py2.xml |
| setenv = |
| COVERAGE_FILE=.coverage.py2 |
| |
| [testenv:py3-cover] |
| commands = |
| pip install webob[testing] |
| coverage run --source=webob {envbindir}/nosetests |
| coverage xml -o coverage-py3.xml |
| setenv = |
| COVERAGE_FILE=.coverage.py3 |
| |
| [testenv:coverage] |
| basepython = python3.4 |
| commands = |
| coverage erase |
| coverage combine |
| coverage xml |
| coverage report --show-missing --fail-under=100 |
| deps = |
| coverage |
| setenv = |
| COVERAGE_FILE=.coverage |
| |