blob: d444229869e425bbe17052bd277a0c8e2a03248d [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helpers to fill and submit forms."""
import re
import sys
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from webtest.compat import OrderedDict
from webtest import utils
class NoValue(object):
class Upload(object):
A file to upload::
>>> Upload('filename.txt', 'data', 'application/octet-stream')
<Upload "filename.txt">
>>> Upload('filename.txt', 'data')
<Upload "filename.txt">
>>> Upload("README.txt")
<Upload "README.txt">
:param filename: Name of the file to upload.
:param content: Contents of the file.
:param content_type: MIME type of the file.
def __init__(self, filename, content=None, content_type=None):
self.filename = filename
self.content = content
self.content_type = content_type
def __iter__(self):
yield self.filename
if self.content:
yield self.content
yield self.content_type
# TODO: do we handle the case when we need to get
# contents ourselves?
def __repr__(self):
return '<Upload "%s">' % self.filename
class Field(object):
"""Base class for all Field objects.
.. attribute:: classes
Dictionary of field types (select, radio, etc)
.. attribute:: value
Set/get value of the field.
classes = {}
def __init__(self, form, tag, name, pos,
value=None, id=None, **attrs):
self.form = form
self.tag = tag = name
self.pos = pos
self._value = value = id
self.attrs = attrs
def value__get(self):
if self._value is None:
return ''
return self._value
def value__set(self, value):
self._value = value
value = property(value__get, value__set)
def force_value(self, value):
"""Like setting a value, except forces it (even for, say, hidden
self._value = value
def __repr__(self):
value = '<%s name="%s"' % (self.__class__.__name__,
value += ' id="%s"' %
return value + '>'
class Select(Field):
"""Field representing ``<select />`` form element."""
def __init__(self, *args, **attrs):
super(Select, self).__init__(*args, **attrs)
self.options = []
# Undetermined yet:
self.selectedIndex = None
# we have no forced value
self._forced_value = NoValue
def force_value(self, value):
"""Like setting a value, except forces it (even for, say, hidden
self._forced_value = value
def select(self, value=None, text=None):
if value is not None and text is not None:
raise ValueError("Specify only one of value and text.")
if text is not None:
value = self._get_value_for_text(text)
self.value = value
def _get_value_for_text(self, text):
for i, (option_value, checked, option_text) in enumerate(self.options):
if option_text == utils.stringify(text):
return option_value
raise ValueError("Option with text %r not found (from %s)"
% (text, ', '.join(
[repr(t) for o, c, t in self.options])))
def value__set(self, value):
if self._forced_value is not NoValue:
self._forced_value = NoValue
for i, (option, checked, text) in enumerate(self.options):
if option == utils.stringify(value):
self.selectedIndex = i
raise ValueError(
"Option %r not found (from %s)"
% (value, ', '.join([repr(o) for o, c, t in self.options])))
def value__get(self):
if self._forced_value is not NoValue:
return self._forced_value
elif self.selectedIndex is not None:
return self.options[self.selectedIndex][0]
for option, checked, text in self.options:
if checked:
return option
if self.options:
return self.options[0][0]
value = property(value__get, value__set)
class MultipleSelect(Field):
"""Field representing ``<select multiple="multiple">``"""
def __init__(self, *args, **attrs):
super(MultipleSelect, self).__init__(*args, **attrs)
self.options = []
# Undetermined yet:
self.selectedIndices = []
self._forced_values = []
def force_value(self, values):
"""Like setting a value, except forces it (even for, say, hidden
self._forced_values = values
self.selectedIndices = []
def select_multiple(self, value=None, texts=None):
if value is not None and texts is not None:
raise ValueError("Specify only one of value and texts.")
if texts is not None:
value = self._get_value_for_texts(texts)
self.value = value
def _get_value_for_texts(self, texts):
str_texts = [utils.stringify(text) for text in texts]
value = []
for i, (option, checked, text) in enumerate(self.options):
if text in str_texts:
if str_texts:
raise ValueError(
"Option(s) %r not found (from %s)"
% (', '.join(str_texts),
', '.join([repr(t) for o, c, t in self.options])))
return value
def value__set(self, values):
str_values = [utils.stringify(value) for value in values]
self.selectedIndices = []
for i, (option, checked, text) in enumerate(self.options):
if option in str_values:
if str_values:
raise ValueError(
"Option(s) %r not found (from %s)"
% (', '.join(str_values),
', '.join([repr(o) for o, c, t in self.options])))
def value__get(self):
selected_values = []
if self.selectedIndices:
selected_values = [self.options[i][0]
for i in self.selectedIndices]
elif not self._forced_values:
selected_values = []
for option, checked, text in self.options:
if checked:
if self._forced_values:
selected_values += self._forced_values
if self.options and (not selected_values):
selected_values = None
return selected_values
value = property(value__get, value__set)
class Radio(Select):
"""Field representing ``<input type="radio">``"""
def value__get(self):
if self._forced_value is not NoValue:
return self._forced_value
elif self.selectedIndex is not None:
return self.options[self.selectedIndex][0]
for option, checked, text in self.options:
if checked:
return option
return None
value = property(value__get, Select.value__set)
class Checkbox(Field):
"""Field representing ``<input type="checkbox">``
.. attribute:: checked
Returns True if checkbox is checked.
def __init__(self, *args, **attrs):
super(Checkbox, self).__init__(*args, **attrs)
self._checked = 'checked' in attrs
def value__set(self, value):
self._checked = not not value
def value__get(self):
if self._checked:
if self._value is None:
return 'on'
return self._value
return None
value = property(value__get, value__set)
def checked__get(self):
return bool(self._checked)
def checked__set(self, value):
self._checked = not not value
checked = property(checked__get, checked__set)
class Text(Field):
"""Field representing ``<input type="text">``"""
class File(Field):
"""Field representing ``<input type="file">``"""
# TODO: This doesn't actually handle file uploads and enctype
def value__get(self):
if self._value is None:
return ''
return self._value
value = property(value__get, Field.value__set)
class Textarea(Text):
"""Field representing ``<textarea>``"""
class Hidden(Text):
"""Field representing ``<input type="hidden">``"""
class Submit(Field):
"""Field representing ``<input type="submit">`` and ``<button>``"""
def value__get(self):
return None
def value__set(self, value):
raise AttributeError(
"You cannot set the value of the <%s> field %r"
% (self.tag,
value = property(value__get, value__set)
def value_if_submitted(self):
# TODO: does this ever get set?
return self._value
Field.classes['submit'] = Submit
Field.classes['button'] = Submit
Field.classes['image'] = Submit
Field.classes['multiple_select'] = MultipleSelect
Field.classes['select'] = Select
Field.classes['hidden'] = Hidden
Field.classes['file'] = File
Field.classes['text'] = Text
Field.classes['password'] = Text
Field.classes['checkbox'] = Checkbox
Field.classes['textarea'] = Textarea
Field.classes['radio'] = Radio
class Form(object):
"""This object represents a form that has been found in a page.
:param response: `webob.response.TestResponse` instance
:param text: Unparsed html of the form
.. attribute:: text
the full HTML of the form.
.. attribute:: action
the relative URI of the action.
.. attribute:: method
the HTTP method (e.g., ``'GET'``).
.. attribute:: id
the id, or None if not given.
.. attribute:: enctype
encoding of the form submission
.. attribute:: fields
a dictionary of fields, each value is a list of fields by
that name. ``<input type=\"radio\">`` and ``<select>`` are
both represented as single fields with multiple options.
.. attribute:: field_order
Ordered list of field names as found in the html.
# TODO: use BeautifulSoup4 for this
_tag_re = re.compile(r'<(/?)([a-z0-9_\-]*)([^>]*?)>', re.I)
_label_re = re.compile(
FieldClass = Field
def __init__(self, response, text, parser_features='html.parser'):
self.response = response
self.text = text
self.html = BeautifulSoup(self.text, parser_features)
attrs = self.html('form')[0].attrs
self.action = attrs.get('action', '')
self.method = attrs.get('method', 'GET') = attrs.get('id')
self.enctype = attrs.get('enctype',
def _parse_fields(self):
fields = OrderedDict()
field_order = []
tags = ('input', 'select', 'textarea', 'button')
for pos, node in enumerate(self.html.findAll(tags)):
attrs = dict(node.attrs)
tag =
name = None
if 'name' in attrs:
name = attrs.pop('name')
if tag == 'textarea':
if node.text.startswith('\r\n'): # pragma: no cover
text = node.text[2:]
elif node.text.startswith('\n'):
text = node.text[1:]
text = node.text
attrs['value'] = text
tag_type = attrs.get('type', 'text').lower()
if tag == 'select':
tag_type = 'select'
if tag_type == "select" and "multiple" in attrs:
tag_type = "multiple_select"
if tag == 'button':
tag_type = 'submit'
FieldClass = self.FieldClass.classes.get(tag_type,
if sys.version_info[:2] <= (2, 6):
attrs = dict((k.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(k, unicode)
else k, v) for k, v in attrs.items())
reserved_attributes = ('form', 'tag', 'pos')
for attr in reserved_attributes:
if attr in attrs:
del attrs[attr]
if tag == 'input':
if tag_type == 'radio':
field = fields.get(name)
if not field:
field = FieldClass(self, tag, name, pos, **attrs)
fields.setdefault(name, []).append(field)
field_order.append((name, field))
field = field[0]
assert isinstance(field,
'checked' in attrs,
elif tag_type == 'file':
if 'value' in attrs:
del attrs['value']
field = FieldClass(self, tag, name, pos, **attrs)
fields.setdefault(name, []).append(field)
field_order.append((name, field))
if tag == 'select':
for option in node('option'):
(option.attrs.get('value', option.text),
'selected' in option.attrs,
self.field_order = field_order
self.fields = fields
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
"""Set the value of the named field. If there is 0 or multiple fields
by that name, it is an error.
Multiple checkboxes of the same name are special-cased; a list may be
assigned to them to check the checkboxes whose value is present in the
list (and uncheck all others).
Setting the value of a ``<select>`` selects the given option (and
confirms it is an option). Setting radio fields does the same.
Checkboxes get boolean values. You cannot set hidden fields or buttons.
Use ``.set()`` if there is any ambiguity and you must provide an index.
fields = self.fields.get(name)
assert fields is not None, (
"No field by the name %r found (fields: %s)"
% (name, ', '.join(map(repr, self.fields.keys()))))
all_checkboxes = all(isinstance(f, Checkbox) for f in fields)
if all_checkboxes and isinstance(value, list):
values = set(utils.stringify(v) for v in value)
for f in fields:
f.checked = f._value in values
assert len(fields) == 1, (
"Multiple fields match %r: %s"
% (name, ', '.join(map(repr, fields))))
fields[0].value = value
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""Get the named field object (ambiguity is an error)."""
fields = self.fields.get(name)
assert fields is not None, (
"No field by the name %r found" % name)
assert len(fields) == 1, (
"Multiple fields match %r: %s"
% (name, ', '.join(map(repr, fields))))
return fields[0]
def lint(self):
Check that the html is valid:
- each field must have an id
- each field must have a label
labels = self._label_re.findall(self.text)
for name, fields in self.fields.items():
for field in fields:
if not isinstance(field, (Submit, Hidden)):
if not
raise AttributeError("%r as no id attribute" % field)
elif not in labels:
raise AttributeError(
"%r as no associated label" % field)
def set(self, name, value, index=None):
"""Set the given name, using ``index`` to disambiguate."""
if index is None:
self[name] = value
fields = self.fields.get(name)
assert fields is not None, (
"No fields found matching %r" % name)
field = fields[index]
field.value = value
def get(self, name, index=None, default=utils.NoDefault):
Get the named/indexed field object, or ``default`` if no field is
found. Throws an AssertionError if no field is found and no ``default``
was given.
fields = self.fields.get(name)
if fields is None:
if default is utils.NoDefault:
raise AssertionError(
"No fields found matching %r (and no default given)"
% name)
return default
if index is None:
return self[name]
return fields[index]
def select(self, name, value=None, text=None, index=None):
"""Like ``.set()``, except also confirms the target is a ``<select>``
and allows selecting options by text.
field = self.get(name, index=index)
assert isinstance(field, Select), text)
def select_multiple(self, name, value=None, texts=None, index=None):
"""Like ``.set()``, except also confirms the target is a
``<select multiple>`` and allows selecting options by text.
field = self.get(name, index=index)
assert isinstance(field, MultipleSelect)
field.select_multiple(value, texts)
def submit(self, name=None, index=None, value=None, **args):
"""Submits the form. If ``name`` is given, then also select that
button (using ``index`` or ``value`` to disambiguate)``.
Any extra keyword arguments are passed to the
:meth:`webtest.TestResponse.get` or
:meth:`` method.
Returns a :class:`webtest.TestResponse` object.
fields = self.submit_fields(name, index=index, submit_value=value)
if self.method.upper() != "GET":
args.setdefault("content_type", self.enctype)
return self.response.goto(self.action, method=self.method,
params=fields, **args)
def upload_fields(self):
"""Return a list of file field tuples of the form::
(field name, file name)
(field name, file name, file contents).
uploads = []
for name, fields in self.fields.items():
for field in fields:
if isinstance(field, File) and field.value:
uploads.append([name] + list(field.value))
return uploads
def submit_fields(self, name=None, index=None, submit_value=None):
"""Return a list of ``[(name, value), ...]`` for the current state of
the form.
:param name: Same as for :meth:`submit`
:param index: Same as for :meth:`submit`
submit = []
# Use another name here so we can keep function param the same for BWC.
submit_name = name
if index is not None and submit_value is not None:
raise ValueError("Can't specify both submit_value and index.")
# If no particular button was selected, use the first one
if index is None and submit_value is None:
index = 0
# This counts all fields with the submit name not just submit fields.
current_index = 0
for name, field in self.field_order:
if name is None: # pragma: no cover
if submit_name is not None and name == submit_name:
if index is not None and current_index == index:
submit.append((name, field.value_if_submitted()))
if submit_value is not None and \
field.value_if_submitted() == submit_value:
submit.append((name, field.value_if_submitted()))
current_index += 1
value = field.value
if value is None:
if isinstance(field, File):
submit.append((name, field))
if isinstance(value, list):
for item in value:
submit.append((name, item))
submit.append((name, value))
return submit
def __repr__(self):
value = '<Form'
value += ' id=%r' % str(
return value + ' />'