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'use strict';
tr.exportTo('', function() {
class CpuTime {
* Returns two level map of rail stage to initiator type to set of bounds of
* associated segments, intersected with |rangeOfInterest|.
* For each rail stage, we additionally have a key 'all_initiators' that
* returns all the segment bounds associated with that rail stage across all
* initiator types. For completeness, there is an additional rail stage
* 'all_stages' that has all the segment bounds across all rail stages.
* If a segment is not contained within |rangeOfInterest| it is not
* included.
* There is a unique segment bound for each segment in the map. For example,
* assume
* - |segmentA| is associated with both Click Response and Scroll Animation
* - |bound1| is the interesting bound of |segmentA| in Response -> Click
* set.
* - |bound2| is the interesting bound of |segmentA| in Animation -> Scroll
* set.
* Then bound1 === bound2. These segment bounds can therefore be used as
* keys in a map to represent the segment.
* Example return value (all bounds are intersected with |rangeOfInterest|):
* {
* 'Animation': {
* 'CSS': {Segment bounds for CSS Animation},
* 'Video': {Segment bounds for Video Animation},
* ...
* 'all_initiators': {All Animation segment bounds}
* },
* 'Response': {
* 'Click': {Segment bounds for Click Response},
* 'Scroll': {Segment bounds for Scroll Response},
* ...
* 'all_initiators': {All Response segment bounds}
* },
* ...
* 'all_stages': {
* 'all_initiators': {All segment bounds}
* }
* }
* @param {!Array.<!>} segments
* @param {!Array.<!tr.b.math.Range>} rangeOfInterest
* @returns {!Map.<string, Map.<string, Set.<!tr.b.math.Range>>}
static getStageToInitiatorToSegmentBounds(segments, rangeOfInterest) {
const stageToInitiatorToRanges = new Map();
new Map([['all_initiators', new Set()]]));
const allRanges =
for (const segment of segments) {
if (!rangeOfInterest.intersectsRangeInclusive(segment.range)) continue;
const intersectingRange =
for (const expectation of segment.expectations) {
const stageTitle = expectation.stageTitle;
if (!stageToInitiatorToRanges.has(stageTitle)) {
new Map([['all_initiators', new Set()]]));
const initiatorToRanges = stageToInitiatorToRanges.get(stageTitle);
const initiatorType = expectation.initiatorType;
if (initiatorType) {
if (!initiatorToRanges.has(initiatorType)) {
initiatorToRanges.set(initiatorType, new Set());
return stageToInitiatorToRanges;
* Returns the root node of a MultiDimensionalView in TopDownTreeView for
* cpu time.
* The returned tree view is three dimensional (processType, threadType, and
* railStage + initiator). Rail stage and initiator are not separate
* dimensions because they are not independent - there is no such thing as
* CSS Response or Scroll Load.
* Each node in the tree view contains two values - cpuUsage and cpuTotal.
* See for more details about the returned
* multidimensional view.
* @param {!tr.Model} model
* @param {!tr.b.math.Range} rangeOfInterest
* @returns {!tr.b.MultiDimensionalViewNode}
static constructMultiDimensionalView(model, rangeOfInterest) {
const mdvBuilder = new tr.b.MultiDimensionalViewBuilder(
3 /* dimensions (process, thread and rail stage / initiator) */,
2 /* valueCount (cpuUsage and cpuTotal) */);
const stageToInitiatorToRanges =
model.userModel.segments, rangeOfInterest);
const allSegmentBoundsInRange =
for (const [pid, process] of Object.entries(model.processes)) {
const processType =;
for (const [tid, thread] of Object.entries(process.threads)) {
// Cache cpuTime for each segment bound.
const rangeToCpuTime = new Map();
for (const range of allSegmentBoundsInRange) {
rangeToCpuTime.set(range, thread.getCpuTimeForRange(range));
for (const [stage, initiatorToRanges] of stageToInitiatorToRanges) {
for (const [initiator, ranges] of initiatorToRanges) {
const cpuTime = tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(ranges,
range => rangeToCpuTime.get(range));
const duration = tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(ranges,
range => range.duration);
const cpuTimePerSecond = cpuTime / duration;
[[processType], [thread.type], [stage, initiator]],
[cpuTimePerSecond, cpuTime],
return mdvBuilder.buildTopDownTreeView();
return {