blob: 2b04148d5a0f9194f18e92846fb7796847a0f98d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome_frame/function_stub.h"
#include <new>
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#ifndef _M_IX86
#error Only x86 supported right now.
namespace {
typedef enum AsmConstants {
POP_EAX = 0x58,
PUSH_IND = 0x35ff,
PUSH_EAX = 0x50,
JUMP_IND = 0x25ff,
// A quick and dirty wrapper class that allows us to defer allocating
// the executable heap until first use, and to release it teardown.
class ExecutableHeap {
ExecutableHeap() : heap_(NULL) {
~ExecutableHeap() {
if (heap_ != NULL) {
BOOL ret = ::HeapDestroy(heap_);
heap_ = NULL;
void* Allocate(size_t size) {
if (!heap_)
return ::HeapAlloc(heap_, 0, size);
void Free(void* ptr) {
DCHECK(heap_ != NULL);
::HeapFree(heap_, 0, ptr);
void CreateHeap() {
base::AutoLock lock(init_lock_);
if (heap_ == NULL)
heap_ = ::HeapCreate(HEAP_CREATE_ENABLE_EXECUTE, 0, 0);
base::Lock init_lock_;
HANDLE heap_;
// Our executable heap instance, all stubs are allocated from here.
ExecutableHeap heap_;
} // namespace
extern "C" IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase;
bool FunctionStub::is_valid() const {
return signature_ == reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase) &&
FunctionStub::FunctionStub(uintptr_t extra_argument, void* dest)
: signature_(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase)),
destination_function_(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dest)) {
bypass_address_ = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&stub_.pop_return_addr_);
FunctionStub::~FunctionStub() {
void FunctionStub::Init(FunctionStubAsm* stub) {
DCHECK(stub != NULL);
stub->jump_to_bypass_ = JUMP_IND;
stub->bypass_target_addr_ = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&bypass_address_);
stub->pop_return_addr_ = POP_EAX;
stub->push_ = PUSH_IND;
stub->arg_addr_ = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&argument_);
stub->push_return_addr_ = PUSH_EAX;
stub->jump_to_target = JUMP_IND;
stub->target_addr_ = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&destination_function_);
// Flush the instruction cache for the newly written code.
BOOL ret = ::FlushInstructionCache(::GetCurrentProcess(),
void FunctionStub::BypassStub(void* new_target) {
FunctionStub* FunctionStub::Create(uintptr_t extra_argument, void* dest) {
FunctionStub* stub =
if (stub != NULL)
new (stub) FunctionStub(extra_argument, dest);
return stub;
FunctionStub* FunctionStub::FromCode(void* address) {
// Address points to arbitrary code here, which may e.g.
// lie at the end of an executable segment, which in turn
// may terminate earlier than the last address we probe.
// We therefore execute under an SEH, so as not to crash
// on failed probes.
__try {
// Retrieve the candidata function stub.
FunctionStub* candidate = CONTAINING_RECORD(address, FunctionStub, stub_);
if (candidate->stub_.jump_to_bypass_ == JUMP_IND &&
candidate->signature_ == reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase)) {
return candidate;
return NULL;
bool FunctionStub::Destroy(FunctionStub* stub) {
return true;