blob: 26ff2a33b4415d016612a06d8dc5d7db507c1c13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/launcher/background_animator.h"
#include "ash/system/user/login_status.h"
#include "ash/wm/shelf_types.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace ash {
class ShellDelegate;
class SystemTray;
class SystemTrayDelegate;
class WebNotificationTray;
namespace internal {
class StatusAreaWidgetDelegate;
class ASH_EXPORT StatusAreaWidget : public views::Widget {
virtual ~StatusAreaWidget();
// Creates the SystemTray and the WebNotificationTray.
void CreateTrayViews(ShellDelegate* shell_delegate);
// Destroys the system tray and web notification tray. Called before
// tearing down the windows to avoid shutdown ordering issues.
void Shutdown();
// Update the alignment of the widget and tray views.
void SetShelfAlignment(ShelfAlignment alignment);
// Update whether to paint a background for each tray view.
void SetPaintsBackground(
bool value,
internal::BackgroundAnimator::ChangeType change_type);
// Set the visibility state of web notifications.
void SetHideWebNotifications(bool hide);
// Set the visibility of system notifications.
void SetHideSystemNotifications(bool hide);
// Returns true if it is OK to show a non system notification.
bool ShouldShowWebNotifications();
// Called by the client when the login status changes. Caches login_status
// and calls UpdateAfterLoginStatusChange for the system tray and the web
// notification tray.
void UpdateAfterLoginStatusChange(user::LoginStatus login_status);
internal::StatusAreaWidgetDelegate* status_area_widget_delegate() {
return status_area_widget_delegate_;
SystemTray* system_tray() { return system_tray_; }
SystemTrayDelegate* system_tray_delegate() {
return system_tray_delegate_.get();
WebNotificationTray* web_notification_tray() {
return web_notification_tray_;
user::LoginStatus login_status() const { return login_status_; }
// Returns true if the launcher should be visible. This is used when the
// launcher is configured to auto-hide and test if the shelf should force
// the launcher to remain visible.
bool ShouldShowLauncher() const;
// True if any message bubble is shown.
bool IsMessageBubbleShown() const;
void AddSystemTray(ShellDelegate* shell_delegate);
void AddWebNotificationTray();
scoped_ptr<SystemTrayDelegate> system_tray_delegate_;
// Weak pointers to View classes that are parented to StatusAreaWidget:
internal::StatusAreaWidgetDelegate* status_area_widget_delegate_;
SystemTray* system_tray_;
WebNotificationTray* web_notification_tray_;
user::LoginStatus login_status_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace ash