| # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. |
| # 1. third party stuff we have no control over |
| # |
| # 2. intentional unit test errors, or stuff that is somehow a false positive |
| # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing |
| # |
| # 3. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed. |
| # These should all be in chromium's bug tracking system (but a few aren't yet). |
| # Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by |
| # running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions. |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| # 1. third party stuff we have no control over |
| { |
| bug_39050_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcPatternObjectAddWithBinding |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcPatternObjectInsertElt |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcConfigValues |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:IA__FcLangSetCreate |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_d2 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcLangSetCreate |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_e |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:IA__FcStrCopy |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_e2 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcStrCopy |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_f |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcValueSave |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_g |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcPatternHash |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_h |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcConfigFilename |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_i |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcCharSetFindLeafCreate |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_j |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:FcCharSetPutLeaf |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39050_k |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:IA__FcCharSetCreate |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:mozilla_security_manager::::nsPKCS12Blob_ImportHelper |
| fun:mozilla_security_manager::nsPKCS12Blob_Import |
| fun:net::CertDatabase::ImportFromPKCS12 |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:mozilla_security_manager::nsPKCS12Blob_Export |
| fun:net::CertDatabase::ExportToPKCS12 |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:crypto::Open*NSSDB |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits::New |
| ... |
| fun:crypto::EnsureNSSInit |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_e |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:net::CertDatabaseNSSTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_f |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:net::CertDatabaseNSSTest::TearDown |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_g |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| ... |
| fun:net::CertDatabaseNSSTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_h |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| ... |
| fun:chromeos::OncNetworkParser::ParseServerOrCaCertificate |
| fun:chromeos::OncNetworkParser::ParseCertificate |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_i |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| fun:net::X509Certificate::GetDefaultNickname |
| } |
| { |
| bug_51988_j |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| fun:chromeos::*::ListCertsInSlot |
| ... |
| fun:chromeos::*::TearDown |
| } |
| { |
| bug_66941_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:PR_NewLock |
| fun:net::TestRootCerts::* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_66941_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:nss_ZAlloc |
| fun:net::TestRootCerts::* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_66941_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:PL_ArenaAllocate |
| fun:net::TestRootCerts::* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_66941_d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| fun:net::TestRootCerts::Add |
| } |
| { |
| bug_todo_getdelim_lucid |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:_IO_getdelim |
| } |
| { |
| bug_119677 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:DisplayChangeObserverX11 |
| fun:aura::Env::Init |
| fun:aura::Env::GetInstance |
| } |
| { |
| bug_146464_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:get_peer_sock_name |
| fun:base::MessagePumpAuraX11::GetDefaultXDisplay |
| } |
| { |
| bug_146464_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:add_codeset.isra.10 |
| ... |
| fun:RootWindowHostLinux |
| fun:aura::RootWindowHost::Create |
| } |
| { |
| bug_146464_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:?? |
| ... |
| fun:RootWindowHostLinux |
| fun:aura::RootWindowHost::Create |
| } |
| # leak in OSMesa used to run compositor_unittests in bots. |
| { |
| bug_148477_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:gfx::GLContextOSMesa::MakeCurrent |
| ... |
| fun:webkit::gpu::WebGraphicsContext3DInProcessImpl::* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_148477_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:webkit::gpu::WebGraphicsContext3DInProcessImpl::compileShader |
| fun:WebCore::ProgramBindingBase::loadShader |
| fun:WebCore::ProgramBindingBase::init |
| fun:WebCore::ProgramBinding::ProgramBinding |
| ... |
| fun:WebCore::CCSingleThreadProxy::commitAndComposite |
| fun:WebCore::CCSingleThreadProxy::compositeImmediately |
| fun:WebCore::CCLayerTreeHost::composite |
| fun:WebKit::WebLayerTreeViewImpl::composite |
| } |
| { |
| bug_148477_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:webkit::gpu::WebGraphicsContext3DInProcessImpl::linkProgram |
| fun:WebCore::ProgramBindingBase::link |
| fun:WebCore::ProgramBinding::initialize |
| ... |
| fun:WebCore::CCRendererGL::drawQuad |
| fun:WebCore::CCDirectRenderer::drawRenderPass |
| fun:WebCore::CCDirectRenderer::drawFrame |
| fun:WebCore::CCLayerTreeHostImpl::drawLayers |
| fun:WebCore::CCSingleThreadProxy::doComposite |
| fun:WebCore::CCSingleThreadProxy::commitAndComposite |
| fun:WebCore::CCSingleThreadProxy::compositeImmediately |
| fun:WebCore::CCLayerTreeHost::composite |
| fun:WebKit::WebLayerTreeViewImpl::composite |
| fun:ui::Compositor::Draw |
| } |
| |
| |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # 2. intentional unit test errors, or stuff that is somehow a false positive |
| # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing |
| { |
| Heapcheck sanity test (ToolsSanityTest.MemoryLeak). |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:base::ToolsSanityTest_MemoryLeak_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| Intentional leak in BrowserThreadTest.NotReleasedIfTargetThreadNonExistent |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:content::BrowserThreadTest_NotReleasedIfTargetThreadNonExistent_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| Intentional leak of *Histograms to avoid shutdown races |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:base::*Histogram::FactoryGet |
| } |
| { |
| Intentional leak of stats histogram to avoid shutdown races |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:disk_cache::StatsHistogram::FactoryGet |
| } |
| { |
| String name pushed into deliberately leaked histograms |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:*basic_string* |
| fun:base:*:HistogramTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| String name pushed into deliberately leaked ScoketPool histigram |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:std::string::* |
| ... |
| fun:net::ClientSocketPoolHistograms::ClientSocketPoolHistograms |
| } |
| { |
| String name pushed into leaked CookieMonsterHistograms |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:*basic_string* |
| fun:net::CookieMonster::InitializeHistograms |
| } |
| { |
| String name pushed into deliberately leaked StatsHistogram |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:*basic_string* |
| fun:DiskCacheBackendTest_Histograms_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| Histogram name pushed in deliberately leaked StatsHistogram |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:*basic_string* |
| fun:disk_cache::Stats::Init |
| } |
| { |
| Intentional LeakyLazyInstanceTraits leaks |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:base::internal::LeakyLazyInstanceTraits::New |
| fun:base::LazyInstance::Pointer |
| } |
| { |
| Intentional leak in object tracking statics to avoid shutdown race |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:tracked_objects::ThreadData::Initialize* |
| } |
| { |
| Intentional leak in object tracking of thread context to avoid shutdown race |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:tracked_objects::ThreadData::Get |
| } |
| { |
| Intentional leak of task birth and death data to avoid shutdown race |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:tracked_objects::ThreadData::TallyA* |
| } |
| { |
| NSS is initialized (LeakyLazyInstance) but intentionally never shut down |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:InitSessionCacheLocks |
| fun:initSessionCacheLocksLazily |
| ... |
| fun:ssl_InitSessionCacheLocks |
| } |
| |
| #----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # 3. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed. |
| # These should all be in chromium's bug tracking system (but a few aren't yet). |
| # Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by |
| # running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions. |
| { |
| bug_17540 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:base::MessagePumpLibevent::WatchFileDescriptor |
| fun:MessageLoopForIO::WatchFileDescriptor |
| fun:IPC::Channel::ChannelImpl::Connect |
| fun:IPC::Channel::Connect |
| fun:IPC::ChannelProxy::Context::OnChannelOpened |
| } |
| { |
| bug_39014 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::_Vector_base::_M_allocate |
| fun:std::vector::_M_insert_aux |
| fun:std::vector::push_back |
| fun:IPC::ChannelProxy::Context::OnAddFilter |
| fun:*DispatchToMethod |
| fun:RunnableMethod::Run |
| } |
| { |
| bug_34570 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:URLRequestHttpJob::Factory |
| fun:URLRequestJobManager::CreateJob |
| fun:net::URLRequest::Start |
| fun:URLRequestTest_CancelTest_DuringCookiePolicy_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_34994_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:v8::internal::Invoke |
| fun:v8::internal::Execution::Call |
| fun:v8::Script::Run |
| } |
| { |
| bug_34994_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:v8::internal::Invoke |
| fun:v8::internal::Execution::Call |
| fun:v8::Function::Call |
| } |
| # TODO(glider): sometimes the stacks differ between the bot and the local run, |
| # e.g. "base::subtle::RefCountedBase::RefCountedBase" vs. "RefCountedBase". |
| { |
| bug_38305 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:browser_sync::UIModelWorker::DoWorkAndWaitUntilDone |
| fun:Syncer::SyncShare |
| fun:FakeSyncShareTask::Run |
| fun:MessageLoop::RunTask |
| } |
| { |
| bug_38490 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:browser_sync::SyncBackendHost::Core::NotifyFrontend |
| } |
| { |
| bug_44354 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:NetTestSuite::InitializeTestThread |
| fun:NetTestSuite::Initialize |
| } |
| { |
| bug_46678_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::_Vector_base::_M_allocate |
| fun:std::vector::_M_insert_aux |
| fun:std::vector::push_back |
| fun:remoting::Differ::MergeBlocks |
| } |
| { |
| bug_46678_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:remoting::DifferTest::MarkBlocksAndCheckMerge |
| } |
| { |
| bug_46678_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:remoting::DifferTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| # '*ChromotingPlugin' stands for 'ChromotingPlugin' and |
| # 'remoting::ChromotingPlugin::ChromotingPlugin'. |
| { |
| bug_46678_d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:*ChromotingPlugin |
| fun:CreatePlugin |
| } |
| { |
| bug_46715 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:WebCore::makeExternalString |
| fun:WebCore::*v8ExternalStringSlow |
| } |
| { |
| bug_46886 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:*SpdyHttpStreamTest_SendRequest_Test* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_19775_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:history::InMemoryHistoryBackend::Init |
| fun:history::HistoryBackend::InitImpl |
| } |
| { |
| bug_19775_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:history::HistoryBackend::InitImpl |
| fun:history::HistoryBackend::Init |
| } |
| { |
| bug_19775_d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:ProfileManagerTest_CreateAndUseTwoProfiles_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_47188_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:net::SingleThreadedProxyResolver::GetProxyForURL |
| fun:net::::IOThread::Init |
| fun:base::Thread::ThreadMain |
| fun:ThreadFunc |
| fun:start_thread |
| } |
| { |
| bug_47188_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_M_clone |
| fun:std::string::reserve |
| fun:*InitCanonical |
| fun:GURL |
| fun:net::::IOThread::Init |
| fun:base::Thread::ThreadMain |
| fun:ThreadFunc |
| fun:start_thread |
| } |
| { |
| bug_47188_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:net::SingleThreadedProxyResolver::Job::DoQuery |
| fun:*DispatchToMethod |
| fun:RunnableMethod::Run |
| fun:MessageLoop::RunTask |
| fun:MessageLoop::DeferOrRunPendingTask |
| fun:MessageLoop::DoWork |
| fun:base::MessagePumpDefault::Run |
| fun:MessageLoop::RunInternal |
| fun:MessageLoop::RunHandler |
| fun:MessageLoop::Run |
| fun:base::Thread::Run |
| fun:base::Thread::ThreadMain |
| fun:ThreadFunc |
| fun:start_thread |
| } |
| { |
| bug_49300_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:disk_cache::StorageBlock::AllocateData |
| fun:disk_cache::StorageBlock::Data |
| } |
| { |
| bug_49300_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:disk_cache::BackendImpl::CreateEntryImpl |
| fun:disk_cache::BackendImpl::SyncCreateEntry |
| fun:disk_cache::BackendIO::ExecuteBackendOperation |
| } |
| { |
| bug_49300_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:disk_cache::BackendImpl::NewEntry |
| fun:disk_cache::BackendImpl::MatchEntry |
| } |
| { |
| bug_50598_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:RenderThread |
| fun:safe_browsing::PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_50598_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:WaitableEvent |
| fun:ChildProcess |
| fun:RenderProcess |
| fun:MockRenderProcess |
| fun:safe_browsing::PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_50598_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:safe_browsing::PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest::GetNextThreadName |
| } |
| { |
| bug_53184 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:base::WaitableEventWatcher::StartWatching |
| fun:IPC::SyncChannel::SyncContext::OnChannelOpened |
| fun:*DispatchToMethod |
| fun:RunnableMethod::Run |
| fun:MessageLoop::RunTask |
| } |
| { |
| bug_56676_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::_Vector_base::_M_allocate |
| fun:std::vector::_M_allocate_and_copy |
| fun:std::vector::operator= |
| fun:MockDispatcher::DidReadDirectory |
| fun:fileapi::FileSystemOperation::DidReadDirectory |
| } |
| { |
| bug_56676_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct_aux |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct |
| fun:*basic_string* |
| fun:file_util::FileEnumerator::ReadDirectory |
| fun:file_util::FileEnumerator::Next |
| fun:::RelayReadDirectory::RunWork |
| fun:::MessageLoopRelay::ProcessOnTargetThread |
| } |
| { |
| bug_58474_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:FileSystemHostContextTest_CheckValidPath_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_58474_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:FileSystemHostContextTest_GetRootPath_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_60872 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:base::BaseTimer::Start |
| fun:ReloadButtonGtk::OnClicked |
| fun:ReloadButtonGtk::OnClickedThunk |
| fun:g_closure_invoke |
| fun:ReloadButtonGtkTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_65940_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:IPC::SyncChannel::SyncChannel |
| fun:ChildThread::Init |
| fun:ChildThread::ChildThread |
| fun:RenderThreadImpl::RenderThreadImpl |
| } |
| { |
| bug_65940_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::_Vector_base::_M_allocate |
| fun:std::vector::_M_insert_aux |
| fun:std::vector::push_back |
| fun:IPC::ChannelProxy::Context::OnAddFilter |
| } |
| { |
| bug_67524 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:net::::ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings::SetPacScriptFromDisk |
| } |
| { |
| bug_68304 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:IPC::ParamTraits::Read |
| fun:IPC::ReadParam |
| fun:IPC::MessageWithTuple::Read |
| fun:IPC::MessageWithTuple::Dispatch |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHost::OnMessageReceived |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHostTest::MakeTestRequest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_70327 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:gfx::Canvas::SizeStringInt |
| fun:gfx::Canvas::GetStringWidth |
| fun:gfx::PlatformFontPango::GetStringWidth |
| ... |
| fun:ui::TextEliderTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_71909 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:TestingProfile::CreateRequestContext |
| fun:MockService |
| ... |
| fun:ExtensionUpdaterTest* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_79322a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct_aux |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct |
| fun:*basic_string* |
| fun:AutofillMetrics::Log |
| } |
| { |
| bug_79322b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_M_clone |
| fun:std::string::reserve |
| fun:std::operator+ |
| fun:HistoryQuickProvider::Start |
| fun:HistoryQuickProviderTest::RunTest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_79322c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_M_clone |
| fun:std::string::reserve |
| fun:std::operator+ |
| fun:ThreadWatcher::Initialize |
| fun:ThreadWatcher::ThreadWatcher |
| fun:CustomThreadWatcher::CustomThreadWatcher |
| fun:ThreadWatcherTest::ThreadWatcherTest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_79322d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_M_clone |
| fun:std::string::reserve |
| fun:std::operator+ |
| fun:AutocompleteController::Start |
| fun:::AutocompleteProviderTest::RunTest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_79328 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:TestingProfile::CreateRequestContext |
| fun:* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_80467 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:ExtensionService::RecordPermissionMessagesHistogram |
| } |
| { |
| bug_80472 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:fileapi::::FileSystemURLRequestJobTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_80473 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:fileapi::::FileSystemDirURLRequestJobTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_80550_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:RenderWidgetHost::WasRestored |
| } |
| { |
| bug_80550_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:RenderWidgetHost::WasHidden |
| } |
| { |
| bug_80663 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:URLFetcher::Core::StartURLRequest |
| fun:URLFetcher::Core::StartURLRequestWhen* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_81575 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:Options |
| fun:fileapi::FileSystemOriginDatabase::Init |
| } |
| { |
| bug_82974a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:net::X509Certificate::CreateOSCertHandleFromBytes* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_82974b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:net::::PKIXVerifyCert |
| } |
| { |
| bug_82974c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| fun:net::*::ListCertsInSlot |
| ... |
| fun:net::CertDatabaseNSSTest::TearDown |
| } |
| { |
| bug_82974d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| fun:net::CertDatabase::ListCerts |
| } |
| { |
| bug_82974e |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| fun:net::CertDatabase::DeleteCertAndKey |
| fun:net::*::CleanupSlotContents |
| fun:net::CertDatabaseNSSTest::TearDown |
| } |
| { |
| bug_83195 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct_aux |
| fun:std::string::_S_construct |
| fun:std::basic_string::basic_string |
| fun:webkit_glue::WebKitClientImpl::histogramCustomCounts |
| fun:WebCore::PlatformBridge::histogramCustomCounts |
| fun:WebKit::WebViewImpl::paint |
| fun:WebWidgetHost::PaintRect |
| fun:WebWidgetHost::Paint |
| fun:::WebWidgetHostGtkWidget::HandleExpose |
| fun:_gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED |
| fun:base::MessagePumpForUI::DispatchEvents |
| fun:base::MessagePumpForUI::EventDispatcher |
| fun:base::MessagePumpForUI::RunOnce |
| fun:base::MessagePumpForUI::RunWithDispatcher |
| fun:base::MessagePumpForUI::Run |
| fun:MessageLoop::RunInternal |
| fun:MessageLoop::RunHandler |
| } |
| { |
| bug_88640 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:ProfileImpl::DoFinalInit |
| fun:ProfileImpl::OnPrefsLoaded |
| } |
| { |
| bug_88735 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:ProtocolHandlerRegistry::MaybeCreateJob |
| fun:MakeRequest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_90271 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:::CreateLocaleDefaultValue |
| fun:PrefService::RegisterLocalizedStringPref |
| fun:TabContentsWrapper::RegisterUserPrefs |
| } |
| { |
| bug_90369_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_M_clone |
| fun:std::string::reserve |
| fun:std::string::append |
| fun:FilePath::Append |
| fun:ProfileManagerTest_CreateProfilesAsync_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_90369_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_M_clone |
| fun:std::string::reserve |
| fun:std::string::append |
| fun:FilePath::Append |
| fun:ProfileManagerTest_CreateProfileAsyncMultipleRequests_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_91174 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:DownloadManager::OnPathExistenceAvailable |
| } |
| { |
| bug_90013_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:?? |
| fun:gfx::RenderTextLinux::EnsureLayout |
| } |
| { |
| bug_90013_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:?? |
| fun:gfx::RenderTextLinux::GetStringSize |
| } |
| { |
| bug_90013_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:?? |
| fun:::FindBestMatchFontFamilyName |
| fun:PlatformFontPango |
| } |
| { |
| bug_90013_d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:?? |
| fun:gfx::GetPangoFontMetrics |
| fun:gfx::PlatformFontPango::InitPangoMetrics |
| } |
| { |
| bug_91845_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:BrowserAccessibilityManager::CreateAccessibilityTree |
| ... |
| fun:BrowserAccessibilityManagerTest_TestCreateEmptyDocument_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_91845_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:BrowserAccessibilityManagerTest_TestCreateEmptyDocument_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_91845_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:BrowserAccessibilityManager::Create |
| fun:BrowserAccessibilityManager::CreateEmptyDocument |
| fun:BrowserAccessibilityManagerTest_TestCreateEmptyDocument_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_93006a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:DownloadManager::Init |
| fun:DownloadManagerTest* |
| fun:DownloadManagerTest_* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_93006b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:DownloadManagerTest* |
| fun:DownloadManagerTest_* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_93006c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:MockDownloadManager* |
| fun:DownloadManagerTest* |
| fun:DownloadManagerTest_* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_93006d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:DownloadManager::AddObserver |
| fun:*SelectFileObserver |
| fun:DownloadManagerTest_* |
| } |
| { |
| bug_94764 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:remoting::ClientSession::UnpressKeys |
| fun:remoting::ClientSessionTest_UnpressKeys_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_96069 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate |
| ... |
| fun:disk_cache::MemBackendImpl::CreateBackend |
| ... |
| fun:net::HttpCache::CreateBackend |
| fun:net::HttpCache::CreateTransaction |
| ... |
| fun:net::CookieMonster::CookieMonsterTask::InvokeCallback |
| } |
| { |
| bug_96904 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:TestURLRequestContextGetter::GetURLRequestContext |
| fun:*SingleLoginAttempt |
| fun:notifier::Login::StartConnection |
| fun:syncer::InvalidationNotifier::UpdateCredentials |
| fun:syncer::NonBlockingInvalidationNotifier::Core::UpdateCredentials |
| fun:void DispatchToMethod |
| } |
| { |
| bug_98967 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:V8ValueConverterImplTest_WeirdTypes_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_99166_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:AppNotificationStorage::Create |
| } |
| { |
| bug_99166_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:AppNotificationManager::Init |
| } |
| { |
| bug_99304 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:v8::internal::SkipList::Update |
| ... |
| fun:v8::internal::Deserializer::Allocate |
| fun:v8::internal::Deserializer::ReadObject |
| fun:v8::internal::Deserializer::ReadChunk |
| fun:v8::internal::Deserializer::ReadObject |
| fun:v8::internal::Deserializer::ReadChunk |
| fun:v8::internal::Deserializer::VisitPointers |
| fun:v8::internal::Heap::IterateStrongRoots |
| fun:v8::internal::Deserializer::Deserialize |
| fun:v8::internal::Isolate::Init |
| fun:v8::internal::V8::Initialize |
| fun:v8::internal::Snapshot::Deserialize |
| fun:v8::internal::Snapshot::Initialize |
| } |
| { |
| bug_99436 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:chromeos::OncNetworkParserTest_TestCreateNetworkWifi*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_100146 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:base::internal::WeakReferenceOwner::GetRef |
| fun:base::SupportsWeakPtr::AsWeakPtr |
| fun:Iterator |
| fun:DownloadManager::Shutdown |
| fun:DownloadService::Shutdown |
| fun:ProfileKeyedServiceFactory::ProfileShutdown |
| fun:ProfileDependencyManager::DestroyProfileServices |
| fun:~OffTheRecordProfileImpl |
| fun:~scoped_ptr |
| fun:~ProfileImpl |
| fun:~scoped_ptr |
| fun:~ProfileInfo |
| ... |
| fun:~map |
| fun:~ProfileManager |
| fun:~ProfileManagerWithoutInit |
| fun:scoped_ptr::reset |
| fun:ProfileManagerTest::TearDown |
| } |
| { |
| bug_102831_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:PluginLoaderPosix::LoadPluginsInternal |
| } |
| { |
| bug_102831_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:PluginLoaderPosix::LoadPlugins |
| } |
| { |
| bug_102831_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:PluginLoaderPosix::GetPluginsToLoad |
| } |
| { |
| bug_102831_d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:PluginService::RegisterPepperPlugins |
| ... |
| fun:PluginService::GetInstance |
| fun:PluginPrefs::EnablePlugin |
| } |
| { |
| bug_102831_e |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:FilePath::Append |
| fun:chrome::PathProvider |
| fun:PathService::Get |
| fun:PluginPrefs::SetPrefs |
| fun:PluginPrefsFactory::BuildServiceInstanceFor |
| } |
| { |
| bug_103192_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:MessageLoop |
| fun:MessageLoopForIO |
| fun:GViewRequestInterceptorTest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_103192_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:PluginService::GetPlugins |
| fun:chromeos::::GViewRequestInterceptorTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_103192_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:base::Bind |
| fun:chromeos::::GViewRequestInterceptorTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_103704 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::copy |
| fun:std::basic_string::basic_string |
| fun:TestingBrowserProcess |
| fun:::ChromeTestSuiteInitializer::OnTestStart |
| fun:testing::internal::TestEventRepeater::OnTestStart |
| } |
| { |
| bug_103945 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:std::*string::_Rep::_S_create |
| ... |
| fun:PluginService::RegisterPepperPlugins |
| fun:PluginService::Init |
| fun:chromeos::::GViewRequestInterceptorTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_111588a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHost::CompleteRead |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHost::OnReadCompleted |
| fun:net::URLRequest::NotifyReadCompleted |
| fun:net::URLRequestJob::NotifyReadComplete |
| fun:net::URLRequestTestJob::ProcessNextOperation |
| fun:net::URLRequestTestJob::ProcessOnePendingMessage |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHostTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_111588b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_S_create |
| fun:std::string::_Rep::_M_clone |
| fun:std::string::reserve |
| fun:bool ::InitCanonical |
| fun:GURL |
| fun:IPC::ParamTraits::Read |
| fun:IPC::ReadParam |
| fun:IPC::ParamTraits::Read |
| fun:IPC::ReadParam |
| fun:IPC::ParamTraits::Read |
| fun:IPC::ReadParam |
| fun:IPC::MessageSchema::Read |
| fun:ResourceHostMsg_RequestResource::Read |
| fun:ResourceHostMsg_RequestResource::Dispatch |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHost::OnMessageReceived |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHostTest::MakeTestRequest |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHostTest::MakeTestRequest |
| fun:ResourceDispatcherHostTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_112315 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:v8::internal::NativeObjectsExplorer::FindOrAddGroupInfo |
| fun:v8::internal::NativeObjectsExplorer::SetNativeRootReference |
| fun:v8::internal::NativeObjectsExplorer::IterateAndExtractReferences |
| fun:v8::internal::HeapSnapshotGenerator::CountEntriesAndReferences |
| fun:v8::internal::HeapSnapshotGenerator::GenerateSnapshot |
| fun:v8::internal::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshotImpl |
| fun:v8::internal::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshotImpl |
| fun:v8::internal::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot |
| fun:v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot |
| fun:GetNumObjects |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114750_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:::FindBestMatchFontFamilyName |
| fun:gfx::PlatformFontPango::PlatformFontPango |
| fun:PlatformFontPangoTest_FamilyList_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114750_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:?? |
| fun:FindBestMatchFontFamilyName |
| fun:PlatformFontPango |
| fun:gfx::PlatformFont::CreateFromNativeFont |
| fun:Font |
| fun:PlatformFontPango |
| fun:gfx::PlatformFont::CreateDefault |
| fun:Font |
| fun:Label |
| fun:ash::internal::TrayItemView::CreateLabel |
| fun:ash::internal::TrayIME::CreateTrayView |
| fun:ash::SystemTray::AddTrayItem |
| fun:ash::SystemTray::CreateItems |
| fun:ash::SystemTray::Initialize |
| fun:ash::internal::StatusAreaWidget::CreateTrayViews |
| fun:ash::Shell::Init |
| fun:ash::Shell::CreateInstance |
| fun:ash::test::AshTestBase::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114758 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:::FontTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114767_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:::BookmarkletTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114767_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:TestShell::Initialize |
| fun:TestShell::CreateNewWindow |
| fun:TestShellTest::CreateEmptyWindow |
| fun:TestShellTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114767_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:WebCore::StringCache::v8ExternalStringSlow |
| fun:WebCore::StringCache::v8ExternalStringSlow |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebKit::WebFrameImpl::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:CppBoundClass::BindToJavascript |
| fun:TestShell::BindJSObjectsToWindow |
| fun:TestWebViewDelegate::didClearWindowObject |
| fun:WebKit::FrameLoaderClientImpl::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld |
| fun:WebCore::V8DOMWindowShell::initContextIfNeeded |
| fun:WebCore::V8DOMWindowShell::updateDocument |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::updateDocument |
| fun:WebCore::Frame::setDocument |
| fun:WebCore::DocumentWriter::begin |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::receivedFirstData |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::willSetEncoding |
| fun:WebCore::DocumentWriter::setEncoding |
| fun:WebKit::FrameLoaderClientImpl::finishedLoading |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::finishedLoadingDocument |
| fun:WebCore::DocumentLoader::finishedLoading |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::finishedLoading |
| fun:WebCore::MainResourceLoader::didFinishLoading |
| fun:WebCore::MainResourceLoader::continueAfterContentPolicy |
| fun:WebCore::MainResourceLoader::continueAfterContentPolicy |
| fun:WebCore::MainResourceLoader::callContinueAfterContentPolicy |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114770 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:TestShell::InitializeTestShell |
| fun:TestShellTestSuite::Initialize |
| fun:base::TestSuite::Run |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114771 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:WebCore::StringCache::v8ExternalStringSlow |
| fun:WebCore::StringCache::v8ExternalStringSlow |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebKit::WebFrameImpl::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:CppBoundClass::BindToJavascript |
| fun:TestShell::BindJSObjectsToWindow |
| fun:TestWebViewDelegate::didClearWindowObject |
| fun:WebKit::FrameLoaderClientImpl::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld |
| fun:WebCore::V8DOMWindowShell::initContextIfNeeded |
| fun:WebCore::V8Proxy::mainWorldContext |
| fun:WebCore::V8Proxy::mainWorldContext |
| fun:WebCore::ScriptController::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:WebKit::WebFrameImpl::bindToWindowObject |
| fun:CppBoundClass::BindToJavascript |
| fun:TestShell::BindJSObjectsToWindow |
| fun:TestWebViewDelegate::didClearWindowObject |
| fun:WebKit::FrameLoaderClientImpl::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectsInAllWorlds |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::receivedFirstData |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::willSetEncoding |
| fun:WebCore::DocumentWriter::setEncoding |
| fun:WebKit::FrameLoaderClientImpl::finishedLoading |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::finishedLoadingDocumen |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114978 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:mozilla_security_manager::GenKeyAndSignChallenge |
| fun:net::KeygenHandler::GenKeyAndSignChallenge |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114979 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:BookmarkBarGtkUnittest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114986 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:ThemeServiceFactory::BuildServiceInstanceFor |
| ... |
| fun:ProfileKeyedServiceFactory::GetServiceForProfile |
| fun:ThemeServiceFactory::GetForProfile |
| } |
| { |
| bug_114988 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:BookmarkEditorGtk::BookmarkEditorGtk |
| fun:BookmarkEditorGtkTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_115611_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:base::Bind |
| fun:content::TraceSubscriberStdioImpl::OnStart |
| } |
| { |
| bug_115611_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:*TraceSubscriberStdio* |
| fun:TraceSubscriberStdioTest_CanWriteDataToFile_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_115611_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:FilePath::Append |
| fun:FilePath::AppendASCII |
| fun:TraceSubscriberStdioTest_CanWriteDataToFile_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_117389 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:TestURLRequestContextGetter::GetURLRequestContext |
| ... |
| fun:notifier::Login::StartConnection |
| fun:syncer::InvalidationNotifier::UpdateCredentials |
| fun:syncer::NonBlockingInvalidationNotifier::Core::UpdateCredentials |
| } |
| { |
| bug_124758 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:sqlite3MemMalloc |
| fun:crypto::RSAPrivateKey::FindFromPublicKeyInfo |
| fun:crypto::RSAPrivateKeyNSSTest_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_125129_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:content::RenderProcessHostImpl::RenderProcessHostImpl |
| fun:SiteInstanceImpl::GetProcess |
| fun:*RenderViewHostImpl |
| fun:*TestRenderViewHost |
| fun:::TestInterstitialPage::CreateRenderViewHost |
| } |
| { |
| bug_125129_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:content::RenderProcessHostImpl::RenderProcessHostImpl |
| fun:SiteInstanceImpl::GetProcess |
| ... |
| fun:*_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| # Like 125129_b, but for Chromium OS instead of Linux. |
| bug_125129_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:RenderProcessHostImpl |
| fun:SiteInstanceImpl::GetProcess |
| ... |
| fun:*_*_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_128145 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:BuildWebDataService |
| fun:RefcountedProfileKeyedServiceFactory::GetServiceForProfile |
| fun:RefcountedProfileKeyedServiceFactory::SetTestingFactoryAndUse |
| fun:TestingProfile::CreateWebDataService |
| } |
| { |
| bug_129392 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:::ChromeTestSuiteInitializer::SetUpHostResolver |
| fun:::ChromeTestSuiteInitializer::OnTestStart |
| fun:testing::internal::TestEventRepeater::OnTestStart |
| } |
| { |
| bug_130640_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:GtkThemeService::GetFolderIcon |
| } |
| { |
| bug_130640_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:GtkThemeService::GetDefaultFavicon |
| } |
| { |
| bug_132431 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:gfx::::LoadDefaults |
| fun:gfx::GetDefaultWebKitFontRenderParams |
| fun:renderer_preferences_util::UpdateFromSystemSettings |
| fun:PrefsTabHelper::PrefsTabHelper |
| fun:TabContents::TabContents |
| fun:TabContents::Factory::CreateTabContents |
| fun:TabContentsTestHarness::SetContents |
| fun:content::RenderViewHostTestHarness::SetUp |
| fun:ChromeRenderViewHostTestHarness::SetUp |
| fun:TabContentsTestHarness::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_134527 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:IA__FcMatrixCopy |
| fun:gfx::RenderTextLinux::EnsureLayout |
| fun:gfx::RenderText::IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme |
| fun:gfx::RenderTextTest_GraphemePositions_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_134717 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:ui::InputMethodIBus::CreateContext |
| fun:ui::InputMethodIBus::Init |
| } |
| { |
| bug_136936 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:std::basic_string::_Rep::_S_create |
| ... |
| fun:base::PlatformThread::SetName |
| } |
| { |
| bug_143431 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:ManagedMode::ManagedMode |
| fun:*FakeManagedMode |
| fun:ManagedModeTest::ManagedModeTest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_143563 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:TaskManagerModel::RefreshVideoMemoryUsageStats |
| fun:TaskManagerModel::Refresh |
| fun:TaskManagerTest_RefreshCalled_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_143565 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:appcache::AppCacheStorageImpl::Initialize |
| fun:appcache::AppCacheService::Initialize |
| fun:ChromeAppCacheService::InitializeOnIOThread |
| } |
| { |
| bug_144913 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:DBusThreadManagerImpl |
| fun:chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Initialize |
| fun:chromeos::KioskModeIdleLogoutTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_144913_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Initialize |
| fun:chromeos::KioskModeIdleLogoutTest::SetUp |
| } |
| { |
| bug_144913_c |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:MessageLoop::MessageLoop |
| fun:MessageLoopForUI::MessageLoopForUI |
| fun:AshTestBase |
| fun:KioskModeIdleLogoutTest |
| fun:KioskModeIdleLogoutTest_CheckObserversAfterUserLogin_Test |
| fun:testing::internal::TestFactoryImpl::CreateTest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_144913_d |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:MessageLoop::MessageLoop |
| fun:MessageLoopForUI::MessageLoopForUI |
| fun:AshTestBase |
| fun:KioskModeIdleLogoutTest |
| fun:KioskModeIdleLogoutTest_CheckObserversBeforeUserLogin_Test |
| fun:testing::internal::TestFactoryImpl::CreateTest |
| } |
| { |
| bug_147755_a |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:PluginFinder::GetPluginInstaller |
| fun:PluginPrefs::EnablePluginIfPossibleCallback |
| } |
| { |
| bug_147755_b |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| ... |
| fun:ASCIIToUTF16 |
| fun:PluginPrefsTest_UnifiedPepperFlashState_Test::TestBody |
| } |
| { |
| bug_150648 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:WTF::fastMalloc |
| fun:WTF::StringImpl::createUninitialized |
| fun:WTF::StringImpl::create |
| fun:WebKit::WebString::assign |
| fun:WebKit::WebString::WebString |
| fun:webkit_glue::CppBoundClass::BindToJavascript |
| fun:::TestWebFrameClient::didClearWindowObject |
| fun:WebKit::FrameLoaderClientImpl::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld |
| fun:WebCore::FrameLoader::dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld |
| fun:WebCore::V8DOMWindowShell::initializeIfNeeded |
| } |
| { |
| bug_151907 |
| Heapcheck:Leak |
| fun:v8::internal::SkipList::Update |
| fun:v8::internal::PagedSpace::AllocateRaw |
| fun:v8::internal::Heap::ReserveSpace |
| fun:v8::internal::Deserializer::Deserialize |
| fun:v8::internal::Isolate::Init |
| fun:v8::internal::V8::Initialize |
| fun:v8::internal::Snapshot::Initialize |
| fun:v8::InitializeHelper |
| fun:v8::V8::Initialize |
| fun:WebKit::initialize |
| } |