blob: 046e2bdb3367fd31bc7622bee42095ace773386f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilies for the processing of schema python structures.
def CapitalizeFirstLetter(value):
return value[0].capitalize() + value[1:]
def GetNamespace(ref_type):
if '.' in ref_type:
return ref_type[:ref_type.rindex('.')]
def StripSchemaNamespace(s):
last_dot = s.rfind('.')
if not last_dot == -1:
return s[last_dot + 1:]
return s
def PrefixSchemasWithNamespace(schemas):
for s in schemas:
_PrefixWithNamespace(s.get("namespace"), s)
def _MaybePrefixFieldWithNamespace(namespace, schema, key):
if type(schema) == dict and key in schema:
old_value = schema[key]
if not "." in old_value:
schema[key] = namespace + "." + old_value
def _PrefixTypesWithNamespace(namespace, types):
for t in types:
_MaybePrefixFieldWithNamespace(namespace, t, "id")
_MaybePrefixFieldWithNamespace(namespace, t, "customBindings")
def _PrefixWithNamespace(namespace, schema):
if type(schema) == dict:
if "types" in schema:
_PrefixTypesWithNamespace(namespace, schema.get("types"))
_MaybePrefixFieldWithNamespace(namespace, schema, "$ref")
for s in schema:
_PrefixWithNamespace(namespace, schema[s])
elif type(schema) == list:
for s in schema:
_PrefixWithNamespace(namespace, s)
def JsFunctionNameToClassName(namespace_name, function_name):
"""Transform a fully qualified function name like into FooBarBaz
Also strips any leading 'Experimental' prefix."""
parts = []
full_name = namespace_name + "." + function_name
for part in full_name.split("."):
if parts[0] == "Experimental":
del parts[0]
class_name = "".join(parts)
return class_name