blob: 90c2d7c6b7a1decc77cdd964a867439d3be472a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "webkit/appcache/appcache_database.h"
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "sql/connection.h"
#include "sql/diagnostic_error_delegate.h"
#include "sql/meta_table.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "sql/transaction.h"
#include "webkit/appcache/appcache_entry.h"
#include "webkit/appcache/appcache_histograms.h"
// Schema -------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
const int kCurrentVersion = 4;
const int kCompatibleVersion = 4;
const char kGroupsTable[] = "Groups";
const char kCachesTable[] = "Caches";
const char kEntriesTable[] = "Entries";
const char kNamespacesTable[] = "Namespaces";
const char kOnlineWhiteListsTable[] = "OnlineWhiteLists";
const char kDeletableResponseIdsTable[] = "DeletableResponseIds";
struct TableInfo {
const char* table_name;
const char* columns;
struct IndexInfo {
const char* index_name;
const char* table_name;
const char* columns;
bool unique;
const TableInfo kTables[] = {
{ kGroupsTable,
" origin TEXT,"
" manifest_url TEXT,"
" creation_time INTEGER,"
" last_access_time INTEGER)" },
{ kCachesTable,
" group_id INTEGER,"
" online_wildcard INTEGER CHECK(online_wildcard IN (0, 1)),"
" update_time INTEGER,"
" cache_size INTEGER)" }, // intentionally not normalized
{ kEntriesTable,
"(cache_id INTEGER,"
" url TEXT,"
" flags INTEGER,"
" response_id INTEGER,"
" response_size INTEGER)" },
{ kNamespacesTable,
"(cache_id INTEGER,"
" origin TEXT," // intentionally not normalized
" type INTEGER,"
" namespace_url TEXT,"
" target_url TEXT)" },
{ kOnlineWhiteListsTable,
"(cache_id INTEGER,"
" namespace_url TEXT)" },
{ kDeletableResponseIdsTable,
"(response_id INTEGER NOT NULL)" },
const IndexInfo kIndexes[] = {
{ "GroupsOriginIndex",
false },
{ "GroupsManifestIndex",
true },
{ "CachesGroupIndex",
false },
{ "EntriesCacheIndex",
false },
{ "EntriesCacheAndUrlIndex",
"(cache_id, url)",
true },
{ "EntriesResponseIdIndex",
true },
{ "NamespacesCacheIndex",
false },
{ "NamespacesOriginIndex",
false },
{ "NamespacesCacheAndUrlIndex",
"(cache_id, namespace_url)",
true },
{ "OnlineWhiteListCacheIndex",
false },
{ "DeletableResponsesIdIndex",
true },
const int kTableCount = ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kTables);
const int kIndexCount = ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kIndexes);
class HistogramUniquifier {
static const char* name() { return "Sqlite.AppCache.Error"; }
sql::ErrorDelegate* GetErrorHandlerForAppCacheDb() {
return new sql::DiagnosticErrorDelegate<HistogramUniquifier>();
bool CreateTable(sql::Connection* db, const TableInfo& info) {
std::string sql("CREATE TABLE ");
sql += info.table_name;
sql += info.columns;
return db->Execute(sql.c_str());
bool CreateIndex(sql::Connection* db, const IndexInfo& info) {
std::string sql;
if (info.unique)
sql += "CREATE INDEX ";
sql += info.index_name;
sql += " ON ";
sql += info.table_name;
sql += info.columns;
return db->Execute(sql.c_str());
} // anon namespace
// AppCacheDatabase ----------------------------------------------------------
namespace appcache {
: group_id(0) {
AppCacheDatabase::GroupRecord::~GroupRecord() {
: cache_id(0), type(FALLBACK_NAMESPACE) {
AppCacheDatabase::NamespaceRecord::~NamespaceRecord() {
AppCacheDatabase::AppCacheDatabase(const FilePath& path)
: db_file_path_(path), is_disabled_(false), is_recreating_(false) {
AppCacheDatabase::~AppCacheDatabase() {
void AppCacheDatabase::CloseConnection() {
// We can't close the connection for an in-memory database w/o
// losing all of the data, so we don't do that.
if (!db_file_path_.empty())
void AppCacheDatabase::Disable() {
VLOG(1) << "Disabling appcache database.";
is_disabled_ = true;
int64 AppCacheDatabase::GetOriginUsage(const GURL& origin) {
std::vector<CacheRecord> records;
if (!FindCachesForOrigin(origin, &records))
return 0;
int64 origin_usage = 0;
std::vector<CacheRecord>::const_iterator iter = records.begin();
while (iter != records.end()) {
origin_usage += iter->cache_size;
return origin_usage;
bool AppCacheDatabase::GetAllOriginUsage(std::map<GURL, int64>* usage_map) {
std::set<GURL> origins;
if (!FindOriginsWithGroups(&origins))
return false;
for (std::set<GURL>::const_iterator origin = origins.begin();
origin != origins.end(); ++origin) {
(*usage_map)[*origin] = GetOriginUsage(*origin);
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindOriginsWithGroups(std::set<GURL>* origins) {
DCHECK(origins && origins->empty());
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT DISTINCT(origin) FROM Groups";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetUniqueStatement(kSql));
while (statement.Step())
return statement.Succeeded();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindLastStorageIds(
int64* last_group_id, int64* last_cache_id, int64* last_response_id,
int64* last_deletable_response_rowid) {
DCHECK(last_group_id && last_cache_id && last_response_id &&
*last_group_id = 0;
*last_cache_id = 0;
*last_response_id = 0;
*last_deletable_response_rowid = 0;
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kMaxGroupIdSql = "SELECT MAX(group_id) FROM Groups";
const char* kMaxCacheIdSql = "SELECT MAX(cache_id) FROM Caches";
const char* kMaxResponseIdFromEntriesSql =
"SELECT MAX(response_id) FROM Entries";
const char* kMaxResponseIdFromDeletablesSql =
"SELECT MAX(response_id) FROM DeletableResponseIds";
const char* kMaxDeletableResponseRowIdSql =
"SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM DeletableResponseIds";
int64 max_group_id;
int64 max_cache_id;
int64 max_response_id_from_entries;
int64 max_response_id_from_deletables;
int64 max_deletable_response_rowid;
if (!RunUniqueStatementWithInt64Result(kMaxGroupIdSql, &max_group_id) ||
!RunUniqueStatementWithInt64Result(kMaxCacheIdSql, &max_cache_id) ||
&max_response_id_from_entries) ||
&max_response_id_from_deletables) ||
&max_deletable_response_rowid)) {
return false;
*last_group_id = max_group_id;
*last_cache_id = max_cache_id;
*last_response_id = std::max(max_response_id_from_entries,
*last_deletable_response_rowid = max_deletable_response_rowid;
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindGroup(int64 group_id, GroupRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT group_id, origin, manifest_url,"
" creation_time, last_access_time"
" FROM Groups WHERE group_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, group_id);
if (!statement.Step())
return false;
ReadGroupRecord(statement, record);
DCHECK(record->group_id == group_id);
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindGroupForManifestUrl(
const GURL& manifest_url, GroupRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT group_id, origin, manifest_url,"
" creation_time, last_access_time"
" FROM Groups WHERE manifest_url = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindString(0, manifest_url.spec());
if (!statement.Step())
return false;
ReadGroupRecord(statement, record);
DCHECK(record->manifest_url == manifest_url);
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindGroupsForOrigin(
const GURL& origin, std::vector<GroupRecord>* records) {
DCHECK(records && records->empty());
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT group_id, origin, manifest_url,"
" creation_time, last_access_time"
" FROM Groups WHERE origin = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindString(0, origin.spec());
while (statement.Step()) {
ReadGroupRecord(statement, &records->back());
DCHECK(records->back().origin == origin);
return statement.Succeeded();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindGroupForCache(int64 cache_id, GroupRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT g.group_id, g.origin, g.manifest_url,"
" g.creation_time, g.last_access_time"
" FROM Groups g, Caches c"
" WHERE c.cache_id = ? AND c.group_id = g.group_id";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
if (!statement.Step())
return false;
ReadGroupRecord(statement, record);
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::UpdateGroupLastAccessTime(
int64 group_id, base::Time time) {
if (!LazyOpen(true))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"UPDATE Groups SET last_access_time = ? WHERE group_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, time.ToInternalValue());
statement.BindInt64(1, group_id);
return statement.Run() && db_->GetLastChangeCount();
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertGroup(const GroupRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(true))
return false;
const char* kSql =
" (group_id, origin, manifest_url, creation_time, last_access_time)"
" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, record->group_id);
statement.BindString(1, record->origin.spec());
statement.BindString(2, record->manifest_url.spec());
statement.BindInt64(3, record->creation_time.ToInternalValue());
statement.BindInt64(4, record->last_access_time.ToInternalValue());
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::DeleteGroup(int64 group_id) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"DELETE FROM Groups WHERE group_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, group_id);
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindCache(int64 cache_id, CacheRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT cache_id, group_id, online_wildcard, update_time, cache_size"
" FROM Caches WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
if (!statement.Step())
return false;
ReadCacheRecord(statement, record);
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindCacheForGroup(int64 group_id, CacheRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT cache_id, group_id, online_wildcard, update_time, cache_size"
" FROM Caches WHERE group_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, group_id);
if (!statement.Step())
return false;
ReadCacheRecord(statement, record);
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindCachesForOrigin(
const GURL& origin, std::vector<CacheRecord>* records) {
std::vector<GroupRecord> group_records;
if (!FindGroupsForOrigin(origin, &group_records))
return false;
CacheRecord cache_record;
std::vector<GroupRecord>::const_iterator iter = group_records.begin();
while (iter != group_records.end()) {
if (FindCacheForGroup(iter->group_id, &cache_record))
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertCache(const CacheRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(true))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"INSERT INTO Caches (cache_id, group_id, online_wildcard,"
" update_time, cache_size)"
" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, record->cache_id);
statement.BindInt64(1, record->group_id);
statement.BindBool(2, record->online_wildcard);
statement.BindInt64(3, record->update_time.ToInternalValue());
statement.BindInt64(4, record->cache_size);
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::DeleteCache(int64 cache_id) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"DELETE FROM Caches WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindEntriesForCache(
int64 cache_id, std::vector<EntryRecord>* records) {
DCHECK(records && records->empty());
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT cache_id, url, flags, response_id, response_size FROM Entries"
" WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
while (statement.Step()) {
ReadEntryRecord(statement, &records->back());
DCHECK(records->back().cache_id == cache_id);
return statement.Succeeded();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindEntriesForUrl(
const GURL& url, std::vector<EntryRecord>* records) {
DCHECK(records && records->empty());
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT cache_id, url, flags, response_id, response_size FROM Entries"
" WHERE url = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindString(0, url.spec());
while (statement.Step()) {
ReadEntryRecord(statement, &records->back());
DCHECK(records->back().url == url);
return statement.Succeeded();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindEntry(
int64 cache_id, const GURL& url, EntryRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT cache_id, url, flags, response_id, response_size FROM Entries"
" WHERE cache_id = ? AND url = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
statement.BindString(1, url.spec());
if (!statement.Step())
return false;
ReadEntryRecord(statement, record);
DCHECK(record->cache_id == cache_id);
DCHECK(record->url == url);
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertEntry(const EntryRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(true))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"INSERT INTO Entries (cache_id, url, flags, response_id, response_size)"
" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, record->cache_id);
statement.BindString(1, record->url.spec());
statement.BindInt(2, record->flags);
statement.BindInt64(3, record->response_id);
statement.BindInt64(4, record->response_size);
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertEntryRecords(
const std::vector<EntryRecord>& records) {
if (records.empty())
return true;
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
return false;
std::vector<EntryRecord>::const_iterator iter = records.begin();
while (iter != records.end()) {
if (!InsertEntry(&(*iter)))
return false;
return transaction.Commit();
bool AppCacheDatabase::DeleteEntriesForCache(int64 cache_id) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"DELETE FROM Entries WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::AddEntryFlags(
const GURL& entry_url, int64 cache_id, int additional_flags) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"UPDATE Entries SET flags = flags | ? WHERE cache_id = ? AND url = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt(0, additional_flags);
statement.BindInt64(1, cache_id);
statement.BindString(2, entry_url.spec());
return statement.Run() && db_->GetLastChangeCount();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindNamespacesForOrigin(
const GURL& origin,
std::vector<NamespaceRecord>* intercepts,
std::vector<NamespaceRecord>* fallbacks) {
DCHECK(intercepts && intercepts->empty());
DCHECK(fallbacks && fallbacks->empty());
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT cache_id, origin, type, namespace_url, target_url"
" FROM Namespaces WHERE origin = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindString(0, origin.spec());
ReadNamespaceRecords(&statement, intercepts, fallbacks);
return statement.Succeeded();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindNamespacesForCache(
int64 cache_id,
std::vector<NamespaceRecord>* intercepts,
std::vector<NamespaceRecord>* fallbacks) {
DCHECK(intercepts && intercepts->empty());
DCHECK(fallbacks && fallbacks->empty());
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT cache_id, origin, type, namespace_url, target_url"
" FROM Namespaces WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
ReadNamespaceRecords(&statement, intercepts, fallbacks);
return statement.Succeeded();
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertNamespace(
const NamespaceRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(true))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"INSERT INTO Namespaces"
" (cache_id, origin, type, namespace_url, target_url)"
" VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, record->cache_id);
statement.BindString(1, record->origin.spec());
statement.BindInt(2, record->type);
statement.BindString(3, record->namespace_url.spec());
statement.BindString(4, record->target_url.spec());
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertNamespaceRecords(
const std::vector<NamespaceRecord>& records) {
if (records.empty())
return true;
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
return false;
std::vector<NamespaceRecord>::const_iterator iter = records.begin();
while (iter != records.end()) {
if (!InsertNamespace(&(*iter)))
return false;
return transaction.Commit();
bool AppCacheDatabase::DeleteNamespacesForCache(int64 cache_id) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"DELETE FROM Namespaces WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindOnlineWhiteListForCache(
int64 cache_id, std::vector<OnlineWhiteListRecord>* records) {
DCHECK(records && records->empty());
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT cache_id, namespace_url FROM OnlineWhiteLists"
" WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
while (statement.Step()) {
this->ReadOnlineWhiteListRecord(statement, &records->back());
DCHECK(records->back().cache_id == cache_id);
return statement.Succeeded();
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertOnlineWhiteList(
const OnlineWhiteListRecord* record) {
if (!LazyOpen(true))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"INSERT INTO OnlineWhiteLists (cache_id, namespace_url) VALUES (?, ?)";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, record->cache_id);
statement.BindString(1, record->namespace_url.spec());
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertOnlineWhiteListRecords(
const std::vector<OnlineWhiteListRecord>& records) {
if (records.empty())
return true;
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
return false;
std::vector<OnlineWhiteListRecord>::const_iterator iter = records.begin();
while (iter != records.end()) {
if (!InsertOnlineWhiteList(&(*iter)))
return false;
return transaction.Commit();
bool AppCacheDatabase::DeleteOnlineWhiteListForCache(int64 cache_id) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"DELETE FROM OnlineWhiteLists WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
return statement.Run();
bool AppCacheDatabase::GetDeletableResponseIds(
std::vector<int64>* response_ids, int64 max_rowid, int limit) {
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT response_id FROM DeletableResponseIds "
" WHERE rowid <= ?"
" LIMIT ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, max_rowid);
statement.BindInt64(1, limit);
while (statement.Step())
return statement.Succeeded();
bool AppCacheDatabase::InsertDeletableResponseIds(
const std::vector<int64>& response_ids) {
const char* kSql =
"INSERT INTO DeletableResponseIds (response_id) VALUES (?)";
return RunCachedStatementWithIds(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql, response_ids);
bool AppCacheDatabase::DeleteDeletableResponseIds(
const std::vector<int64>& response_ids) {
const char* kSql =
"DELETE FROM DeletableResponseIds WHERE response_id = ?";
return RunCachedStatementWithIds(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql, response_ids);
bool AppCacheDatabase::RunCachedStatementWithIds(
const sql::StatementID& statement_id, const char* sql,
const std::vector<int64>& ids) {
if (!LazyOpen(true))
return false;
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
return false;
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(statement_id, sql));
std::vector<int64>::const_iterator iter = ids.begin();
while (iter != ids.end()) {
statement.BindInt64(0, *iter);
if (!statement.Run())
return false;
return transaction.Commit();
bool AppCacheDatabase::RunUniqueStatementWithInt64Result(
const char* sql, int64* result) {
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetUniqueStatement(sql));
if (!statement.Step()) {
return false;
*result = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::FindResponseIdsForCacheHelper(
int64 cache_id, std::vector<int64>* ids_vector,
std::set<int64>* ids_set) {
DCHECK(ids_vector || ids_set);
DCHECK(!(ids_vector && ids_set));
if (!LazyOpen(false))
return false;
const char* kSql =
"SELECT response_id FROM Entries WHERE cache_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, cache_id);
while (statement.Step()) {
int64 id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
if (ids_set)
return statement.Succeeded();
void AppCacheDatabase::ReadGroupRecord(
const sql::Statement& statement, GroupRecord* record) {
record->group_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
record->origin = GURL(statement.ColumnString(1));
record->manifest_url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(2));
record->creation_time =
record->last_access_time =
void AppCacheDatabase::ReadCacheRecord(
const sql::Statement& statement, CacheRecord* record) {
record->cache_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
record->group_id = statement.ColumnInt64(1);
record->online_wildcard = statement.ColumnBool(2);
record->update_time =
record->cache_size = statement.ColumnInt64(4);
void AppCacheDatabase::ReadEntryRecord(
const sql::Statement& statement, EntryRecord* record) {
record->cache_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
record->url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(1));
record->flags = statement.ColumnInt(2);
record->response_id = statement.ColumnInt64(3);
record->response_size = statement.ColumnInt64(4);
void AppCacheDatabase::ReadNamespaceRecords(
sql::Statement* statement,
NamespaceRecordVector* intercepts,
NamespaceRecordVector* fallbacks) {
while (statement->Step()) {
NamespaceType type = static_cast<NamespaceType>(statement->ColumnInt(2));
NamespaceRecordVector* records =
(type == FALLBACK_NAMESPACE) ? fallbacks : intercepts;
ReadNamespaceRecord(statement, &records->back());
void AppCacheDatabase::ReadNamespaceRecord(
const sql::Statement* statement, NamespaceRecord* record) {
record->cache_id = statement->ColumnInt64(0);
record->origin = GURL(statement->ColumnString(1));
record->type = static_cast<NamespaceType>(statement->ColumnInt(2));
record->namespace_url = GURL(statement->ColumnString(3));
record->target_url = GURL(statement->ColumnString(4));
void AppCacheDatabase::ReadOnlineWhiteListRecord(
const sql::Statement& statement, OnlineWhiteListRecord* record) {
record->cache_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
record->namespace_url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(1));
bool AppCacheDatabase::LazyOpen(bool create_if_needed) {
if (db_.get())
return true;
// If we tried and failed once, don't try again in the same session
// to avoid creating an incoherent mess on disk.
if (is_disabled_)
return false;
// Avoid creating a database at all if we can.
bool use_in_memory_db = db_file_path_.empty();
if (!create_if_needed &&
(use_in_memory_db || !file_util::PathExists(db_file_path_))) {
return false;
db_.reset(new sql::Connection);
meta_table_.reset(new sql::MetaTable);
bool opened = false;
if (use_in_memory_db) {
opened = db_->OpenInMemory();
} else if (!file_util::CreateDirectory(db_file_path_.DirName())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create appcache directory.";
} else {
opened = db_->Open(db_file_path_);
if (opened)
if (!opened || !EnsureDatabaseVersion()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open the appcache database.";
// We're unable to open the database. This is a fatal error
// which we can't recover from. We try to handle it by deleting
// the existing appcache data and starting with a clean slate in
// this browser session.
if (!use_in_memory_db && DeleteExistingAndCreateNewDatabase())
return true;
return false;
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::EnsureDatabaseVersion() {
if (!sql::MetaTable::DoesTableExist(db_.get()))
return CreateSchema();
if (!meta_table_->Init(db_.get(), kCurrentVersion, kCompatibleVersion))
return false;
if (meta_table_->GetCompatibleVersionNumber() > kCurrentVersion) {
LOG(WARNING) << "AppCache database is too new.";
return false;
if (meta_table_->GetVersionNumber() < kCurrentVersion)
return UpgradeSchema();
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (int i = 0; i < kTableCount; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < kIndexCount; ++i) {
return true;
bool AppCacheDatabase::CreateSchema() {
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
return false;
if (!meta_table_->Init(db_.get(), kCurrentVersion, kCompatibleVersion))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < kTableCount; ++i) {
if (!CreateTable(db_.get(), kTables[i]))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < kIndexCount; ++i) {
if (!CreateIndex(db_.get(), kIndexes[i]))
return false;
return transaction.Commit();
bool AppCacheDatabase::UpgradeSchema() {
if (meta_table_->GetVersionNumber() == 3) {
DCHECK_EQ(strcmp(kNamespacesTable, kTables[3].table_name), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(strcmp(kNamespacesTable, kIndexes[6].table_name), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(strcmp(kNamespacesTable, kIndexes[7].table_name), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(strcmp(kNamespacesTable, kIndexes[8].table_name), 0);
// Migrate from the old "FallbackNameSpaces" to the new "Namespaces" table.
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin() ||
!CreateTable(db_.get(), kTables[3])) {
return false;
// Move data from the old table to the new table, setting the
// 'type' for all current records to the value for FALLBACK_NAMESPACE.
DCHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(FALLBACK_NAMESPACE));
if (!db_->Execute(
"INSERT INTO Namespaces"
" SELECT cache_id, origin, 0, namespace_url, fallback_entry_url"
" FROM FallbackNameSpaces")) {
return false;
// Drop the old table, indexes on that table are also removed by this.
if (!db_->Execute("DROP TABLE FallbackNameSpaces"))
return false;
// Create new indexes.
if (!CreateIndex(db_.get(), kIndexes[6]) ||
!CreateIndex(db_.get(), kIndexes[7]) ||
!CreateIndex(db_.get(), kIndexes[8])) {
return false;
// Finally bump the version numbers and commit it.
return transaction.Commit();
// If there is no upgrade path for the version on disk to the current
// version, nuke everything and start over.
return DeleteExistingAndCreateNewDatabase();
void AppCacheDatabase::ResetConnectionAndTables() {
bool AppCacheDatabase::DeleteExistingAndCreateNewDatabase() {
VLOG(1) << "Deleting existing appcache data and starting over.";
// This also deletes the disk cache data.
FilePath directory = db_file_path_.DirName();
if (!file_util::Delete(directory, true) ||
!file_util::CreateDirectory(directory)) {
return false;
// Make sure the steps above actually deleted things.
if (file_util::PathExists(db_file_path_))
return false;
// So we can't go recursive.
if (is_recreating_)
return false;
AutoReset<bool> auto_reset(&is_recreating_, true);
return LazyOpen(true);
} // namespace appcache