blob: 45666fdd239e24fffb9f52d75afe4bb2b66a344a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "media/base/data_source.h"
#include "media/base/ranges.h"
#include "webkit/media/buffered_resource_loader.h"
#include "webkit/media/preload.h"
class MessageLoop;
namespace media {
class MediaLog;
namespace webkit_media {
// A data source capable of loading URLs and buffering the data using an
// in-memory sliding window.
// BufferedDataSource must be created and initialized on the render thread
// before being passed to other threads. It may be deleted on any thread.
class BufferedDataSource : public media::DataSource {
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> DownloadingCB;
// |downloading_cb| will be called whenever the downloading/paused state of
// the source changes.
BufferedDataSource(MessageLoop* render_loop,
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
media::MediaLog* media_log,
const DownloadingCB& downloading_cb);
// Initialize this object using |url| and |cors_mode|, executing |init_cb|
// with the result of initialization when it has completed.
// Method called on the render thread.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> InitializeCB;
void Initialize(
const GURL& url,
BufferedResourceLoader::CORSMode cors_mode,
const InitializeCB& init_cb);
// Adjusts the buffering algorithm based on the given preload value.
void SetPreload(Preload preload);
// Returns true if the media resource has a single origin, false otherwise.
// Only valid to call after Initialize() has completed.
// Method called on the render thread.
bool HasSingleOrigin();
// Returns true if the media resource passed a CORS access control check.
bool DidPassCORSAccessCheck() const;
// Cancels initialization, any pending loaders, and any pending read calls
// from the demuxer. The caller is expected to release its reference to this
// object and never call it again.
// Method called on the render thread.
void Abort();
// media::DataSource implementation.
// Called from demuxer thread.
virtual void set_host(media::DataSourceHost* host) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Stop(const base::Closure& closure) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetPlaybackRate(float playback_rate) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Read(int64 position, int size, uint8* data,
const media::DataSource::ReadCB& read_cb) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetSize(int64* size_out) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsStreaming() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBitrate(int bitrate) OVERRIDE;
virtual ~BufferedDataSource();
// A factory method to create a BufferedResourceLoader based on the read
// parameters. We can override this file to object a mock
// BufferedResourceLoader for testing.
virtual BufferedResourceLoader* CreateResourceLoader(
int64 first_byte_position, int64 last_byte_position);
friend class BufferedDataSourceTest;
// Task posted to perform actual reading on the render thread.
void ReadTask(int64 position, int read_size, uint8* read_buffer);
// Task posted when Stop() is called. Stops |loader_|, resets Read()
// variables, and sets |stopped_on_render_loop_| to signal any remaining
// tasks to stop.
void CleanupTask();
// This task uses the current playback rate with the previous playback rate
// to determine whether we are going from pause to play and play to pause,
// and signals the buffered resource loader accordingly.
void SetPlaybackRateTask(float playback_rate);
// Tells |loader_| the bitrate of the media.
void SetBitrateTask(int bitrate);
// The method that performs actual read. This method can only be executed on
// the render thread.
void ReadInternal();
// Calls |read_cb_| and reset all read parameters. Non-negative |bytes_read|
// values represent successful reads, otherwise |bytes_read| should be
// kReadError.
void DoneRead_Locked(int bytes_read);
// BufferedResourceLoader::Start() callback for initial load.
void StartCallback(BufferedResourceLoader::Status status);
// BufferedResourceLoader::Start() callback for subsequent loads (i.e.,
// when accessing ranges that are outside initial buffered region).
void PartialReadStartCallback(BufferedResourceLoader::Status status);
// BufferedResourceLoader callbacks.
void ReadCallback(BufferedResourceLoader::Status status, int bytes_read);
void LoadingStateChangedCallback(BufferedResourceLoader::LoadingState state);
void ProgressCallback(int64 position);
// Report a buffered byte range [start,end] or queue it for later
// reporting if set_host() hasn't been called yet.
void ReportOrQueueBufferedBytes(int64 start, int64 end);
void UpdateHostState_Locked();
// URL of the resource requested.
GURL url_;
// crossorigin attribute on the corresponding HTML media element, if any.
BufferedResourceLoader::CORSMode cors_mode_;
// The total size of the resource. Set during StartCallback() if the size is
// known, otherwise it will remain kPositionNotSpecified until the size is
// determined by reaching EOF.
int64 total_bytes_;
// Some resources are assumed to be fully buffered (i.e., file://) so we don't
// need to report what |loader_| has buffered.
bool assume_fully_buffered_;
// This value will be true if this data source can only support streaming.
// i.e. range request is not supported.
bool streaming_;
// A webframe for loading.
WebKit::WebFrame* frame_;
// A resource loader for the media resource.
scoped_ptr<BufferedResourceLoader> loader_;
// Callback method from the pipeline for initialization.
InitializeCB init_cb_;
// Read parameters received from the Read() method call.
media::DataSource::ReadCB read_cb_;
int read_size_;
uint8* read_buffer_;
// Retained between reads to make sense of buffering information.
int64 last_read_start_;
// This buffer is intermediate, we use it for BufferedResourceLoader to write
// to. And when read in BufferedResourceLoader is done, we copy data from
// this buffer to |read_buffer_|. The reason for an additional copy is that
// we don't own |read_buffer_|. But since the read operation is asynchronous,
// |read_buffer| can be destroyed at any time, so we only copy into
// |read_buffer| in the final step when it is safe.
// Memory is allocated for this member during initialization of this object
// because we want buffer to be passed into BufferedResourceLoader to be
// always non-null. And by initializing this member with a default size we can
// avoid creating zero-sized buffered if the first read has zero size.
scoped_array<uint8> intermediate_read_buffer_;
int intermediate_read_buffer_size_;
// The message loop of the render thread.
MessageLoop* render_loop_;
// Protects |stop_signal_received_|, |stopped_on_render_loop_| and
// |init_cb_|.
base::Lock lock_;
// Stop signal to suppressing activities. This variable is set on the pipeline
// thread and read from the render thread.
bool stop_signal_received_;
// This variable is set by CleanupTask() that indicates this object is stopped
// on the render thread and work should no longer progress.
bool stopped_on_render_loop_;
// This variable is true when the user has requested the video to play at
// least once.
bool media_has_played_;
// This variable holds the value of the preload attribute for the video
// element.
Preload preload_;
// Number of cache miss retries left.
int cache_miss_retries_left_;
// Bitrate of the content, 0 if unknown.
int bitrate_;
// Current playback rate.
float playback_rate_;
// Buffered byte ranges awaiting set_host() being called to report to host().
media::Ranges<int64> queued_buffered_byte_ranges_;
scoped_refptr<media::MediaLog> media_log_;
DownloadingCB downloading_cb_;
} // namespace webkit_media