blob: dddcd3f29491e9f7a5ce8dcb3c11dbae7f6ff1fa [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gl/gl_switches.h"
namespace gfx {
const char kGLImplementationDesktopName[] = "desktop";
const char kGLImplementationOSMesaName[] = "osmesa";
const char kGLImplementationAppleName[] = "apple";
const char kGLImplementationEGLName[] = "egl";
const char kGLImplementationSwiftShaderName[] = "swiftshader";
const char kGLImplementationMockName[] = "mock";
} // namespace gfx
namespace switches {
// Stop the GPU from synchronizing on the vsync before presenting.
const char kDisableGpuVsync[] = "disable-gpu-vsync";
// Turns on GPU logging (debug build only).
const char kEnableGPUServiceLogging[] = "enable-gpu-service-logging";
const char kEnableGPUClientLogging[] = "enable-gpu-client-logging";
// Select which implementation of GL the GPU process should use. Options are:
// desktop: whatever desktop OpenGL the user has installed (Linux and Mac
// default).
// egl: whatever EGL / GLES2 the user has installed (Windows default - actually
// ANGLE).
// osmesa: The OSMesa software renderer.
const char kUseGL[] = "use-gl";
const char kSwiftShaderPath[] = "swiftshader-path";
// Inform Chrome that a GPU context will not be lost in power saving mode,
// screen saving mode, etc. Note that this flag does not ensure that a GPU
// context will never be lost in any situations, say, a GPU reset.
const char kGpuNoContextLost[] = "gpu-no-context-lost";
// Add a delay in milliseconds to the gpu swap buffer completion signal.
// Simulates a slow GPU.
const char kGpuSwapDelay[] = "gpu-swap-delay";
// Overwrite the default GPU automatic switching behavior to force on
// integrated GPU or discrete GPU.
const char kGpuSwitching[] = "gpu-switching";
const char kGpuSwitchingOptionNameForceIntegrated[] = "force_integrated";
const char kGpuSwitchingOptionNameForceDiscrete[] = "force_discrete";
const char kGpuSwitchingOptionNameAutomatic[] = "automatic";
// Flag used for Linux tests: for desktop GL bindings, try to load this GL
// library first, but fall back to regular library if loading fails.
const char kTestGLLib[] = "test-gl-lib";
} // namespace switches