blob: 6bfebc842a239a990a30fc0826d747ee74c4a665 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <wtypes.h>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_export.h"
namespace ui_controls {
// Many of the functions in this class include a variant that takes a Closure.
// The version that takes a Closure waits until the generated event is
// processed. Once the generated event is processed the Closure is Run (and
// deleted). Note that this is a somewhat fragile process in that any event of
// the correct type (key down, mouse click, etc.) will trigger the Closure to be
// run. Hence a usage such as
// SendKeyPress(...);
// SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(..., task);
// might trigger |task| early.
// Note: Windows does not currently do anything with the |window| argument for
// these functions, so passing NULL is ok.
// Send a key press with/without modifier keys.
// If you're writing a test chances are you want the variant in ui_test_utils.
// See it for details.
UI_EXPORT bool SendKeyPress(gfx::NativeWindow window,
ui::KeyboardCode key,
bool control,
bool shift,
bool alt,
bool command);
UI_EXPORT bool SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(gfx::NativeWindow window,
ui::KeyboardCode key,
bool control,
bool shift,
bool alt,
bool command,
const base::Closure& task);
// Simulate a mouse move. (x,y) are absolute screen coordinates.
UI_EXPORT bool SendMouseMove(long x, long y);
UI_EXPORT bool SendMouseMoveNotifyWhenDone(long x,
long y,
const base::Closure& task);
enum MouseButton {
LEFT = 0,
// Used to indicate the state of the button when generating events.
enum MouseButtonState {
UP = 1,
DOWN = 2
// Sends a mouse down and/or up message. The click will be sent to wherever
// the cursor currently is, so be sure to move the cursor before calling this
// (and be sure the cursor has arrived!).
UI_EXPORT bool SendMouseEvents(MouseButton type, int state);
UI_EXPORT bool SendMouseEventsNotifyWhenDone(
MouseButton type, int state,
const base::Closure& task);
// Same as SendMouseEvents with UP | DOWN.
UI_EXPORT bool SendMouseClick(MouseButton type);
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
// Runs |closure| after processing all pending ui events.
UI_EXPORT void RunClosureAfterAllPendingUIEvents(
const base::Closure& closure);
#if defined(USE_AURA)
class UIControlsAura;
UI_EXPORT void InstallUIControlsAura(UIControlsAura* instance);
} // namespace ui_controls