Only boxes should have child transform layers.

The child transform layer exists to apply a perspective 
transform on its composited descendants. If this were to
be necessary, the renderer housing the transform should
be a box. Without this requirement, we cannot determine
the correct size of the composited layer which will own
the perpective transform.


According to

Perspective can apply to "transformable elements."
That is, to

an element whose layout is governed by the CSS box model
which is either a block-level or atomic inline-level
element, or whose display property computes to table-row,
table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group,
table-cell, or table-caption [CSS21] an element in the
SVG namespace and not governed by the CSS box model which
has the attributes transform, ‘patternTransform‘ or
gradientTransform [SVG11].

block-level elements and atomic inline-level elements
are boxes (see
for more info on atomic inline-level elements), as are
the table-* things.

SVG elements could cause problems if they could be
separately composited, but they cannot be currently and
the SVG root is a box.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
3 files changed