blob: 49e63e710edc60225558cee8c66386f70ffd582e [file] [log] [blame]
/* This is the helper function to run animation tests:
Test page requirements:
- The body must contain an empty div with id "result"
- Call this function directly from the <script> inside the test page
Function parameters:
expected [required]: an array of arrays defining a set of CSS properties that must have given values at specific times (see below)
callbacks [optional]: a function to be executed immediately after animation starts;
or, an object in the form {time: function} containing functions to be
called at the specified times (in seconds) during animation.
trigger [optional]: a function to trigger transitions at the start of the test
Each sub-array must contain these items in this order:
- the time in seconds at which to snapshot the CSS property
- the id of the element on which to get the CSS property value [1]
- the name of the CSS property to get [2]
- the expected value for the CSS property
- the tolerance to use when comparing the effective CSS property value with its expected value
[1] If a single string is passed, it is the id of the element to test. If an array with 2 elements is passed they
are the ids of 2 elements, whose values are compared for equality. In this case the expected value is ignored
but the tolerance is used in the comparison. If the second element is prefixed with "static:", no animation on that
element is required, allowing comparison with an unanimated "expected value" element.
If a string with a '.' is passed, this is an element in an iframe. The string before the dot is the iframe id
and the string after the dot is the element name in that iframe.
[2] If the CSS property name is "webkitTransform", expected value must be an array of 1 or more numbers corresponding to the matrix elements,
or a string which will be compared directly (useful if the expected value is "none")
If the CSS property name is "webkitTransform.N", expected value must be a number corresponding to the Nth element of the matrix
// Set to true to log debug information in failing tests. Note that these logs
// contain timestamps, so are non-deterministic and will introduce flakiness if
// any expected results include failures.
function isCloseEnough(actual, desired, tolerance)
var diff = Math.abs(actual - desired);
return diff <= tolerance;
function roundNumber(num, decimalPlaces)
return Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces)) / Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
function matrixStringToArray(s)
if (s == "none")
return [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ];
var m = s.split("(");
m = m[1].split(")");
return m[0].split(",");
function parseCrossFade(s)
var matches = s.match("-webkit-cross-fade\\((.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\)");
if (!matches)
return null;
return {"from": matches[1], "to": matches[2], "percent": parseFloat(matches[3])}
function parseBasicShape(s)
var shapeFunction = s.match(/(\w+)\((.+)\)/);
if (!shapeFunction)
return null;
var matches;
switch (shapeFunction[1]) {
case "rectangle":
matches = s.match("rectangle\\((.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\,\\s*(.*)\\)");
case "circle":
matches = s.match("circle\\((.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\)");
case "ellipse":
matches = s.match("ellipse\\((.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\,\\s*(.*)\\)");
case "polygon":
matches = s.match("polygon\\(nonzero, (.*)\\s+(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s+(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s+(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s+(.*)\\)");
return null;
if (!matches)
return null;
// Normalize percentage values.
for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; ++i) {
var param = matches[i];
matches[i] = parseFloat(matches[i]);
if (param.indexOf('%') != -1)
matches[i] = matches[i] / 100;
return {"shape": shapeFunction[1], "params": matches};
function basicShapeParametersMatch(paramList1, paramList2, tolerance)
if (paramList1.shape != paramList2.shape
|| paramList1.params.length != paramList2.params.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < paramList1.params.length; ++i) {
var param1 = paramList1.params[i],
param2 = paramList2.params[i];
var match = isCloseEnough(param1, param2, tolerance);
if (!match)
return false;
return true;
// Return an array of numeric filter params in 0-1.
function getFilterParameters(s)
var filterResult = s.match(/(\w+)\((.+)\)/);
if (!filterResult)
throw new Error("There's no filter in \"" + s + "\"");
var filterParams = filterResult[2];
if (filterResult[1] == "custom") {
if (!window.getCustomFilterParameters)
throw new Error("getCustomFilterParameters not found. Did you include custom-filter-parser.js?");
return getCustomFilterParameters(filterParams);
var paramList = filterParams.split(' '); // FIXME: the spec may allow comma separation at some point.
// Normalize percentage values.
for (var i = 0; i < paramList.length; ++i) {
var param = paramList[i];
paramList[i] = parseFloat(paramList[i]);
if (param.indexOf('%') != -1)
paramList[i] = paramList[i] / 100;
return paramList;
function customFilterParameterMatch(param1, param2, tolerance)
if (param1.type != "parameter") {
// Checking for shader uris and other keywords. They need to be exactly the same.
return (param1.type == param2.type && param1.value == param2.value);
if ( != || param1.value.length != param2.value.length)
return false;
for (var j = 0; j < param1.value.length; ++j) {
var val1 = param1.value[j],
val2 = param2.value[j];
if (val1.type != val2.type)
return false;
switch (val1.type) {
case "function":
if ( !=
return false;
if (val1.arguments.length != val2.arguments.length) {
console.error("Arguments length mismatch: ", val1.arguments.length, "/", val2.arguments.length);
return false;
for (var t = 0; t < val1.arguments.length; ++t) {
if (val1.arguments[t].type != "number" || val2.arguments[t].type != "number")
return false;
if (!isCloseEnough(val1.arguments[t].value, val2.arguments[t].value, tolerance))
return false;
case "number":
if (!isCloseEnough(val1.value, val2.value, tolerance))
return false;
console.error("Unsupported parameter type ", val1.type);
return false;
return true;
function filterParametersMatch(paramList1, paramList2, tolerance)
if (paramList1.length != paramList2.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < paramList1.length; ++i) {
var param1 = paramList1[i],
param2 = paramList2[i];
if (typeof param1 == "object") {
// This is a custom filter parameter.
if (!customFilterParameterMatch(param1, param2, tolerance))
return false;
var match = isCloseEnough(param1, param2, tolerance);
if (!match)
return false;
return true;
function checkExpectedValue(expected, index)
log('Checking expectation: ' + JSON.stringify(expected[index]));
var time = expected[index][0];
var elementId = expected[index][1];
var property = expected[index][2];
var expectedValue = expected[index][3];
var tolerance = expected[index][4];
// Check for a pair of element Ids
var compareElements = false;
var element2Static = false;
var elementId2;
if (typeof elementId != "string") {
if (elementId.length != 2)
elementId2 = elementId[1];
elementId = elementId[0];
if (elementId2.indexOf("static:") == 0) {
elementId2 = elementId2.replace("static:", "");
element2Static = true;
compareElements = true;
// Check for a dot separated string
var iframeId;
if (!compareElements) {
var array = elementId.split('.');
if (array.length == 2) {
iframeId = array[0];
elementId = array[1];
var computedValue, computedValue2;
if (compareElements) {
computedValue = getPropertyValue(property, elementId, iframeId);
computedValue2 = getPropertyValue(property, elementId2, iframeId);
if (comparePropertyValue(property, computedValue, computedValue2, tolerance))
result += "PASS - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementId + "\" and \"" + elementId2 +
"\" elements at " + time + "s are close enough to each other" + "<br>";
result += "FAIL - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementId + "\" and \"" + elementId2 +
"\" elements at " + time + "s saw: \"" + computedValue + "\" and \"" + computedValue2 +
"\" which are not close enough to each other" + "<br>";
} else {
var elementName;
if (iframeId)
elementName = iframeId + '.' + elementId;
elementName = elementId;
computedValue = getPropertyValue(property, elementId, iframeId);
if (comparePropertyValue(property, computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance))
result += "PASS - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementName + "\" element at " + time +
"s saw something close to: " + expectedValue + "<br>";
result += "FAIL - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementName + "\" element at " + time +
"s expected: " + expectedValue + " but saw: " + computedValue + "<br>";
function compareRGB(rgb, expected, tolerance)
return (isCloseEnough(parseInt(rgb[0]), expected[0], tolerance) &&
isCloseEnough(parseInt(rgb[1]), expected[1], tolerance) &&
isCloseEnough(parseInt(rgb[2]), expected[2], tolerance));
function checkExpectedTransitionValue(expected, index)
log('Checking expectation: ' + JSON.stringify(expected[index]));
var time = expected[index][0];
var elementId = expected[index][1];
var property = expected[index][2];
var expectedValue = expected[index][3];
var tolerance = expected[index][4];
var postCompletionCallback = expected[index][5];
var computedValue;
var pass = false;
var transformRegExp = /^-webkit-transform(\.\d+)?$/;
if (transformRegExp.test(property)) {
computedValue = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elementId)).webkitTransform;
if (typeof expectedValue == "string")
pass = (computedValue == expectedValue);
else if (typeof expectedValue == "number") {
var m = computedValue.split("(");
var m = m[1].split(",");
pass = isCloseEnough(parseFloat(m[parseInt(property.substring(18))]), expectedValue, tolerance);
} else {
var m = computedValue.split("(");
var m = m[1].split(",");
for (i = 0; i < expectedValue.length; ++i) {
pass = isCloseEnough(parseFloat(m[i]), expectedValue[i], tolerance);
if (!pass)
} else if (property == "fill" || property == "stroke") {
computedValue = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elementId)).getPropertyCSSValue(property).rgbColor;
if (compareRGB([,,], expectedValue, tolerance))
pass = true;
else {
// We failed. Make sure computed value is something we can read in the error message
computedValue = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elementId)).getPropertyCSSValue(property).cssText;
} else if (property == "stop-color" || property == "flood-color" || property == "lighting-color") {
computedValue = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elementId)).getPropertyCSSValue(property);
// The computedValue cssText is rgb(num, num, num)
var components = computedValue.cssText.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",");
if (compareRGB(components, expectedValue, tolerance))
pass = true;
else {
// We failed. Make sure computed value is something we can read in the error message
computedValue = computedValue.cssText;
} else if (property == "lineHeight") {
computedValue = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elementId)).lineHeight);
pass = isCloseEnough(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance);
} else if (property == "background-image"
|| property == "border-image-source"
|| property == "border-image"
|| property == "list-style-image"
|| property == "-webkit-mask-image"
|| property == "-webkit-mask-box-image") {
if (property == "border-image" || property == "-webkit-mask-image" || property == "-webkit-mask-box-image")
property += "-source";
computedValue = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elementId)).getPropertyCSSValue(property).cssText;
computedCrossFade = parseCrossFade(computedValue);
if (!computedCrossFade) {
pass = false;
} else {
pass = isCloseEnough(computedCrossFade.percent, expectedValue, tolerance);
} else if (property == "object-position") {
computedValue = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elementId)).objectPosition;
var actualArray = computedValue.split(" ");
var expectedArray = expectedValue.split(" ");
if (actualArray.length != expectedArray.length) {
pass = false;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < expectedArray.length; ++i) {
pass = isCloseEnough(parseFloat(actualArray[i]), parseFloat(expectedArray[i]), tolerance);
if (!pass)
} else {
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById(elementId)).getPropertyCSSValue(property);
if (computedStyle.cssValueType == CSSValue.CSS_VALUE_LIST) {
var values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < computedStyle.length; ++i) {
switch (computedStyle[i].cssValueType) {
// arbitrarily pick shadow-x and shadow-y
if (property == 'box-shadow' || property == 'text-shadow') {
var text = computedStyle[i].cssText;
// Shadow cssText looks like "rgb(0, 0, 255) 0px -3px 10px 0px"
var shadowPositionRegExp = /\)\s*(-?\d+)px\s*(-?\d+)px/;
var match = shadowPositionRegExp.exec(text);
var shadowXY = [parseInt(match[1]), parseInt(match[2])];
} else
computedValue = values.join(',');
pass = true;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i)
pass &= isCloseEnough(values[i], expectedValue[i], tolerance);
} else if (computedStyle.cssValueType == CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE) {
switch (computedStyle.primitiveType) {
case CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_STRING:
case CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IDENT:
computedValue = computedStyle.getStringValue();
pass = computedValue == expectedValue;
case CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_RGBCOLOR:
var rgbColor = computedStyle.getRGBColorValue();
computedValue = [,,]; // alpha is not exposed to JS
pass = true;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
pass &= isCloseEnough(computedValue[i], expectedValue[i], tolerance);
case CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_RECT:
computedValue = computedStyle.getRectValue();
computedValue = [,
pass = true;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
pass &= isCloseEnough(computedValue[i], expectedValue[i], tolerance);
case CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PERCENTAGE:
computedValue = parseFloat(computedStyle.cssText);
pass = isCloseEnough(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance);
computedValue = computedStyle.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER);
pass = isCloseEnough(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance);
if (pass)
result += "PASS - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementId + "\" element at " + time + "s saw something close to: " + expectedValue + "<br>";
result += "FAIL - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementId + "\" element at " + time + "s expected: " + expectedValue + " but saw: " + computedValue + "<br>";
if (postCompletionCallback)
result += postCompletionCallback();
function getPropertyValue(property, elementId, iframeId)
var computedValue;
var element;
if (iframeId)
element = document.getElementById(iframeId).contentDocument.getElementById(elementId);
element = document.getElementById(elementId);
if (property == "lineHeight")
computedValue = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(element).lineHeight);
else if (property == "backgroundImage"
|| property == "borderImageSource"
|| property == "listStyleImage"
|| property == "webkitMaskImage"
|| property == "webkitMaskBoxImage"
|| property == "webkitFilter"
|| property == "webkitClipPath"
|| property == "webkitShapeInside"
|| !property.indexOf("webkitTransform")) {
computedValue = window.getComputedStyle(element)[property.split(".")[0]];
} else {
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyCSSValue(property);
try {
computedValue = computedStyle.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER);
} catch (e) {
computedValue = computedStyle.getStringValue();
return computedValue;
function comparePropertyValue(property, computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance)
var result = true;
if (!property.indexOf("webkitTransform")) {
if (typeof expectedValue == "string")
result = (computedValue == expectedValue);
else if (typeof expectedValue == "number") {
var m = matrixStringToArray(computedValue);
result = isCloseEnough(parseFloat(m[parseInt(property.substring(16))]), expectedValue, tolerance);
} else {
var m = matrixStringToArray(computedValue);
for (i = 0; i < expectedValue.length; ++i) {
result = isCloseEnough(parseFloat(m[i]), expectedValue[i], tolerance);
if (!result)
} else if (property == "webkitFilter") {
var filterParameters = getFilterParameters(computedValue);
var filter2Parameters = getFilterParameters(expectedValue);
result = filterParametersMatch(filterParameters, filter2Parameters, tolerance);
} else if (property == "webkitClipPath" || property == "webkitShapeInside") {
var clipPathParameters = parseBasicShape(computedValue);
var clipPathParameters2 = parseBasicShape(expectedValue);
if (!clipPathParameters || !clipPathParameters2)
result = false;
result = basicShapeParametersMatch(clipPathParameters, clipPathParameters2, tolerance);
} else if (property == "backgroundImage"
|| property == "borderImageSource"
|| property == "listStyleImage"
|| property == "webkitMaskImage"
|| property == "webkitMaskBoxImage") {
var computedCrossFade = parseCrossFade(computedValue);
if (!computedCrossFade) {
result = false;
} else {
if (typeof expectedValue == "string") {
var computedCrossFade2 = parseCrossFade(expectedValue);
result = isCloseEnough(computedCrossFade.percent, computedCrossFade2.percent, tolerance) && computedCrossFade.from == computedCrossFade2.from && ==;
} else {
result = isCloseEnough(computedCrossFade.percent, expectedValue, tolerance)
} else {
if (typeof expectedValue == "string")
result = (computedValue == expectedValue);
result = isCloseEnough(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance);
return result;
function endTest()
log('Ending test');
var resultElement = useResultElement ? document.getElementById('result') : document.documentElement;
if (ENABLE_ERROR_LOGGING && result.indexOf('FAIL') >= 0)
result += '<br>Log:<br>' + logMessages.join('<br>');
resultElement.innerHTML = result;
if (window.testRunner)
function runChecksWithRAF(checks)
var finished = true;
var time = - animStartTime;
log('RAF callback, animation time: ' + time);
for (var k in checks) {
var checkTime = Number(k);
if (checkTime > time) {
finished = false;
log('Running checks for time: ' + checkTime + ', delay: ' + (time - checkTime));
checks[k].forEach(function(check) { check(); });
delete checks[k];
if (finished)
requestAnimationFrame(runChecksWithRAF.bind(null, checks));
function runChecksWithPauseAPI(checks) {
for (var k in checks) {
var timeMs = Number(k);
log('Pausing at time: ' + timeMs + ', active animations: ' + internals.numberOfActiveAnimations());
internals.pauseAnimations(timeMs / 1000);
checks[k].forEach(function(check) { check(); });
function startTest(checks)
if (hasPauseAnimationAPI)
else {
result += 'Warning this test is running in real-time and may be flaky.<br>';
var logMessages = [];
var useResultElement = false;
var result = "";
var hasPauseAnimationAPI;
var animStartTime;
var isTransitionsTest = false;
var shouldBeTransitioning = 'should-be-transitioning';
var shouldNotBeTransitioning = 'should-not-be-transitioning';
function log(message)
logMessages.push( + ' - ' + message);
function waitForAnimationsToStart(callback)
if (!window.internals || internals.numberOfActiveAnimations() > 0) {
} else {
setTimeout(waitForAnimationsToStart.bind(this, callback), 0);
// FIXME: disablePauseAnimationAPI and doPixelTest
function runAnimationTest(expected, callbacks, trigger, disablePauseAnimationAPI, doPixelTest, startTestImmediately)
if (!expected)
throw "Expected results are missing!";
hasPauseAnimationAPI = 'internals' in window;
if (disablePauseAnimationAPI)
hasPauseAnimationAPI = false;
var checks = {};
if (typeof callbacks == 'function') {
checks[0] = [callbacks];
} else for (var time in callbacks) {
timeMs = Math.round(time * 1000);
checks[timeMs] = [callbacks[time]];
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
var expectation = expected[i];
var timeMs = Math.round(expectation[0] * 1000);
if (!checks[timeMs])
checks[timeMs] = [];
if (isTransitionsTest)
checks[timeMs].push(checkExpectedTransitionValue.bind(null, expected, i));
checks[timeMs].push(checkExpectedValue.bind(null, expected, i));
var doPixelTest = Boolean(doPixelTest);
useResultElement = doPixelTest;
if (window.testRunner) {
if (doPixelTest) {
} else {
var started = false;
function begin() {
if (!started) {
log('First ' + event + ' event fired');
started = true;
if (trigger) {
waitForAnimationsToStart(function() {
log('Finished waiting for animations to start');
animStartTime =;
var startTestImmediately = Boolean(startTestImmediately);
if (startTestImmediately) {
} else {
var target = isTransitionsTest ? window : document;
var event = isTransitionsTest ? 'load' : 'webkitAnimationStart';
target.addEventListener(event, begin, false);
/* This is the helper function to run transition tests:
Test page requirements:
- The body must contain an empty div with id "result"
- Call this function directly from the <script> inside the test page
Function parameters:
expected [required]: an array of arrays defining a set of CSS properties that must have given values at specific times (see below)
trigger [optional]: a function to be executed just before the test starts (none by default)
callbacks [optional]: an object in the form {timeS: function} specifing callbacks to be made during the test
doPixelTest [optional]: whether to dump pixels during the test (false by default)
Each sub-array must contain these items in this order:
- the time in seconds at which to snapshot the CSS property
- the id of the element on which to get the CSS property value
- the name of the CSS property to get [1]
- the expected value for the CSS property
- the tolerance to use when comparing the effective CSS property value with its expected value
[1] If the CSS property name is "-webkit-transform", expected value must be an array of 1 or more numbers corresponding to the matrix elements,
or a string which will be compared directly (useful if the expected value is "none")
If the CSS property name is "-webkit-transform.N", expected value must be a number corresponding to the Nth element of the matrix
function runTransitionTest(expected, trigger, callbacks, doPixelTest) {
isTransitionsTest = true;
runAnimationTest(expected, callbacks, trigger, false, doPixelTest);