blob: 6dc94b145b686dd22a744db5616003370aefe4e5 [file] [log] [blame]
<meta charset=utf8>
<script src="../fast/js/resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
@supports (width: 0) {
s { width: 0; }
@supports (width: 1) {
s { color: #000; }
@import url("../fast/cssom/resources/import.css");
@charset "UTF-8";
@namespace "";
@supports (( ( padding: 0) and (display: none)) or (display: rainbow)) {
dfn { width:0; }
@supports (width: 0) {
br { height:0; }
/* Rules with syntax errors should be ignored. */
@supports (display: none);
@supports (display: none)) ;
@supports ;
@supports (display: none)) {}
@supports (display: )) {}
@supports ((display: none) and {}
@supports (display: none) {}
@supports ((display: none) and ;
@supports (display: none) {}
ol { display:none; }
@media all {
@supports ( padding: 0) {
@page :left { top: 0 }
@supports (border: black) and (padding: 0) and (width: 0) {
dfn { width:0; }
description("Test CSSSupportRule.");
evalAndLog("rules = document.styleSheets[1].cssRules");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules.length", 4);
shouldBe("rules[0].type", "CSSRule.SUPPORTS_RULE");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules.length", 2);
shouldBe("rules[0].cssRules[0].type", "CSSRule.STYLE_RULE");
shouldBe("rules[0].cssRules[1].type", "CSSRule.SUPPORTS_RULE");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules[1].cssRules.length", 1);
shouldBe("rules[0].cssRules[1].cssRules[0].type", "CSSRule.STYLE_RULE");
shouldBeEqualToString("rules[0].conditionText", "(width: 0)");
"@supports (width: 0) {\n" +
" s { width: 0px; }\n" +
" @supports (width: 1) {\n" +
" s { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }\n" +
"}\n" +
debug("\nInserting and deleting rules.");
evalAndLog("rules[0].insertRule('@media all { #s { width: 0px; } }', 2)");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules.length", 3);
shouldBe("rules[0].cssRules[2].type", "CSSRule.MEDIA_RULE");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules.length", 2);
evalAndLog("rules[0].cssRules[1].insertRule('@supports (display: rainbow) {}', 1)");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules[1].cssRules.length", 2);
shouldBe("rules[0].cssRules[1].cssRules[1].type", "CSSRule.SUPPORTS_RULE");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules.length", 2);
debug("\n@charset, @namespace, @import rules are not allowed inside @supports.")
shouldThrow("rules[0].insertRule('@charset \"UTF-8\"', 2)", '"SyntaxError: Failed to execute \'insertRule\' on \'CSSGroupingRule\': the rule \'@charset \\"UTF-8\\"\' is invalid and cannot be parsed."');
shouldThrow("rules[0].insertRule('@namespace \"\"', 2)", '"SyntaxError: Failed to execute \'insertRule\' on \'CSSGroupingRule\': the rule \'@namespace \\"\\"\' is invalid and cannot be parsed."');
shouldThrow("rules[0].insertRule('@import url(\"../fast/cssom/resources/import.css\")', 2)", '"HierarchyRequestError: Failed to execute \'insertRule\' on \'CSSGroupingRule\': \'@import\' rules cannot be inserted inside a group rule."');
debug("\nWhitespace and formatting should be preserved within the condition, whitespace outside the condition should be trimmed.");
shouldBeEqualToString("rules[1].conditionText", "(( ( padding: 0) and (display: none)) or (display: rainbow))");
debug("\n@supports rule nested inside a media rule.");
shouldBe("rules[2].type", "CSSRule.MEDIA_RULE");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[2].cssRules.length", 1);
shouldBe("rules[2].cssRules[0].type", "CSSRule.SUPPORTS_RULE");
shouldBeEqualToString("rules[2].cssRules[0].conditionText", "( padding: 0)");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules[1].cssRules.length", 1);
shouldBe("rules[2].cssRules[0].cssRules[0].type", "CSSRule.PAGE_RULE");
"@media all { \n" +
" @supports ( padding: 0) {\n" +
" @page :left { top: 0px; }\n" +
"}\n" +
debug("\nNo extra parens should be added to the conditionText.");
shouldBeEqualToString("rules[3].conditionText", "(border: black) and (padding: 0) and (width: 0)");
debug("\nDeleting a top-level rule should work correctly.");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules.length", 3);
shouldBe("rules[0].type", "CSSRule.SUPPORTS_RULE");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules.length", 2);
shouldBe("rules[0].cssRules[0].type", "CSSRule.STYLE_RULE");
shouldBe("rules[0].cssRules[1].type", "CSSRule.SUPPORTS_RULE");
shouldEvaluateTo("rules[0].cssRules[1].cssRules.length", 1);
shouldBe("rules[0].cssRules[1].cssRules[0].type", "CSSRule.STYLE_RULE");
<script src="../fast/js/resources/js-test-post.js"></script>