blob: 70d69efd42d1bed5a0dcd58cfacb68b44c5aea9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Magnitude verifies time complexity of a function.
// can be called multiple times in a single script if desired,
// optionally with different parameters each time.
// Usage:
// <script src="../resources/magnitude-perf.js"></script>
// <script>
// function setup(magnitude)
// {
// ...
// }
// function test(magnitude)
// {
// ...
// }
// ...
// Magnitude.description('Test that foo is linear in number of nodes.');
//, test, expected);
// </script>
// setup: function to run once before the test-loop. Takes a magnitude
// argument that is the value of 'n'.
// test: function whose runtime is being tested. Also takes a magnitude
// argument.
// expected: one of the run-time constants listed below, e.g.:
// Magnitude.CONSTANT, Magnitude.LINEAR, etc.
if (window.testRunner)
// Namespace
var Magnitude = {};
// Description of test; prepended to the dumped markup
Magnitude.description = function(description)
// Parameters (customize per test)
// See "Time Complexity Tests" document for details:
// Specify over which range the growth rate should hold:
// 2^n ... 2^(n+k-1) where n = initialExponent, k = numPoints
Magnitude.initialExponent = 0;
Magnitude.numPoints = 8;
// Number of trials to run
// (Trial = compute times for all magnitudes, compute statistical test,
// decide if for this dataset, the data fits the model)
Magnitude.numTrials = 3;
// Fraction of trials that must succeed for test overall to PASS
// (Default 50% means 2 out of 3 must succeed)
Magnitude.successThreshold = 0.50;
// Run = for each magnitude, run test function until pass this time limit,
// then stop and compute average time
Magnitude.millisecondsPerRun = 25;
// Strict tolerance, so noisy tests explicitly state noisiness
// Ok to relax for noisy tests;
// try tolerance = 0.10 or 0.20, and/or trim = 1 or 2 to relax slightly
// tolerance is "max (trimmed) deviation from expected",
// where "expected" is:
// * expected slope (linear, polynomial),
// * median value (constant),
// * predicted value in linear regression (logarithmic).
// For log this often needs to be very large (due to scaling), and 1.00 is ok.
Magnitude.trim = 0; // trim = 1 useful if unusual value on initial run
Magnitude.tolerance = 0.05;
Magnitude.CONSTANT = 'O(1)';
Magnitude.LINEAR = 'O(n)';
Magnitude.POLYNOMIAL = '>=O(n^2)';
// Utility functions
Magnitude._max = function(array) {
return Math.max.apply(null, array);
Magnitude._min = function(array) {
return Math.min.apply(null, array);
Magnitude._sortTrimArray = function(array, trim) {
// sort array, then trim both ends
// used for computing trimmed maximum absolute deviation
var sorted_array =, b) { return a - b; });
if (!trim)
return sorted_array;
return sorted_array.slice(trim, -trim);
Magnitude._relativeDeviations = function(array, ref)
return { return (x - ref) / ref; });
Magnitude._absSortDownTrimTop = function(array, trim) {
// only trim the top of array
// used for computing trimmed maximum absolute deviation
if (trim === undefined)
trim = 0;
function(a, b) { return b - a; }).slice(trim);
Magnitude._median = function(array) {
array.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; });
var len = array.length;
if (!len)
var half = Math.floor(len / 2);
if (len % 2)
return array[half];
return (array[half - 1] + array[half]) / 2;
// Logging functions
Magnitude._log = function(msg)
if (!Magnitude._container)
Magnitude._container = document.createElement('pre');
Magnitude._container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg + '\n'));
Magnitude._debug = function(msg)
Magnitude._debugLog += msg + '\n';
Magnitude._logRunTimes = function()
// Print out the magnitudes and times in CSV
// to afford easy copy-paste to a charting application.
Magnitude._debug('magnitudes: ' + Magnitude._magnitudes.join(','));
Magnitude._debug('times: ' + Magnitude._times.join(','));
// Main = function(setup, test, expected)
Magnitude._debugLog = '\nDEBUG LOG:\n';
Magnitude._debug('Expected complexity: ' + expected);
Magnitude._exponents = [];
Magnitude._magnitudes = [];
var maxExponent = Magnitude.initialExponent + Magnitude.numPoints;
for (var i = Magnitude.initialExponent; i < maxExponent; i++) {
Magnitude._magnitudes.push(Math.pow(2, i));
var numSuccesses = 0;
for (var trialNumber = 0; trialNumber < Magnitude.numTrials; trialNumber++) {
Magnitude._debug('\nTrial #' + trialNumber);
Magnitude._times = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Magnitude.numPoints; i++)
Magnitude._times.push(Magnitude._runTime(setup, test, Magnitude._magnitudes[i]));
switch (expected) {
case Magnitude.CONSTANT:
passed = Magnitude._isConstant();
case Magnitude.LINEAR:
passed = Magnitude._isLinear();
case Magnitude.POLYNOMIAL:
passed = Magnitude._isPolynomial();
Magnitude._log('FAIL: unrecognized order of growth: ' + expected);
passed = false;
Magnitude._debug('Trial #' + trialNumber + ': ' +
(passed ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILURE'));
if (passed)
var neededToPass = Magnitude.numTrials * Magnitude.successThreshold;
Magnitude._debug('Successes: ' + numSuccesses + ', need ' +
neededToPass + ' (' + (100 * Magnitude.successThreshold) + '%) ' +
'to pass');
var passedOverall = (numSuccesses >= neededToPass);
Magnitude._log(passedOverall ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL');
// By default don't log detailed information to layout test results,
// in order to keep expected results consistent from run to run.
if (!window.testRunner || !passedOverall)
Magnitude._runTime = function(setup, test, magnitude)
var debugStr = 'run for magnitude ' + magnitude;
if (window.GCController) {
if (GCController.getJSObjectCount)
debugStr += ' jsObjectCountBefore ' + GCController.getJSObjectCount();
// Do a gc to reduce likelihood of gc during the test run.
// Do multiple gc's for V8 to clear DOM wrappers.
if (GCController.getJSObjectCount)
debugStr += ' jsObjectCountAfter ' + GCController.getJSObjectCount();
var nowFunction = window.performance && ? :;
// Possibly run multiple times, to deal with delays at end
var runOk = false;
var attempt = 0;
var maxAttempts = 5;
while (!runOk) {
var start = nowFunction();
var iterations = 0;
var totalTimeMilliseconds = 0;
while (totalTimeMilliseconds < Magnitude.millisecondsPerRun) {
totalTimeMilliseconds = nowFunction() - start;
var millisecondsPerIteration = totalTimeMilliseconds / iterations;
Magnitude._debug(iterations + ' iterations in ' +
totalTimeMilliseconds + ' milliseconds, ' +
'average ' + millisecondsPerIteration +
' milliseconds per iteration');
var overTime = totalTimeMilliseconds - Magnitude.millisecondsPerRun;
var relativeOverTimeTolerance = 0.001;
var overTimeTolerance = Magnitude.millisecondsPerRun *
// If overTime is more than the duration of a run,
// there was some delay, which introduces noise.
// Allow a small amount of tolerance.
if (overTime < (millisecondsPerIteration + overTimeTolerance))
runOk = true;
else {
Magnitude._debug('over-time: ' + overTime +
' exceeds average run-time ' + millisecondsPerIteration +
' by more than tolerance of ' + overTimeTolerance +
' assuming delay');
if (attempt < maxAttempts)
Magnitude._debug('Retrying to reduce delay noise');
else {
Magnitude._debug('Failed to reduce delay noise after ' +
maxAttempts + ' attempts, proceeding with noisy data');
runOk = true;
return millisecondsPerIteration;
// Auxiliary computations
Magnitude._log2Ratios = function()
// Compute base-2 logarithm of ratios of times,
// equivalently the difference of the base-2 logarithms:
// log_2(t[i+1]/t[i]) = log_2(t[i+1]) - log_2(t[i])
// Since times are exponentially spaced (base 2),
// this is the slope of the step on the log-log scale,
// and hence for O(n^k) growth should be k (the exponent).
var ratioArray = [];
var log2RatioArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Magnitude.numPoints - 1; i++) {
var ratio = Magnitude._times[i + 1] / Magnitude._times[i];
var log2Ratio = Math.log(ratio) / Math.log(2);
Magnitude._debug('ratios: ' + ratioArray.join(','));
Magnitude._debug('log-ratios (base 2): ' + log2RatioArray.join(','));
return log2RatioArray;
// Statistical tests
Magnitude._isConstant = function()
// Time should be approximately constant.
// To deal with noise, instead of constant, check that
// (trimmed) abs relative deviation from median is within tolerance of 0.
var times = Magnitude._times;
var median = Magnitude._median(times);
var relativeDeviations = Magnitude._relativeDeviations(times, median);
Magnitude._debug('Median time: ' + median);
Magnitude._debug('Relative deviations: ' + relativeDeviations.join(','));
var trimmedAbsRelativeDeviations = Magnitude._absSortDownTrimTop(relativeDeviations, Magnitude.trim);
Magnitude._debug('Trimmed sorted absolute relative deviations: ' +
var maxAbsDeviation = trimmedAbsRelativeDeviations[0];
Magnitude._debug('Maximum Absolute Relative Deviation: ' + maxAbsDeviation);
return maxAbsDeviation <= Magnitude.tolerance;
Magnitude._isLinear = function()
// Exponent of a monomial is the slope on the log-log scale.
// Magnitudes are exponentially stepped, so log ratio is slope
// of secant on log-log scale.
// In linear growth, (trimmed) log2Ratio should equal 1, to within tolerance
// (Special case of polynomial; see below for why this is separate.)
// Can do better by removing outlying points (and then computing the
// slope between the neighboring points) instead of trimming ratios,
// so we retain the data of the slope of that double step, but since we are
// only looking at the Maximum (Absolute) Deviation, in practice these
// generally amount to the same: given an outlier, the slope coming into
// the point and the slope going out will generally be high/low or low/high,
// and thus both be trimmed, while the slope of the double step will
// generally not be extreme, so not informative.
var logRatios = Magnitude._log2Ratios();
var trimmedLogRatios = Magnitude._sortTrimArray(logRatios, Magnitude.trim);
var minLogRatio = Magnitude._min(trimmedLogRatios);
var maxLogRatio = Magnitude._max(trimmedLogRatios);
var maxAbsDeviation = Math.max(Math.abs(1 - minLogRatio),
Math.abs(maxLogRatio - 1));
Magnitude._debug('Maximum Absolute Deviation: ' + maxAbsDeviation);
Magnitude._debug('Tolerance: ' + Magnitude.tolerance);
return maxAbsDeviation <= Magnitude.tolerance;
Magnitude._isPolynomial = function()
// Exponent of a monomial is the slope on the log-log scale.
// Magnitudes are exponentially stepped, so log ratio is slope
// of secant on log-log scale.
// Polynomial growth is expected to be O(n^2) or greater,
// so logRatio should be at least 2: check (trimmed) min with tolerance
// Linear is fundamentally a special case of polynomial,
// but here not specifying a specific exponent, and instead testing
// that it grows *at least* quadratically (>= 2, rather than = 2 or = 3).
// Thus we have separate functions.
var logRatios = Magnitude._log2Ratios();
var trimmedLogRatios = Magnitude._sortTrimArray(logRatios, Magnitude.trim);
var minLogRatio = Magnitude._min(trimmedLogRatios);
var absDeviationMin = Math.abs(2 - minLogRatio);
Magnitude._debug('Absolute Deviation of Minimum: ' + absDeviationMin);
Magnitude._debug('Tolerance: ' + Magnitude.tolerance);
return absDeviationMin <= Magnitude.tolerance;
// Register listener
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
// FIXME: Add Magnitude.waitUntilDone/notifyDone for tests that need to
// operate after the load event has fired.
if (window.testRunner)
document.body.innerHTML = '';
}, false);