blob: 452398d894e35086e1d61610f880ea87c513e108 [file] [log] [blame]
description("Tests to ensure that we can use ES reserved words as property names.");
var reservedWords = ["true", "false", "null", "break", "case", "catch", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "finally", "for",
"function", "if", "in", "instanceof", "new", "return", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with",
"class", "const", "enum", "export", "extends", "import", "super"];
var strictReservedWords = [
var unreservedWords = [
function testWordEvalAndFunction(str, strShouldThrow) {
if (strShouldThrow) {
shouldThrow("(function(){"+str+"}); true");
} else {
shouldBeTrue("(function(){"+str+"}); true");
function testWord(word, strictPrefix, expectedResult) {
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "var " + word + "; true", expectedResult);
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "var " + word + " = 42; " + word + " === 42", expectedResult);
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "function g(" + word + "){ " + strictPrefix + " }; true", expectedResult);
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "/" + word + "/.test(function g(" + word + "){ " + strictPrefix + " })", expectedResult);
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "try{}catch(" + word + "){}; true", expectedResult);
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "function " + word + "(){ " + strictPrefix + " }; true", expectedResult);
// These should be allowed for all words, even reserved ones.
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "({ \"" + word + "\": 42 }." + word + " === 42)", false);
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "({ " + word + ": 42 }." + word + " === 42)", false);
testWordEvalAndFunction(strictPrefix + "({ get " + word + "(){}, set " + word + "(){}, parsedOkay: 42 }.parsedOkay === 42)", false);
function testWordStrictAndNonStrict(word, condition) {
testWord(word, '', condition == "keyword");
testWord(word, '"use strict";', condition != "identifier");
for (var i = 0; i < reservedWords.length; i++)
testWordStrictAndNonStrict(reservedWords[i], "keyword");
for (var i = 0; i < strictReservedWords.length; i++)
testWordStrictAndNonStrict(strictReservedWords[i], "strict");
for (var i = 0; i < unreservedWords.length; i++)
testWordStrictAndNonStrict(unreservedWords[i], "identifier");
// test access via window.
var yield = 42;
shouldBeTrue("window.yield === 42");