blob: ab6df5890b50ccc42cb391340308fbf52aaf3bf1 [file] [log] [blame]
Test expected pointerlockchange and pointerlockerror events.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Lock targetDiv1.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetDiv1.
Unlock again.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Unlock again.
Lock targetDiv1 again.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetDiv1 again.
Lock targetDiv2.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetDiv2.
Lock targetDiv2 again.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetDiv2 again.
Unlock targetDiv2.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Unlock targetDiv2.
Lock targetIframe1.
Lock targetIframe1 (handler for iframe1).
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Lock targetIframe1 (handler for iframe1).
Lock targetIframe2.
Lock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe1).
Lock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe2).
PASS onwebkitpointerlockerror received after: Lock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe2).
Unlock targetIframe2.
Unlock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe1).
Unlock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe2).
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Unlock targetIframe2 (handler for iframe1).
PASS testRunner.setPointerLockWillFailSynchronously is defined.
Lock with synchronous failure.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockerror received after: Lock with synchronous failure.
PASS testRunner.setPointerLockWillRespondAsynchronously is defined.
PASS testRunner.didAcquirePointerLock is defined.
PASS testRunner.didNotAcquirePointerLock is defined.
Lock with asynchronous failure.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockerror received after: Lock with asynchronous failure.
Lock with asynchronous success.
PASS onwebkitpointerlockchange received after: Lock with asynchronous success.
PASS successfullyParsed is true