blob: 83401d56095addd163f254afde2e534dee402412 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8GlobalValueMap_h
#define V8GlobalValueMap_h
#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
#include "wtf/HashMap.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringHash.h"
#include <v8-util.h>
#include <v8.h>
namespace blink {
* A Traits class for v8::GlobalValueMap that uses wtf/HashMap as a
* backing store.
* The parameter is_weak will determine whether the references are 'weak'.
* If so, entries will be removed from the map as the weak references are
* collected.
template <class KeyType, class ValueType, v8::PersistentContainerCallbackType type>
class V8GlobalValueMapTraits {
// Map traits:
typedef HashMap<KeyType, v8::PersistentContainerValue> Impl;
typedef typename Impl::iterator Iterator;
static size_t Size(const Impl* impl) { return impl->size(); }
static bool Empty(Impl* impl) { return impl->isEmpty(); }
static void Swap(Impl& impl, Impl& other) { impl.swap(other); }
static Iterator Begin(Impl* impl) { return impl->begin(); }
static Iterator End(Impl* impl) { return impl->end(); }
static v8::PersistentContainerValue Value(Iterator& iter)
return iter->value;
static KeyType Key(Iterator& iter) { return iter->key; }
static v8::PersistentContainerValue Set(
Impl* impl, KeyType key, v8::PersistentContainerValue value)
v8::PersistentContainerValue oldValue = Get(impl, key);
impl->set(key, value);
return oldValue;
static v8::PersistentContainerValue Get(const Impl* impl, KeyType key)
return impl->get(key);
static v8::PersistentContainerValue Remove(Impl* impl, KeyType key)
return impl->take(key);
// Weak traits:
static const v8::PersistentContainerCallbackType kCallbackType = type;
typedef v8::GlobalValueMap<KeyType, ValueType, V8GlobalValueMapTraits<KeyType, ValueType, type>> MapType;
typedef void WeakCallbackDataType;
static WeakCallbackDataType* WeakCallbackParameter(MapType* map, KeyType key, const v8::Local<ValueType>& value)
return 0;
static void DisposeCallbackData(WeakCallbackDataType* callbackData)
static MapType* MapFromWeakCallbackInfo(
const v8::WeakCallbackInfo<WeakCallbackDataType>& data)
return 0;
static KeyType KeyFromWeakCallbackInfo(
const v8::WeakCallbackInfo<WeakCallbackDataType>& data)
return KeyType();
static void OnWeakCallback(const v8::WeakCallbackInfo<WeakCallbackDataType>& data) {}
// Dispose traits:
static void Dispose(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Global<ValueType> value, KeyType key) { }
static void DisposeWeak(const v8::WeakCallbackInfo<WeakCallbackDataType>& data) { }
* A map for safely storing persistent V8 values, based on
* v8::GlobalValueMap.
template <class KeyType, class ValueType, v8::PersistentContainerCallbackType type>
class V8GlobalValueMap : public v8::GlobalValueMap<KeyType, ValueType, V8GlobalValueMapTraits<KeyType, ValueType, type>> {
typedef V8GlobalValueMapTraits<KeyType, ValueType, type> Traits;
explicit V8GlobalValueMap(v8::Isolate* isolate)
: v8::GlobalValueMap<KeyType, ValueType, Traits>(isolate)
} // namespace blink
#endif // V8GlobalValueMap_h