blob: 8bdacdfaada4ad45e5b3d86a3c47f504c937942a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Watchlist Rules
# Refer:
# IMPORTANT: The regular expression filepath is tested against each path using
#, so it is not usually necessary to add .*.
'accessibility': {
'filepath': 'accessibility' \
'|AXObjectCache' \
'animation': {
'filepath': '[Aa]nimat|[Tt]ransition',
'app_banner': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/app_banner' \
'audio': {
'filepath': 'Source/platform/audio' \
'battery_status': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/battery/' \
'|LayoutTests/battery-status/' \
'bidi': {
'filepath': 'Source/platform/text/.*Bidi' \
'bindings': {
'filepath': 'Source/bindings',
'bluetooth': {
'filepath': '[Bb]luetooth'
'canvas2d': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/html/canvas' \
'|Source/core/html/HTMLCanvasElement' \
'|Source/modules/canvas2d' \
'clipboard': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/clipboard' \
'|Source/core/page/.*Drag' \
'|Source/platform/.*Drag' \
'|Source/platform/clipboard' \
'|Source/web/.*Drag' \
'|public/platform/.*Drag' \
'compositing': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/layout/compositing'
"content_security_policy": {
'filepath': 'Source/core/frame/csp' \
'|Source/core/events/SecurityPolicyViolationEvent' \
'css': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/css',
'css_grid_layout': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/layout/.*Grid' \
'|Source/core/paint/.*Grid' \
'|Source/core/css/.*Grid' \
'|LayoutTests/fast/css-grid-layout/' \
'|LayoutTests/ietestcenter/css3/grid/' \
'|LayoutTests/platform/.*/fast/css-grid-layout/' \
'css_flexbox': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/rendering/.*Flex' \
'|LayoutTests/fast/deprecated-flexbox/' \
'|LayoutTests/css3/flexbox/' \
'css_fragmentation_tests': {
'filepath': 'LayoutTests/fast/multicol/' \
'css_regions': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/rendering/.*(Region|FlowThread)' \
'|Source/core/dom/NodeRendering' \
'|Source/core/dom/.*NamedFlow' \
'|Source/core/css/.*Region' \
'|LayoutTests/compositing/regions/' \
'|LayoutTests/fast/regions/' \
'custom_elements': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/dom/CustomElement' \
'device_light': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/device_light/' \
'device_orientation': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/device_orientation/' \
'|LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/' \
'|LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceOrientation/' \
'|Source/core/frame/PlatformEvent(Controller|Dispatcher)' \
'devtools': {
'filepath': 'inspector|DevTools|devtools',
'dom': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/dom/'
'events': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/page/.*Event' \
'|Source/core/dom/.*Event' \
'|Source/core/css/.*Event' \
'fetch': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/fetch',
'filters': {
'filepath': 'Source/platform/graphics/filters' \
'heap': {
'filepath': 'Source/platform/heap' \
'html': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/html/'
'loader': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/loader',
'notifications': {
'filepath': 'LayoutTests/http/tests/notifications' \
'|Source/modules/notifications' \
'owners': {
'filepath': 'OWNERS',
'paint': {
'filepath' : 'Source/core/paint/'
'permissions': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/permissions/' \
'preloadScanner': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner',
'public_api': {
'filepath': 'public'
'push_messaging': {
'filepath': 'LayoutTests/http/tests/push_messaging' \
'|Source/modules/push_messaging' \
'platform_graphics': {
'filepath': 'Source/platform/fonts' \
'|Source/platform/geometry' \
'platform': {
'filepath': 'Source/platform'
'indexed_db': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/indexeddb/' \
'|Source/web/.*IDB' \
'|LayoutTests/storage/indexeddb' \
'layout': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/layout' \
'layers': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/page/scrolling/ScrollingCoordinator' \
'|Source/platform/graphics/GraphicsLayer' \
"prerender": {
'filepath': 'Prerender' \
'|loader/LinkLoader' \
"client_hints": {
'filepath': 'Source/core/loader/AcceptClientHints*' \
'|Source/core/loader/FrameFetchContext*' \
'|Source/core/fetch/FetchContext*' \
'|Source/core/fetch/ImageResource*' \
'track': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/html/track/' \
'|Source/core/loader/TextTrack' \
'|Source/core/html/HTMLMediaElement' \
'|Source/core/html/HTMLTrackElement' \
'|Source/core/html/shadow/MediaControl' \
'|Source/core/css/mediaControl' \
'media': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/css/mediaControls' \
'|Source/core/html/.*(Audio|Media|Video)' \
'|Source/core/html/shadow/MediaControl' \
'|Source/core/layout/LayoutMedia' \
'|Source/core/layout/LayoutTextTrackContainerElement' \
'|Source/modules/(encryptedmedia|mediasource)' \
'|Source/platform/drm/' \
'|Source/platform/graphics/media/' \
'|Source/web/.*Media' \
'|LayoutTests/media/' \
'media_queries': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/css/CSSMediaRule' \
'|Source/core/css/MediaList' \
'|Source/core/css/MediaQuery' \
'modules': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/'
'navigator_content_utils': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/navigatorcontentutils' \
'out_of_process_frames': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/frame/FrameOwner' \
'|Source/web/WebFrame' \
'fileapi': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/filesystem/' \
'|Source/core/fileapi/' \
'|Source/platform/.*File' \
'|Source/web/.*File' \
'|LayoutTests/fast/file' \
'quota': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/quota/' \
'|Source/web/.*Quota' \
'mediastream': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/mediastream/' \
'|Source/platform/mediastream/' \
'|Source/platform/exported/WebMediaStream' \
'|Source/platform/exported/WebRTC' \
'geolocation': {
'filepath': 'LayoutTests/fast/dom/Geolocation/' \
'|Source/modules/geolocation/' \
'|Source/web/.*Geolocation' \
'htmlparser': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/html/parser/'
'screen_orientation': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/screen_orientation/' \
'scheduler': {
'filepath': 'Source/platform/scheduler' \
'serviceworkers' : {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/serviceworkers' \
'serviceworkers_tests' : {
'filepath': 'LayoutTests/http/tests/serviceworker'
'sheriff_o_matic' : {
'filepath': 'Tools/GardeningServer'
'spellcheck' : {
'filepath': 'Source/core/editing/spellcheck'
'style': {
'filepath': 'style/|Style',
'svg': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/svg|Source/core/layout/svg',
'test_runner': {
'filepath': 'Tools/DumpRenderTree/chromium/TestRunner',
'vibration': {
'filepath': 'LayoutTests/vibration/' \
'viewport_interaction': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/css/.*Viewport' \
'|Source/core/dom/ViewportArguments' \
'|Source/core/html/HTMLMetaElement' \
'|Source/core/page/FrameView' \
'w3ctests': {
'filepath': 'LayoutTests/imported/' \
'web': {
'filepath': 'Source/web/'
'web_idl': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/.*\.idl'
'webcomponents': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/dom/shadow/' \
'|Source/core/dom/custom/' \
'|Source/core/html/imports/' \
'|Source/bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomElementConstructorCustom' \
'webp': {
'filepath': 'Source/platform/image-decoders/webp' \
'websockets': {
'filepath': 'Source/modules/websockets/'
'workers': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/workers',
'wtf': {
'filepath': 'Source/wtf',
'xmlhttprequest': {
'filepath': 'Source/core/xmlhttprequest/'
'animation': ['',
'app_banner': [ '' ],
'audio': [''],
'battery_status': [ '',
'' ],
'bidi': [ '' ],
'bindings': [ '' ],
'bluetooth': [ '' ],
'canvas2d': [ '',
'' ],
'clipboard': [ '', ],
'content_security_policy': [ '' ],
'css': [ '',
'' ],
'css_grid_layout': [ '',
'' ],
'css_flexbox': [ '' ],
'css_fragmentation_tests': [ '' ],
'css_regions': [ '' ],
'custom_elements': [ '',
'' ],
'dom': [ '',
'' ],
'device_light': [ '',
'' ],
'device_orientation': [ '',
'' ],
'devtools': [ '',
'' ],
'events': [ '',
'' ],
'fetch': [ '',
'' ],
'layers': [ '' ],
'loader': [ '',
'' ],
'owners': [ ''],
'platform_graphics': [ '',
'' ],
'heap': [ '',
'' ],
'html': [ '',
'' ],
'public_api': [ '' ],
'indexed_db': ['',
'layout': [ '',
'' ],
'paint' : [ '',
'' ],
'compositing': [ ],
'permissions': [ '' ],
'prerender': [ '',
'' ],
'preloadScanner': [ '' ],
'push_messaging': [ '',
'' ],
'client_hints': [ '' ],
'scheduler': [ '' ],
'track': [ '',
'' ],
'media': [ '',
'' ],
'media_queries': [ '',
'' ],
'fileapi': [ '',
'' ],
'quota': [ '',
'' ],
'viewport_interaction': [ '' ],
'webcomponents': [ '',
'' ],
'mediastream': [ '' ],
'navigator_content_utils': [ '' ],
'notifications': [ '' ],
'geolocation': [ '',
'' ],
'htmlparser': [ '' ],
'vibration': [ '',
'' ],
'serviceworkers': [ '',
'' ],
'serviceworkers_tests': [ '' ],
'sheriff_o_matic': [ '',
'' ],
'spellcheck' : [ '' ],
'style': [ '' ],
'svg': [ '',
'' ],
'test_runner': [ '',
'' ],
'w3ctests' : [ '' ],
'webp': [ '',
'' ],
'out_of_process_frames': [ '',
'' ],
'screen_orientation': [ '' ],
'web_idl': [ '',
'' ],
'websockets': [ '',
'' ],
'workers': [ '',
'' ],
'wtf': [ '',
'' ],
'xmlhttprequest': [ '' ],