blob: 239a46e93c87c3ec79f012c5ebcc1063694b61fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/utility/importer/bookmark_html_reader.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/i18n/icu_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/common/importer/imported_bookmark_entry.h"
#include "chrome/common/importer/imported_favicon_usage.h"
#include "chrome/utility/importer/favicon_reencode.h"
#include "net/base/data_url.h"
#include "net/base/escape.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
namespace {
// Fetches the given |attribute| value from the |attribute_list|. Returns true
// if successful, and |value| will contain the value.
bool GetAttribute(const std::string& attribute_list,
const std::string& attribute,
std::string* value) {
const char kQuote[] = "\"";
size_t begin = attribute_list.find(attribute + "=" + kQuote);
if (begin == std::string::npos)
return false; // Can't find the attribute.
begin += attribute.size() + 2;
size_t end = begin + 1;
while (end < attribute_list.size()) {
if (attribute_list[end] == '"' &&
attribute_list[end - 1] != '\\') {
if (end == attribute_list.size())
return false; // The value is not quoted.
*value = attribute_list.substr(begin, end - begin);
return true;
// Given the URL of a page and a favicon data URL, adds an appropriate record
// to the given favicon usage vector.
void DataURLToFaviconUsage(
const GURL& link_url,
const GURL& favicon_data,
std::vector<ImportedFaviconUsage>* favicons) {
if (!link_url.is_valid() || !favicon_data.is_valid() ||
// Parse the data URL.
std::string mime_type, char_set, data;
if (!net::DataURL::Parse(favicon_data, &mime_type, &char_set, &data) ||
ImportedFaviconUsage usage;
if (!importer::ReencodeFavicon(
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&data[0]),
data.size(), &usage.png_data))
return; // Unable to decode.
// We need to make up a URL for the favicon. We use a version of the page's
// URL so that we can be sure it will not collide.
usage.favicon_url = GURL(std::string("made-up-favicon:") + link_url.spec());
// We only have one URL per favicon for Firefox 2 bookmarks.
} // namespace
namespace bookmark_html_reader {
void ImportBookmarksFile(
const base::Callback<bool(void)>& cancellation_callback,
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& valid_url_callback,
const base::FilePath& file_path,
std::vector<ImportedBookmarkEntry>* bookmarks,
std::vector<ImportedFaviconUsage>* favicons) {
std::string content;
base::ReadFileToString(file_path, &content);
std::vector<std::string> lines;
base::SplitString(content, '\n', &lines);
base::string16 last_folder;
bool last_folder_on_toolbar = false;
bool last_folder_is_empty = true;
bool has_subfolder = false;
base::Time last_folder_add_date;
std::vector<base::string16> path;
size_t toolbar_folder_index = 0;
std::string charset;
for (size_t i = 0;
i < lines.size() &&
(cancellation_callback.is_null() || !cancellation_callback.Run());
++i) {
std::string line;
base::TrimString(lines[i], " ", &line);
// Remove "<HR>" if |line| starts with it. "<HR>" is the bookmark entries
// separator in Firefox that Chrome does not support. Note that there can be
// multiple "<HR>" tags at the beginning of a single line.
// See
static const char kHrTag[] = "<HR>";
while (StartsWithASCII(line, kHrTag, false)) {
line.erase(0, arraysize(kHrTag) - 1);
base::TrimString(line, " ", &line);
// Get the encoding of the bookmark file.
if (internal::ParseCharsetFromLine(line, &charset))
// Get the folder name.
if (internal::ParseFolderNameFromLine(line,
&last_folder_add_date)) {
// Get the bookmark entry.
base::string16 title;
base::string16 shortcut;
GURL url, favicon;
base::Time add_date;
base::string16 post_data;
bool is_bookmark;
// TODO(jcampan): http://b/issue?id=1196285 we do not support POST based
// keywords yet.
is_bookmark =
internal::ParseBookmarkFromLine(line, charset, &title,
&url, &favicon, &shortcut,
&add_date, &post_data) ||
internal::ParseMinimumBookmarkFromLine(line, charset, &title, &url);
if (is_bookmark)
last_folder_is_empty = false;
if (is_bookmark &&
post_data.empty() &&
(valid_url_callback.is_null() || valid_url_callback.Run(url))) {
if (toolbar_folder_index > path.size() && !path.empty()) {
NOTREACHED(); // error in parsing.
ImportedBookmarkEntry entry;
entry.creation_time = add_date;
entry.url = url;
entry.title = title;
if (toolbar_folder_index) {
// The toolbar folder should be at the top level.
entry.in_toolbar = true;
entry.path.assign(path.begin() + toolbar_folder_index - 1, path.end());
} else {
// Add this bookmark to the list of |bookmarks|.
if (!has_subfolder && !last_folder.empty()) {
entry.path.assign(path.begin(), path.end());
// Save the favicon. DataURLToFaviconUsage will handle the case where
// there is no favicon.
if (favicons)
DataURLToFaviconUsage(url, favicon, favicons);
// Bookmarks in sub-folder are encapsulated with <DL> tag.
if (StartsWithASCII(line, "<DL>", false)) {
has_subfolder = true;
if (!last_folder.empty()) {
if (last_folder_on_toolbar && !toolbar_folder_index)
toolbar_folder_index = path.size();
// Mark next folder empty as initial state.
last_folder_is_empty = true;
} else if (StartsWithASCII(line, "</DL>", false)) {
if (path.empty())
break; // Mismatch <DL>.
base::string16 folder_title = path.back();
if (last_folder_is_empty) {
// Empty folder should be added explicitly.
ImportedBookmarkEntry entry;
entry.is_folder = true;
entry.creation_time = last_folder_add_date;
entry.title = folder_title;
if (toolbar_folder_index) {
// The toolbar folder should be at the top level.
// Make sure we don't add the toolbar folder itself if it is empty.
if (toolbar_folder_index <= path.size()) {
entry.in_toolbar = true;
entry.path.assign(path.begin() + toolbar_folder_index - 1,
} else {
// Add this folder to the list of |bookmarks|.
entry.path.assign(path.begin(), path.end());
// Parent folder include current one, so it's not empty.
last_folder_is_empty = false;
if (toolbar_folder_index > path.size())
toolbar_folder_index = 0;
namespace internal {
bool ParseCharsetFromLine(const std::string& line, std::string* charset) {
const char kCharset[] = "charset=";
if (StartsWithASCII(line, "<META", false) &&
(line.find("CONTENT=\"") != std::string::npos ||
line.find("content=\"") != std::string::npos)) {
size_t begin = line.find(kCharset);
if (begin == std::string::npos)
return false;
begin += std::string(kCharset).size();
size_t end = line.find_first_of('\"', begin);
*charset = line.substr(begin, end - begin);
return true;
return false;
bool ParseFolderNameFromLine(const std::string& line,
const std::string& charset,
base::string16* folder_name,
bool* is_toolbar_folder,
base::Time* add_date) {
const char kFolderOpen[] = "<DT><H3";
const char kFolderClose[] = "</H3>";
const char kToolbarFolderAttribute[] = "PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER";
const char kAddDateAttribute[] = "ADD_DATE";
if (!StartsWithASCII(line, kFolderOpen, true))
return false;
size_t end = line.find(kFolderClose);
size_t tag_end = line.rfind('>', end) + 1;
// If no end tag or start tag is broken, we skip to find the folder name.
if (end == std::string::npos || tag_end < arraysize(kFolderOpen))
return false;
base::CodepageToUTF16(line.substr(tag_end, end - tag_end), charset.c_str(),
base::OnStringConversionError::SKIP, folder_name);
*folder_name = net::UnescapeForHTML(*folder_name);
std::string attribute_list = line.substr(arraysize(kFolderOpen),
tag_end - arraysize(kFolderOpen) - 1);
std::string value;
// Add date
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kAddDateAttribute, &value)) {
int64 time;
base::StringToInt64(value, &time);
// Upper bound it at 32 bits.
if (0 < time && time < (1LL << 32))
*add_date = base::Time::FromTimeT(time);
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kToolbarFolderAttribute, &value) &&
LowerCaseEqualsASCII(value, "true"))
*is_toolbar_folder = true;
*is_toolbar_folder = false;
return true;
bool ParseBookmarkFromLine(const std::string& line,
const std::string& charset,
base::string16* title,
GURL* url,
GURL* favicon,
base::string16* shortcut,
base::Time* add_date,
base::string16* post_data) {
const char kItemOpen[] = "<DT><A";
const char kItemClose[] = "</A>";
const char kFeedURLAttribute[] = "FEEDURL";
const char kHrefAttribute[] = "HREF";
const char kIconAttribute[] = "ICON";
const char kShortcutURLAttribute[] = "SHORTCUTURL";
const char kAddDateAttribute[] = "ADD_DATE";
const char kPostDataAttribute[] = "POST_DATA";
*url = GURL();
*favicon = GURL();
*add_date = base::Time();
if (!StartsWithASCII(line, kItemOpen, true))
return false;
size_t end = line.find(kItemClose);
size_t tag_end = line.rfind('>', end) + 1;
if (end == std::string::npos || tag_end < arraysize(kItemOpen))
return false; // No end tag or start tag is broken.
std::string attribute_list = line.substr(arraysize(kItemOpen),
tag_end - arraysize(kItemOpen) - 1);
// We don't import Live Bookmark folders, which is Firefox's RSS reading
// feature, since the user never necessarily bookmarked them and we don't
// have this feature to update their contents.
std::string value;
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kFeedURLAttribute, &value))
return false;
// Title
base::CodepageToUTF16(line.substr(tag_end, end - tag_end), charset.c_str(),
base::OnStringConversionError::SKIP, title);
*title = net::UnescapeForHTML(*title);
// URL
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kHrefAttribute, &value)) {
base::string16 url16;
base::CodepageToUTF16(value, charset.c_str(),
base::OnStringConversionError::SKIP, &url16);
url16 = net::UnescapeForHTML(url16);
*url = GURL(url16);
// Favicon
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kIconAttribute, &value))
*favicon = GURL(value);
// Keyword
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kShortcutURLAttribute, &value)) {
base::CodepageToUTF16(value, charset.c_str(),
base::OnStringConversionError::SKIP, shortcut);
*shortcut = net::UnescapeForHTML(*shortcut);
// Add date
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kAddDateAttribute, &value)) {
int64 time;
base::StringToInt64(value, &time);
// Upper bound it at 32 bits.
if (0 < time && time < (1LL << 32))
*add_date = base::Time::FromTimeT(time);
// Post data.
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kPostDataAttribute, &value)) {
base::CodepageToUTF16(value, charset.c_str(),
base::OnStringConversionError::SKIP, post_data);
*post_data = net::UnescapeForHTML(*post_data);
return true;
bool ParseMinimumBookmarkFromLine(const std::string& line,
const std::string& charset,
base::string16* title,
GURL* url) {
const char kItemOpen[] = "<DT><A";
const char kItemClose[] = "</";
const char kHrefAttributeUpper[] = "HREF";
const char kHrefAttributeLower[] = "href";
*url = GURL();
// Case-insensitive check of open tag.
if (!StartsWithASCII(line, kItemOpen, false))
return false;
// Find any close tag.
size_t end = line.find(kItemClose);
size_t tag_end = line.rfind('>', end) + 1;
if (end == std::string::npos || tag_end < arraysize(kItemOpen))
return false; // No end tag or start tag is broken.
std::string attribute_list = line.substr(arraysize(kItemOpen),
tag_end - arraysize(kItemOpen) - 1);
// Title
base::CodepageToUTF16(line.substr(tag_end, end - tag_end), charset.c_str(),
base::OnStringConversionError::SKIP, title);
*title = net::UnescapeForHTML(*title);
// URL
std::string value;
if (GetAttribute(attribute_list, kHrefAttributeUpper, &value) ||
GetAttribute(attribute_list, kHrefAttributeLower, &value)) {
if (charset.length() != 0) {
base::string16 url16;
base::CodepageToUTF16(value, charset.c_str(),
base::OnStringConversionError::SKIP, &url16);
url16 = net::UnescapeForHTML(url16);
*url = GURL(url16);
} else {
*url = GURL(value);
return true;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace bookmark_html_reader