blob: 2dedb8b18138f5bb846e9b5173e11698081e1d0d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Bookmarks specific strings (included from generated_resources.grd). -->
<!-- Begin of Bookmarks Bar strings-->
<if expr="not is_android">
<!-- The following two strings are shown when the user has no bookmarks yet. -->
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARKS_NO_ITEMS" desc="Text shown when the user has no bookmarks">
For quick access, place your bookmarks here on the bookmarks bar.
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_IMPORT_LINK" desc="text shown for importing ">
Import bookmarks now...
<!-- The special folders created when importing from other other browsers. -->
<if expr="is_win">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_GROUP_FROM_IE" desc="The group name of bookmarks from Internet Explorer">
Imported From IE
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_GROUP_FROM_FIREFOX" desc="The group name of bookmarks from Firefox">
Imported From Firefox
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_GROUP_FROM_SAFARI" desc="The group name of bookmarks from Safari">
Imported From Safari
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_GROUP" desc="The group name of bookmarks imported from a file">
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_SHOW_APPS_SHORTCUT" desc="Name shown in the context menu to hide/show the apps shortcut in the bookmark bar">
Show apps shortcut
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_SHOW_MANAGED_BOOKMARKS_DEFAULT_NAME" desc="Name shown in the context menu to hide/show the managed bookmarks in the bookmark bar">
Show managed bookmarks
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_SHOW_MANAGED_BOOKMARKS" desc="Name shown in the context menu to hide/show the managed bookmarks in the bookmark bar">
Show <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>managed bookmarks</ex></ph>
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_SHOW_APPS_SHORTCUT" desc="In Title Case: Name shown in the context menu to hide/show the apps shortcut in the bookmark bar">
Show Apps Shortcut
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_SHOW_MANAGED_BOOKMARKS_DEFAULT_NAME" desc="In Title Case: Name shown in the context menu to hide/show the managed bookmarks in the bookmark bar">
Show Managed Bookmarks
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_SHOW_MANAGED_BOOKMARKS" desc="In Title Case: Name shown in the context menu to hide/show the managed bookmarks in the bookmark bar">
Show <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>Managed Bookmarks</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_APPS_SHORTCUT_NAME" desc="Name shown in the bookmark bar for the apps page shortcut">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_APPS_SHORTCUT_TOOLTIP" desc="Text shown in the tooltip of the apps page shortcut in the bookmark bar">
Show apps
<!-- End of Bookmarks Bar strings. -->
<!-- Begin of Bookmarks Bar Context Menu strings. -->
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_ALL" desc="Menu title for opening all urls in a bookmark folder">
&amp;Open all bookmarks
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_ALL_NEW_WINDOW" desc="Menu title for opening all urls in a bookmark folder in a new window">
Open all bookmarks in &amp;new window
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_ALL_INCOGNITO" desc="Menu description for opening all urls in a bookmark folder in an incognito window">
Open all bookmarks in &amp;incognito window
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_IN_NEW_TAB" desc="Menu description for loading bookmark in a new tab">
&amp;Open in new tab
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_IN_NEW_WINDOW" desc="Menu description for loading bookmark in a new window">
Open in &amp;new window
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_INCOGNITO" desc="Menu description for opening bookmark in incognito window">
Open in &amp;incognito window
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_EDIT" desc="Title of the bookmark context menu item that brings up the bookmark editor">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_RENAME_FOLDER" desc="Title of the bookmark context menu item that brings up a dialog to rename a folder">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO" desc="Menu title for undoing a bookmark operation">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO" desc="Menu title for redoing a bookmark operation">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_ADD" desc="Menu title for undoing adding a bookmark">
&amp;Undo add
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_ADD" desc="Menu title for redoing adding a bookmark">
&amp;Redo add
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_DELETE" desc="Menu title for undoing deletion of a bookmark">
&amp;Undo delete
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_DELETE" desc="Menu title for redoing deletion of a bookmark">
&amp;Redo delete
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_EDIT" desc="Menu title for undoing a bookmark edit">
&amp;Undo edit
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_EDIT" desc="Menu title for redoing a bookmark edit">
&amp;Redo edit
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_MOVE" desc="Menu title for undoing moving a bookmark">
&amp;Undo move
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_MOVE" desc="Menu title for redoing moving a bookmark">
&amp;Redo move
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_REORDER" desc="Menu title for undoing reordering bookmarks">
&amp;Undo reorder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_REORDER" desc="Menu title for redoing reordering bookmarks">
&amp;Redo reorder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REMOVE" desc="Menu title for removing/unstarring a bookmark">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK" desc="Menu title for adding a new bookmark entry">
Add pa&amp;ge...
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_NEW_FOLDER" desc="Menu title for adding a new folder">
Add &amp;folder...
<if expr="not is_android">
<message name="IDS_SHOW_BOOKMARK_BAR" desc="The toggle to show the bookmark bar">
&amp;Show bookmarks bar
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_ALL" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for opening all urls in a bookmark folder">
&amp;Open All Bookmarks
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_ALL_NEW_WINDOW" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for opening all urls in a bookmark folder in a new window">
Open All Bookmarks in &amp;New Window
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_ALL_INCOGNITO" desc="In Title Case: Menu description for opening all urls in a bookmark folder in an incognito window">
Open All Bookmarks in &amp;Incognito Window
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_IN_NEW_TAB" desc="In Title Case: Menu description for loading bookmark in a new tab">
&amp;Open in New Tab
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_IN_NEW_WINDOW" desc="In Title Case: Menu description for loading bookmark in a new window">
Open in &amp;New Window
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_OPEN_INCOGNITO" desc="In Title Case: Menu description for opening bookmark in incognito window">
Open in &amp;Incognito Window
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_EDIT" desc="In Title Case: Title of the bookmark context menu item that brings up the bookmark editor">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_RENAME_FOLDER" desc="In Title Case: Title of the bookmark context menu item that brings up a dialog to rename a folder">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for undoing a bookmark operation">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for redoing a bookmark operation">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_ADD" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for undoing adding a bookmark">
&amp;Undo Add
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_ADD" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for redoing adding a bookmark">
&amp;Redo Add
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_DELETE" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for undoing deletion of a bookmark">
&amp;Undo Delete
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_DELETE" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for redoing deletion of a bookmark">
&amp;Redo Delete
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_EDIT" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for undoing a bookmark edit">
&amp;Undo Edit
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_EDIT" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for redoing a bookmark edit">
&amp;Redo Edit
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_MOVE" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for undoing moving a bookmark">
&amp;Undo Move
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_MOVE" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for redoing moving a bookmark">
&amp;Redo Move
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_UNDO_REORDER" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for undoing reordering bookmarks">
&amp;Undo Reorder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REDO_REORDER" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for redoing reordering bookmarks">
&amp;Redo Reorder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_REMOVE" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for removing/unstarring a bookmark">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_ADD_NEW_BOOKMARK" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for adding a new bookmark entry">
Add Pa&amp;ge...
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_NEW_FOLDER" desc="In Title Case: Menu title for adding a new folder">
Add &amp;Folder...
<if expr="not is_android">
<message name="IDS_SHOW_BOOKMARK_BAR" desc="In Title Case: The toggle to show the bookmark bar">
&amp;Show Bookmarks Bar
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_SHOULD_OPEN_ALL" desc="Message in the message box shown if user asks to open a lot of bookmarks in a folder">
Are you sure you want to open <ph name="TAB_COUNT">$1<ex>20</ex></ph> tabs?
<!-- End of Bookmarks Bar Context Menu strings. -->
<!-- Begin of Bookmarks Bubble strings. -->
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_PAGE_BOOKMARKED" desc="Title of the bubble after bookmarking a page.">
Bookmark added!
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_PAGE_BOOKMARKED" desc="In Title Case: Title of the bubble after bookmarking a page.">
Bookmark Added!
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_PAGE_BOOKMARK" desc="Title of the bubble when re-clicking on a bookmark">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_AX_BUBBLE_PAGE_BOOKMARK" desc="Title of the bubble when re-clicking on a bookmark, read by spoken feedback">
Edit bookmark
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Text preceding the title of the page that was bookmarked">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_AX_BUBBLE_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Text preceding the title of the page that was bookmarked, read by spoken feedback">
Bookmark name
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_FOLDER_TEXT" desc="Text preceding the folder selector">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_AX_BUBBLE_FOLDER_TEXT" desc="Text preceding the folder selector">
Bookmark folder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_REMOVE_BOOKMARK" desc="Title of the button for removing the bookmark">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_OPTIONS" desc="Title of the button the user can click to edit details of the bookmark">
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_CHOOSER_ANOTHER_FOLDER" desc="Text in the combobox allowing the user to choose another folder (by bringing up th editor).">
Choose another folder...
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE_CHOOSER_ANOTHER_FOLDER" desc="In Title Case: Text in the combobox allowing the user to choose another folder (by bringing up th editor).">
Choose Another Folder...
<!-- End of Bookmarks Bubble strings. -->
<!-- Begin of Bookmarks Sync Promo strings. -->
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_SYNC_PROMO_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the sync promo displayed at the bottom of the bookmark bubble.">
<ph name="SIGN_IN_LINK">$1<ex>Sign in</ex></ph> to get your bookmarks everywhere.
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_SYNC_PROMO_LINK" desc="Text of the link to sign in from the bookmark sync promo.">
Sign in
<!-- End of Bookmarks Sync Promo strings. -->
<!-- Begin of Bookmark Editor strings. -->
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_EDITOR_NAME_LABEL" desc="Label shown before the title/name of the URL.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_AX_EDITOR_NAME_LABEL" desc="Spoken text for bookmark name text field in edit folder dialog">
Bookmark name
<if expr="is_macosx">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_BAR_EDIT_FOLDER_LABEL" desc="Title of label before text field in edit folder dialog">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_AX_EDITOR_URL_LABEL" desc="Spoken text for bookmark URL text field in edit folder dialog.">
Bookmark URL
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_EDITOR_URL_LABEL" desc="Label shown before the URL.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_EDITOR_NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON" desc="Text on the new folder button.">
New folder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_EDITOR_NEW_FOLDER_MENU_ITEM" desc="Text on the new folder context menu item.">
&amp;New folder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_EDITOR_TITLE" desc="Title of the window the bookmark editor is in.">
Edit Bookmark
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_EDITOR_CONFIRM_DELETE" desc="The message shown in the dialog asking the user to confirm deleting a folder.">
This folder contains <ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> bookmarks. Are you sure you want to delete it?
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_EDITOR_NEW_FOLDER_NAME" desc="Name for newly created groups">
New folder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_FOLDER_EDITOR_WINDOW_TITLE" desc="Window title of editor for bookmark folders">
Edit folder name
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_FOLDER_EDITOR_WINDOW_TITLE_NEW" desc="Window title of editor for new bookmark folders">
New folder
<if expr="is_ios">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_FOLDER_CHOOSER_TITLE" desc="Title of the window the bookmark folder chooser is in.">
Choose Folder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_ADD_EDITOR_TITLE" desc="Title of the window the bookmark editor is in when adding a bookmark. [Length: 10em]">
Add Bookmark
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="Title for button to create a new folder in Bookmarks [Length: 14em]">
New Folder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_FOLDER_EDITOR_TITLE" desc="Title of the window the bookmark folder editor is in.">
Edit Folder
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_ALL_TABS_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The title of the Bookmark All Tabs dialog.">
Bookmark all tabs
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_ALL_TABS_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="In Title Case: The title of the Bookmark All Tabs dialog.">
Bookmark All Tabs
<!-- End of Bookmarks Editor strings. -->
<!-- Begin of Bookmarks Manager strings. -->
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_TITLE" desc="Title of the bookmark manager window.">
Bookmark Manager
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_SEARCH_BUTTON" desc="Title of the button in the bookmark manager that triggers a search">
Search bookmarks
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER" desc="The label of the menu item that shows the bookmark manager">
&amp;Bookmark manager
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_ORGANIZE_MENU" desc="Title of the organize menu in the bookmark manager.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_SHOW_IN_FOLDER" desc="The label of the menu item in the bookmark manager context menu that changes the selection in the tree to match the folder of the selected item in the table.">
Show in folder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_SORT" desc="The label of the menu item in the bookmark manager organize menu that alphabetizes the bookmarks/folders by title.">
Reorder by title
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_IMPORT_MENU" desc="Title of the import menu item in the bookmark manager.">
Import bookmarks from HTML file...
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_EXPORT_MENU" desc="Title of the export menu item in the bookmark manager.">
Export bookmarks to HTML file...
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_NAME_INPUT_PLACE_HOLDER" desc="Text to show in the URL input field when editing or creating bookmarks.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_URL_INPUT_PLACE_HOLDER" desc="Text to show in the URL input field when editing or creating bookmarks.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_INVALID_URL" desc="Error message to display when the user tries to edit or create a bookmark with an invalid URL.">
Invalid URL.
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_RECENT" desc="The label for the tree item that shows the recently added bookmarks.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_SEARCH" desc="The label for the tree item that shows the search results for the bookmarks.">
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER" desc="In Title Case: The label of the menu item that shows the bookmark manager">
&amp;Bookmark Manager
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_ORGANIZE_MENU" desc="In Title Case: Title of the organize menu in the bookmark manager.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_SHOW_IN_FOLDER" desc="In Title Case: The label of the menu item in the bookmark manager context menu that changes the selection in the tree to match the folder of the selected item in the table.">
Show in Folder
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_SORT" desc="In Title Case: The label of the menu item in the bookmark manager organize menu that alphabetizes the bookmarks/folders by title.">
Reorder by Title
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_IMPORT_MENU" desc="In Title Case: Title of the import menu item in the bookmark manager.">
Import Bookmarks from HTML File...
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_EXPORT_MENU" desc="In Title Case: Title of the export menu item in the bookmark manager.">
Export Bookmarks to HTML File...
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_NAME_INPUT_PLACE_HOLDER" desc="In Title Case: Text to show in the URL input field when editing or creating bookmarks.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_URL_INPUT_PLACE_HOLDER" desc="In Title Case: Text to show in the URL input field when editing or creating bookmarks.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_INVALID_URL" desc="In Title Case: Error message to display when the user tries to edit or create a bookmark with an invalid URL.">
Invalid URL.
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_RECENT" desc="In Title Case: The label for the tree item that shows the recently added bookmarks.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_SEARCH" desc="In Title Case: The label for the tree item that shows the search results for the bookmarks.">
<if expr="is_ios">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_FOLDER_SECTION" desc="The label for the folder section when editing or creating bookmarks on a phone.">
In Folder:
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_FOLDER_TITLE" desc="The label for the folder selector field when editing or creating bookmarks.">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_MANAGER_REMOVE_TITLE" desc="The label for the remove button when editing bookmarks.">
<message name="IDS_EXPORT_BOOKMARKS_DEFAULT_FILENAME" desc="Filename that pre-populates the filename field when user attempts to export his bookmarks from Bookmark Manager.">
bookmarks_<ph name="DATESTAMP">$1<ex>02_11_11</ex></ph>.html
<!-- End of Bookmarks Manager strings. -->
<!-- Begin of Bookmarks Menu (in the Main Menu) strings. -->
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARKS_MENU" desc="The title of the Bookmarks menu in the Main menu and in the Mac menu bar.">
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_THIS_PAGE" desc="Title of the menu item that bookmarks the current page.">
Bookmark this page...
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_THIS_PAGE" desc="In Title Case: Title of the menu item that bookmarks the current page.">
Bookmark This Page...
<if expr="not use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_OPEN_PAGES" desc="Title of the menu item that bookmarks all the pages opened in this window.">
Bookmark open pages...
<if expr="use_titlecase">
<message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_OPEN_PAGES" desc="In Title Case: Title of the menu item that bookmarks all the pages opened in this window.">
Bookmark Open Pages...
<!-- End of Bookmarks Menu (in the Main Menu) strings. -->
<!-- Being of Bookmark Star button strings. -->
<message name="IDS_TOOLTIP_STAR" desc="The tooltip shown when you hover the star button in the right side of the location bar.">
Bookmark this page
<message name="IDS_TOOLTIP_STARRED" desc="The tooltip shown when you hover the star button in the right side of the location bar and the current page is bookmarked.">
Edit bookmark for this page
<!-- End of Bookmark Star button strings. -->