blob: fc4ce55350d9612bf155e9a8675a536c6d1ec611 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/installer/test/resource_loader.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace {
// Populates |resource_data| with the address and size of the resource in
// |module| identified by |name_or_id| of type |type_name_or_id|, returning
// true on success.
bool DoLoad(HMODULE module, const wchar_t* name_or_id,
const wchar_t* type_name_or_id,
std::pair<const uint8*, DWORD>* resource_data) {
bool loaded = false;
HRSRC resource_info;
resource_info = FindResource(module, name_or_id, type_name_or_id);
if (resource_info != NULL) {
HGLOBAL loaded_resource;
loaded_resource = LoadResource(module, resource_info);
if (loaded_resource != NULL) {
resource_data->first =
static_cast<const uint8*>(LockResource(loaded_resource));
if (resource_data->first != NULL) {
resource_data->second = SizeofResource(module, resource_info);
DPCHECK(resource_data->second != 0);
loaded = true;
} else {
DPCHECK(false) << "LockResource failed";
} else {
DPCHECK(false) << "LoadResource failed";
} else {
DPLOG(INFO) << "FindResource failed";
return loaded;
} // namespace
namespace upgrade_test {
ResourceLoader::ResourceLoader() : module_(NULL) {
ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() {
if (module_ != NULL) {
BOOL result = FreeLibrary(module_);
DPCHECK(result != 0) << "FreeLibrary failed";
bool ResourceLoader::Initialize(const base::FilePath& pe_image_path) {
DCHECK(module_ == NULL);
module_ = LoadLibraryEx(pe_image_path.value().c_str(), NULL,
DPLOG_IF(INFO, module_ == NULL)
<< "Failed loading \"" << pe_image_path.value() << "\"";
return module_ != NULL;
bool ResourceLoader::Load(const std::wstring& name,
const std::wstring& type,
std::pair<const uint8*, DWORD>* resource_data) {
DCHECK(resource_data != NULL);
DCHECK(module_ != NULL);
return DoLoad(module_, name.c_str(), type.c_str(), resource_data);
bool ResourceLoader::Load(WORD id,
WORD type,
std::pair<const uint8*, DWORD>* resource_data) {
DCHECK(resource_data != NULL);
DCHECK(module_ != NULL);
return DoLoad(module_, MAKEINTRESOURCE(id), MAKEINTRESOURCE(type),
} // namespace upgrade_test