blob: a5b0975065e58dae9fffb1b8582469bbd9d38ba9 [file] [log] [blame]
package IO::Compress::Base::Common;
use strict ;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed readonly);
use File::GlobMapper;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
$VERSION = '2.011';
@EXPORT = qw( isaFilehandle isaFilename whatIsInput whatIsOutput
isaFileGlobString cleanFileGlobString oneTarget
setBinModeInput setBinModeOutput
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( Status => [qw( STATUS_OK
use constant STATUS_OK => 0;
use constant STATUS_ENDSTREAM => 1;
use constant STATUS_EOF => 2;
use constant STATUS_ERROR => -1;
sub hasEncode()
if (! defined $HAS_ENCODE) {
require Encode;
$HAS_ENCODE = $@ ? 0 : 1 ;
return $HAS_ENCODE;
sub getEncoding($$$)
my $obj = shift;
my $class = shift ;
my $want_encoding = shift ;
$obj->croakError("$class: Encode module needed to use -Encode")
if ! hasEncode();
my $encoding = Encode::find_encoding($want_encoding);
$obj->croakError("$class: Encoding '$want_encoding' is not available")
if ! $encoding;
return $encoding;
our ($needBinmode);
$needBinmode = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ||
($] >= 5.006 && eval ' ${^UNICODE} || ${^UTF8LOCALE} '))
? 1 : 1 ;
sub setBinModeInput($)
my $handle = shift ;
binmode $handle
if $needBinmode;
sub setBinModeOutput($)
my $handle = shift ;
binmode $handle
if $needBinmode;
sub isaFilehandle($)
use utf8; # Pragma needed to keep Perl 5.6.0 happy
return (defined $_[0] and
(UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'GLOB') or
UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'IO::Handle') or
sub isaFilename($)
return (defined $_[0] and
! ref $_[0] and
UNIVERSAL::isa(\$_[0], 'SCALAR'));
sub isaFileGlobString
return defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^<.*>$/;
sub cleanFileGlobString
my $string = shift ;
$string =~ s/^\s*<\s*(.*)\s*>\s*$/$1/;
return $string;
use constant WANT_CODE => 1 ;
use constant WANT_EXT => 2 ;
use constant WANT_UNDEF => 4 ;
#use constant WANT_HASH => 8 ;
use constant WANT_HASH => 0 ;
sub whatIsInput($;$)
my $got = whatIs(@_);
if (defined $got && $got eq 'filename' && defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq '-')
#use IO::File;
$got = 'handle';
$_[0] = *STDIN;
#$_[0] = new IO::File("<-");
return $got;
sub whatIsOutput($;$)
my $got = whatIs(@_);
if (defined $got && $got eq 'filename' && defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq '-')
$got = 'handle';
$_[0] = *STDOUT;
#$_[0] = new IO::File(">-");
return $got;
sub whatIs ($;$)
return 'handle' if isaFilehandle($_[0]);
my $wantCode = defined $_[1] && $_[1] & WANT_CODE ;
my $extended = defined $_[1] && $_[1] & WANT_EXT ;
my $undef = defined $_[1] && $_[1] & WANT_UNDEF ;
my $hash = defined $_[1] && $_[1] & WANT_HASH ;
return 'undef' if ! defined $_[0] && $undef ;
if (ref $_[0]) {
return '' if blessed($_[0]); # is an object
#return '' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'UNIVERSAL'); # is an object
return 'buffer' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'SCALAR');
return 'array' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY') && $extended ;
return 'hash' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH') && $hash ;
return 'code' if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'CODE') && $wantCode ;
return '';
return 'fileglob' if $extended && isaFileGlobString($_[0]);
return 'filename';
sub oneTarget
return $_[0] =~ /^(code|handle|buffer|filename)$/;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::new
my $class = shift ;
my $Class = shift ;
my $error_ref = shift ;
my $reportClass = shift ;
my %data = (Class => $Class,
Error => $error_ref,
reportClass => $reportClass,
) ;
my $obj = bless \%data, $class ;
local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
my $inType = $data{inType} = whatIsInput($_[0], WANT_EXT|WANT_HASH);
my $outType = $data{outType} = whatIsOutput($_[1], WANT_EXT|WANT_HASH);
my $oneInput = $data{oneInput} = oneTarget($inType);
my $oneOutput = $data{oneOutput} = oneTarget($outType);
if (! $inType)
$obj->croakError("$reportClass: illegal input parameter") ;
#return undef ;
# if ($inType eq 'hash')
# {
# $obj->{Hash} = 1 ;
# $obj->{oneInput} = 1 ;
# return $obj->validateHash($_[0]);
# }
if (! $outType)
$obj->croakError("$reportClass: illegal output parameter") ;
#return undef ;
if ($inType ne 'fileglob' && $outType eq 'fileglob')
$obj->croakError("Need input fileglob for outout fileglob");
# if ($inType ne 'fileglob' && $outType eq 'hash' && $inType ne 'filename' )
# {
# $obj->croakError("input must ne filename or fileglob when output is a hash");
# }
if ($inType eq 'fileglob' && $outType eq 'fileglob')
$data{GlobMap} = 1 ;
$data{inType} = $data{outType} = 'filename';
my $mapper = new File::GlobMapper($_[0], $_[1]);
if ( ! $mapper )
return $obj->saveErrorString($File::GlobMapper::Error) ;
$data{Pairs} = $mapper->getFileMap();
return $obj;
$obj->croakError("$reportClass: input and output $inType are identical")
if $inType eq $outType && $_[0] eq $_[1] && $_[0] ne '-' ;
if ($inType eq 'fileglob') # && $outType ne 'fileglob'
my $glob = cleanFileGlobString($_[0]);
my @inputs = glob($glob);
if (@inputs == 0)
# TODO -- legal or die?
die "globmap matched zero file -- legal or die???" ;
elsif (@inputs == 1)
or return undef;
$_[0] = $inputs[0] ;
$data{inType} = 'filename' ;
$data{oneInput} = 1;
or return undef;
$_[0] = [ @inputs ] ;
$data{inType} = 'filenames' ;
elsif ($inType eq 'filename')
or return undef;
elsif ($inType eq 'array')
$data{inType} = 'filenames' ;
or return undef ;
return $obj->saveErrorString("$reportClass: output buffer is read-only")
if $outType eq 'buffer' && readonly(${ $_[1] });
if ($outType eq 'filename' )
$obj->croakError("$reportClass: output filename is undef or null string")
if ! defined $_[1] || $_[1] eq '' ;
if (-e $_[1])
if (-d _ )
return $obj->saveErrorString("output file '$_[1]' is a directory");
return $obj ;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::saveErrorString
my $self = shift ;
${ $self->{Error} } = shift ;
return undef;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::croakError
my $self = shift ;
croak $_[0];
sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::validateInputFilenames
my $self = shift ;
foreach my $filename (@_)
$self->croakError("$self->{reportClass}: input filename is undef or null string")
if ! defined $filename || $filename eq '' ;
next if $filename eq '-';
if (! -e $filename )
return $self->saveErrorString("input file '$filename' does not exist");
if (-d _ )
return $self->saveErrorString("input file '$filename' is a directory");
if (! -r _ )
return $self->saveErrorString("cannot open file '$filename': $!");
return 1 ;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::validateInputArray
my $self = shift ;
if ( @{ $_[0] } == 0 )
return $self->saveErrorString("empty array reference") ;
foreach my $element ( @{ $_[0] } )
my $inType = whatIsInput($element);
if (! $inType)
$self->croakError("unknown input parameter") ;
elsif($inType eq 'filename')
or return undef ;
$self->croakError("not a filename") ;
return 1 ;
#sub IO::Compress::Base::Validator::validateHash
# my $self = shift ;
# my $href = shift ;
# while (my($k, $v) = each %$href)
# {
# my $ktype = whatIsInput($k);
# my $vtype = whatIsOutput($v, WANT_EXT|WANT_UNDEF) ;
# if ($ktype ne 'filename')
# {
# return $self->saveErrorString("hash key not filename") ;
# }
# my %valid = map { $_ => 1 } qw(filename buffer array undef handle) ;
# if (! $valid{$vtype})
# {
# return $self->saveErrorString("hash value not ok") ;
# }
# }
# return $self ;
sub createSelfTiedObject
my $class = shift || (caller)[0] ;
my $error_ref = shift ;
my $obj = bless Symbol::gensym(), ref($class) || $class;
tie *$obj, $obj if $] >= 5.005;
*$obj->{Closed} = 1 ;
$$error_ref = '';
*$obj->{Error} = $error_ref ;
my $errno = 0 ;
*$obj->{ErrorNo} = \$errno ;
return $obj;
#package Parse::Parameters ;
#require Exporter;
#$VERSION = '2.000_08';
#@ISA = qw(Exporter);
$EXPORT_TAGS{Parse} = [qw( ParseParameters
Parse_any Parse_unsigned Parse_signed
Parse_boolean Parse_custom Parse_string
Parse_multiple Parse_writable_scalar
push @EXPORT, @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{Parse} } ;
use constant Parse_any => 0x01;
use constant Parse_unsigned => 0x02;
use constant Parse_signed => 0x04;
use constant Parse_boolean => 0x08;
use constant Parse_string => 0x10;
use constant Parse_custom => 0x12;
#use constant Parse_store_ref => 0x100 ;
use constant Parse_multiple => 0x100 ;
use constant Parse_writable => 0x200 ;
use constant Parse_writable_scalar => 0x400 | Parse_writable ;
use constant OFF_PARSED => 0 ;
use constant OFF_TYPE => 1 ;
use constant OFF_DEFAULT => 2 ;
use constant OFF_FIXED => 3 ;
use constant OFF_FIRST_ONLY => 4 ;
use constant OFF_STICKY => 5 ;
sub ParseParameters
my $level = shift || 0 ;
my $sub = (caller($level + 1))[3] ;
local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1 ;
my $p = new IO::Compress::Base::Parameters() ;
or croak "$sub: $p->{Error}" ;
return $p;
#package IO::Compress::Base::Parameters;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::new
my $class = shift ;
my $obj = { Error => '',
Got => {},
} ;
#return bless $obj, ref($class) || $class || __PACKAGE__ ;
return bless $obj, 'IO::Compress::Base::Parameters' ;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::setError
my $self = shift ;
my $error = shift ;
my $retval = @_ ? shift : undef ;
$self->{Error} = $error ;
return $retval;
#sub getError
# my $self = shift ;
# return $self->{Error} ;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::parse
my $self = shift ;
my $default = shift ;
my $got = $self->{Got} ;
my $firstTime = keys %{ $got } == 0 ;
my (@Bad) ;
my @entered = () ;
# Allow the options to be passed as a hash reference or
# as the complete hash.
if (@_ == 0) {
@entered = () ;
elsif (@_ == 1) {
my $href = $_[0] ;
return $_[0]
if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "IO::Compress::Base::Parameters");
return $self->setError("Expected even number of parameters, got 1")
if ! defined $href or ! ref $href or ref $href ne "HASH" ;
foreach my $key (keys %$href) {
push @entered, $key ;
push @entered, \$href->{$key} ;
else {
my $count = @_;
return $self->setError("Expected even number of parameters, got $count")
if $count % 2 != 0 ;
for my $i (0.. $count / 2 - 1) {
push @entered, $_[2* $i] ;
push @entered, \$_[2* $i+1] ;
while (my ($key, $v) = each %$default)
croak "need 4 params [@$v]"
if @$v != 4 ;
my ($first_only, $sticky, $type, $value) = @$v ;
my $x ;
$self->_checkType($key, \$value, $type, 0, \$x)
or return undef ;
$key = lc $key;
if ($firstTime || ! $sticky) {
$x = [ $x ]
if $type & Parse_multiple;
$got->{$key} = [0, $type, $value, $x, $first_only, $sticky] ;
$got->{$key}[OFF_PARSED] = 0 ;
my %parsed = ();
for my $i (0.. @entered / 2 - 1) {
my $key = $entered[2* $i] ;
my $value = $entered[2* $i+1] ;
#print "Key [$key] Value [$value]" ;
#print defined $$value ? "[$$value]\n" : "[undef]\n";
$key =~ s/^-// ;
my $canonkey = lc $key;
if ($got->{$canonkey} && ($firstTime ||
! $got->{$canonkey}[OFF_FIRST_ONLY] ))
my $type = $got->{$canonkey}[OFF_TYPE] ;
my $parsed = $parsed{$canonkey};
++ $parsed{$canonkey};
return $self->setError("Muliple instances of '$key' found")
if $parsed && $type & Parse_multiple == 0 ;
my $s ;
$self->_checkType($key, $value, $type, 1, \$s)
or return undef ;
$value = $$value ;
if ($type & Parse_multiple) {
$got->{$canonkey}[OFF_PARSED] = 1;
push @{ $got->{$canonkey}[OFF_FIXED] }, $s ;
else {
$got->{$canonkey} = [1, $type, $value, $s] ;
{ push (@Bad, $key) }
if (@Bad) {
my ($bad) = join(", ", @Bad) ;
return $self->setError("unknown key value(s) @Bad") ;
return 1;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::_checkType
my $self = shift ;
my $key = shift ;
my $value = shift ;
my $type = shift ;
my $validate = shift ;
my $output = shift;
#local $Carp::CarpLevel = $level ;
#print "PARSE $type $key $value $validate $sub\n" ;
if ($type & Parse_writable_scalar)
return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' not writable")
if $validate && readonly $$value ;
if (ref $$value)
return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' not a scalar reference")
if $validate && ref $$value ne 'SCALAR' ;
$$output = $$value ;
return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' not a scalar")
if $validate && ref $value ne 'SCALAR' ;
$$output = $value ;
return 1;
# if ($type & Parse_store_ref)
# {
# #$value = $$value
# # if ref ${ $value } ;
# $$output = $value ;
# return 1;
# }
$value = $$value ;
if ($type & Parse_any)
$$output = $value ;
return 1;
elsif ($type & Parse_unsigned)
return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be an unsigned int, got 'undef'")
if $validate && ! defined $value ;
return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be an unsigned int, got '$value'")
if $validate && $value !~ /^\d+$/;
$$output = defined $value ? $value : 0 ;
return 1;
elsif ($type & Parse_signed)
return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be a signed int, got 'undef'")
if $validate && ! defined $value ;
return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be a signed int, got '$value'")
if $validate && $value !~ /^-?\d+$/;
$$output = defined $value ? $value : 0 ;
return 1 ;
elsif ($type & Parse_boolean)
return $self->setError("Parameter '$key' must be an int, got '$value'")
if $validate && defined $value && $value !~ /^\d*$/;
$$output = defined $value ? $value != 0 : 0 ;
return 1;
elsif ($type & Parse_string)
$$output = defined $value ? $value : "" ;
return 1;
$$output = $value ;
return 1;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::parsed
my $self = shift ;
my $name = shift ;
return $self->{Got}{lc $name}[OFF_PARSED] ;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::value
my $self = shift ;
my $name = shift ;
if (@_)
$self->{Got}{lc $name}[OFF_PARSED] = 1;
$self->{Got}{lc $name}[OFF_DEFAULT] = $_[0] ;
$self->{Got}{lc $name}[OFF_FIXED] = $_[0] ;
return $self->{Got}{lc $name}[OFF_FIXED] ;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::valueOrDefault
my $self = shift ;
my $name = shift ;
my $default = shift ;
my $value = $self->{Got}{lc $name}[OFF_DEFAULT] ;
return $value if defined $value ;
return $default ;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::wantValue
my $self = shift ;
my $name = shift ;
return defined $self->{Got}{lc $name}[OFF_DEFAULT] ;
sub IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::clone
my $self = shift ;
my $obj = { };
my %got ;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{ $self->{Got} }) {
$got{$k} = [ @$v ];
$obj->{Error} = $self->{Error};
$obj->{Got} = \%got ;
return bless $obj, 'IO::Compress::Base::Parameters' ;
package U64;
use constant MAX32 => 0xFFFFFFFF ;
use constant LOW => 0 ;
use constant HIGH => 1;
sub new
my $class = shift ;
my $high = 0 ;
my $low = 0 ;
if (@_ == 2) {
$high = shift ;
$low = shift ;
elsif (@_ == 1) {
$low = shift ;
bless [$low, $high], $class;
sub newUnpack_V64
my $string = shift;
my ($low, $hi) = unpack "V V", $string ;
bless [ $low, $hi ], "U64";
sub newUnpack_V32
my $string = shift;
my $low = unpack "V", $string ;
bless [ $low, 0 ], "U64";
sub reset
my $self = shift;
$self->[HIGH] = $self->[LOW] = 0;
sub clone
my $self = shift;
bless [ @$self ], ref $self ;
sub getHigh
my $self = shift;
return $self->[HIGH];
sub getLow
my $self = shift;
return $self->[LOW];
sub get32bit
my $self = shift;
return $self->[LOW];
sub add
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
if (ref $value eq 'U64') {
$self->[HIGH] += $value->[HIGH] ;
$value = $value->[LOW];
my $available = MAX32 - $self->[LOW] ;
if ($value > $available) {
++ $self->[HIGH] ;
$self->[LOW] = $value - $available - 1;
else {
$self->[LOW] += $value ;
sub equal
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift;
return $self->[LOW] == $other->[LOW] &&
$self->[HIGH] == $other->[HIGH] ;
sub getPacked_V64
my $self = shift;
return pack "V V", @$self ;
sub getPacked_V32
my $self = shift;
return pack "V", $self->[LOW] ;
sub pack_V64
my $low = shift;
return pack "V V", $low, 0;
package IO::Compress::Base::Common;