blob: 011d787147406138aa894b0719eb805fb0ade157 [file] [log] [blame]
package Net::DNS::RR::CERT;
# $Id: 388 2005-06-22 10:06:05Z olaf $
# Written by Mike Schiraldi <> for VeriSign
use strict;
eval { require bytes; }
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
use MIME::Base64;
@ISA = qw(Net::DNS::RR);
$VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 388 $)[1];
my %formats = (
PKIX => 1,
SPKI => 2,
PGP => 3,
URI => 253,
OID => 254,
my %r_formats = reverse %formats;
my %algorithms = (
RSAMD5 => 1,
DH => 2,
DSA => 3,
ECC => 4,
INDIRECT => 252,
my %r_algorithms = reverse %algorithms;
sub new {
my ($class, $self, $data, $offset) = @_;
if ($self->{"rdlength"} > 0) {
my ($format, $tag, $algorithm) = unpack("\@$offset n2C", $$data);
$offset += 2 * Net::DNS::INT16SZ() + 1;
my $length = $self->{"rdlength"} - (2 * Net::DNS::INT16SZ() + 1);
my $certificate = substr($$data, $offset, $length);
$self->{"format"} = $format;
$self->{"tag"} = $tag;
$self->{"algorithm"} = $algorithm;
$self->{"certificate"} = $certificate;
return bless $self, $class;
sub new_from_string {
my ($class, $self, $string) = @_;
$string or return bless $self, $class;
my ($format, $tag, $algorithm, @rest) = split " ", $string;
@rest or return bless $self, $class;
# look up mnemonics
# the "die"s may be rash, but proceeding would be dangerous
if ($algorithm =~ /\D/) {
$algorithm = $algorithms{$algorithm} || die "Unknown algorithm mnemonic: '$algorithm'";
if ($format =~ /\D/) {
$format = $formats{$format} || die "Unknown format mnemonic: '$format'";
$self->{"format"} = $format;
$self->{"tag"} = $tag;
$self->{"algorithm"} = $algorithm;
$self->{"certificate"} = MIME::Base64::decode(join('', @rest));
return bless $self, $class;
sub rdatastr {
my $self = shift;
my $rdatastr;
if (exists $self->{"format"}) {
my $cert = MIME::Base64::encode $self->{certificate};
$cert =~ s/\n//g;
my $format = defined $r_formats{$self->{"format"}}
? $r_formats{$self->{"format"}} : $self->{"format"};
my $algorithm = defined $r_algorithms{$self->{algorithm}}
? $r_algorithms{$self->{algorithm}} : $self->{algorithm};
$rdatastr = "$format $self->{tag} $algorithm $cert";
} else {
$rdatastr = '';
return $rdatastr;
sub rr_rdata {
my ($self, $packet, $offset) = @_;
my $rdata = "";
if (exists $self->{"format"}) {
$rdata .= pack("n2", $self->{"format"}, $self->{tag});
$rdata .= pack("C", $self->{algorithm});
$rdata .= $self->{certificate};
return $rdata;
=head1 NAME
Net::DNS::RR::CERT - DNS CERT resource record
C<use Net::DNS::RR>;
Class for DNS Certificate (CERT) resource records. (see RFC 2538)
=head1 METHODS
=head2 format
print "format = ", $rr->format, "\n";
Returns the format code for the certificate (in numeric form)
=head2 tag
print "tag = ", $rr->tag, "\n";
Returns the key tag for the public key in the certificate
=head2 algorithm
print "algorithm = ", $rr->algorithm, "\n";
Returns the algorithm used by the certificate (in numeric form)
=head2 certificate
print "certificate = ", $rr->certificate, "\n";
Returns the data comprising the certificate itself (in raw binary form)
Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Michael Fuhr.
Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Chris Reinhardt.
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perl(1)>, L<Net::DNS>, L<Net::DNS::Resolver>, L<Net::DNS::Packet>,
L<Net::DNS::Header>, L<Net::DNS::Question>, L<Net::DNS::RR>,
RFC 2782