Fix fa (Persian) unit format of showing "<LRM>" caused by ICU 68.1

Rollback the content of the file source/data/unit/fa.txt
back to the exact content before the landing of 68.1 and rebuild the data files.

["centimeter", "foot", "hectare", "gigabit", "gigabyte", "inch",
"kilobit", "kilobyte", "kilogram", "kilometer", "megabit", "megabyte",
"meter", "meter-per-second",  "mile", "millimeter", "petabyte",
"terabit", "terabyte", "yard"
].forEach(function(unit) { console.log(unit + " : " + (
new Intl.NumberFormat('fa', { style: 'unit', unit: unit })).format(1))})

Expect to see:
No ascii "<LRM>" got displayed in each line of result.

Bug: 1171786
Change-Id: I54cd9db0f502bc239132de3f28d64abf18434bc0
Reviewed-by: Jungshik Shin <>
Reviewed-by: Shane Carr <>
9 files changed