Update timezone DB and apply miscellaneous locale data fixes

1. Update the IANA tz data to 2016c

What's new in 2016b and 2016c are found at

  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz-announce/2016-March/000036.html (2016b)
  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz-announce/2016-March/000037.html (2016c)

2. Locale data fixes
  - en-AU date format fix from the upstream
  - ar and fa: Prepend 'percent sign' with RTL mark (U+200F). From Android.
  - tr: Use ₺ (U+20BA; Turkish Lira Sign) instead of 'TL'. This is to revert a locale patch picked up from Google's internal build of ICU. (Android also uses U+20BA).

In addition, icudtl.dat (the prebuilt ICU data file for platforms other than
Android is moved out of source/data/in to common/. This way, the data build
steps for non-Android and Android can be unified and a bit more streamlined.
icu.gyp and BUILD.gn are updated accordingly as well as README.chromium.

TEST=See bug comment 0 and comment 1

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1823293002 .
21 files changed