blob: 1e09f83c01ab366d7d424f9e082b71d5e625c685 [file] [log] [blame]
** 2024-09-23
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This app's single purpose is to emit parts of the Makefile code for
** building sqlite3's WASM build. The main motivation is to generate
** code which "can" be created via GNU Make's eval command but is
** highly illegible when constructed that way. Attempts to write this
** app in Bash and TCL have suffered from the problem that both
** require escaping $ symbols, making the resulting script code as
** illegible as the eval spaghetti we want to get away from. Writing
** it in C is, somewhat surprisingly, _slightly_ less illegible than
** writing it in bash, tcl, or native Make code.
** The emitted makefile code is not standalone - it depends on
** variables and $(call)able functions from the main makefile.
#undef NDEBUG
#define DEBUG 1
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define pf printf
#define ps puts
/* Very common printf() args combo. */
#define zNM zName, zMode
** Valid names for the zName arguments.
#define JS_BUILD_NAMES sqlite3 sqlite3-wasmfs
** Valid names for the zMode arguments of the "sqlite3" build. For the
** "sqlite3-wasmfs" build, only "esm" (ES6 Module) is legal.
#define JS_BUILD_MODES vanilla esm bundler-friendly node
static const char * zBanner =
** Emits common vars needed by the rest of the emitted code (but not
** needed by makefile code outside of these generated pieces).
static void mk_prologue(void){
pf("%s", zBanner);
ps("# extern-post-js* and extern-pre-js* are files for use with");
ps("# Emscripten's --extern-pre-js and --extern-post-js flags.");
ps("extern-pre-js.js := $(dir.api)/extern-pre-js.js");
ps(" := $(dir.api)/extern-post-js.c-pp.js");
ps("# Emscripten flags for --[extern-][pre|post]-js=... for the");
ps("# various builds.");
ps("pre-post-common.flags := --extern-pre-js=$(sqlite3-license-version.js)");
ps("# pre-post-jses.deps.* = a list of dependencies for the");
ps("# --[extern-][pre/post]-js files.");
ps("pre-post-jses.deps.common := $(extern-pre-js.js) $(sqlite3-license-version.js)");
/* SQLITE.CALL.WASM-OPT = shell code to run $(1) (source wasm file
** name) through $(bin.wasm-opt) */
const char * zOptFlags =
** Flags for wasm-opt. It has many, many, MANY "passes" options
** and the ones which appear here were selected solely on the
** basis of trial and error.
** All wasm file size savings/costs mentioned below are based on
** the vanilla build of sqlite3.wasm with -Oz (our shipping
** configuration). Comments like "saves nothing" may not be
** technically correct: "nothing" means "some neglible amount."
** Note that performance gains/losses are _not_ taken into
** account here: only wasm file size.
"--enable-bulk-memory-opt " /* required */
"--all-features " /* required */
"--post-emscripten " /* Saves roughly 12kb */
"--strip-debug " /* We already wasm-strip, but in
** case this environment has no
** wasm-strip... */
** The rest are trial-and-error. See wasm-opt --help and search
** for "Optimization passes" to find the full list.
** With many flags this gets unusuably slow.
/*"--converge " saves nothing for the options we're using */
/*"--dce " saves nothing */
/*"--directize " saves nothing */
/*"--gsi " no: requires --closed-world flag, which does not
** sound like something we want. */
/*"--gufa --gufa-cast-all --gufa-optimizing " costs roughly 2kb */
/*"--heap-store-optimization " saves nothing */
/*"--heap2local " saves nothing */
//"--inlining --inlining-optimizing " costs roughly 3kb */
"--local-cse " /* saves roughly 1kb */
/*"--once-reduction " saves nothing */
/*"--remove-memory-init " presumably a performance tweak */
/*"--remove-unused-names " saves nothing */
/*"--safe-heap "*/
/*"--vacuum " saves nothing */
ps("ifeq (,$(bin.wasm-opt))");
ps("define SQLITE.CALL.WASM-OPT");
ps("echo 'wasm-opt not available for $(1)'");
ps("define SQLITE.CALL.WASM-OPT");
pf("echo -n 'Before wasm-opt:'; ls -l $(1);\\\n"
"\trm -f wasm-opt-tmp.wasm;\\\n"
/* It's very likely that the set of wasm-opt flags varies from
** version to version, so we'll ignore any errors here. */
"\tif $(bin.wasm-opt) $(1) -o wasm-opt-tmp.wasm \\\n"
"\t\t%s; then \\\n"
"\t\tmv wasm-opt-tmp.wasm $(1); \\\n"
"\t\techo -n 'After wasm-opt: '; \\\n"
"\t\tls -l $(1); \\\n"
"\telse \\\n"
"\t\techo 'WARNING: ignoring wasm-opt failure'; \\\n"
** Emits makefile code for setting up values for the --pre-js=FILE,
** --post-js=FILE, and --extern-post-js=FILE emcc flags, as well as
** populating those files.
static void mk_pre_post(const char *zName /* build name */,
const char *zMode /* build mode */,
const char *zCmppD /* optional -D flags for c-pp for the
** --pre/--post-js files. */){
pf("%s# Begin --pre/--post flags for %s-%s\n", zBanner, zNM);
pf("c-pp.D.%s-%s := %s\n", zNM, zCmppD ? zCmppD : "");
pf("pre-post-%s-%s.flags ?=\n", zNM);
/* --pre-js=... */
pf("pre-js.js.%s-%s := $(dir.tmp)/pre-js.%s-%s.js\n",
zNM, zNM);
pf("$(pre-js.js.%s-%s): $(MAKEFILE)\n", zNM);
#if 1
pf("$(eval $(call SQLITE.CALL.C-PP.FILTER,$(,$(pre-js.js.%s-%s),"
"$(c-pp.D.%s-%s)))\n", zNM, zNM);
/* This part is needed if/when we re-enable the custom
** Module.instantiateModule() impl in api/pre-js.c-pp.js. */
pf("pre-js.js.%s-%s.intermediary := $(dir.tmp)/pre-js.%s-%s.intermediary.js\n",
zNM, zNM);
pf("$(eval $(call SQLITE.CALL.C-PP.FILTER,$(,$(pre-js.js.%s-%s.intermediary),"
"$(c-pp.D.%s-%s) -Dcustom-Module.instantiateModule))\n", zNM, zNM);
pf("$(pre-js.js.%s-%s): $(pre-js.js.%s-%s.intermediary)\n", zNM, zNM);
pf("\tcp $(pre-js.js.%s-%s.intermediary) $@\n", zNM);
/* Amend $(pre-js.js.zName-zMode) for all targets except the plain
** "sqlite3" build... */
if( 0!=strcmp("sqlite3-wasmfs", zName)
&& 0!=strcmp("sqlite3", zName) ){
pf("\t@echo 'Module[xNameOfInstantiateWasm].uri = "
"\"%s.wasm\";' >> $@\n", zName);
/* --post-js=... */
pf("post-js.js.%s-%s := $(dir.tmp)/post-js.%s-%s.js\n", zNM, zNM);
pf("$(eval $(call SQLITE.CALL.C-PP.FILTER,$(,"
"$(post-js.js.%s-%s),$(c-pp.D.%s-%s)))\n", zNM, zNM);
/* --extern-post-js=... */
pf("extern-post-js.js.%s-%s := $(dir.tmp)/extern-post-js.%s-%s.js\n", zNM, zNM);
pf("$(eval $(call SQLITE.CALL.C-PP.FILTER,$(,$(extern-post-js.js.%s-%s),"
"$(c-pp.D.%s-%s)))\n", zNM, zNM);
/* Combine flags for use with emcc... */
pf("pre-post-common.flags.%s-%s := "
"$(pre-post-common.flags) "
"--post-js=$(post-js.js.%s-%s) "
"--extern-post-js=$(extern-post-js.js.%s-%s)\n", zNM, zNM, zNM);
pf("pre-post-%s-%s.flags += $(pre-post-common.flags.%s-%s) "
"--pre-js=$(pre-js.js.%s-%s)\n", zNM, zNM, zNM);
/* Set up deps... */
pf("pre-post-jses.%s-%s.deps := $(pre-post-jses.deps.common) "
"$(post-js.js.%s-%s) $(extern-post-js.js.%s-%s)\n",
zNM, zNM, zNM);
pf("pre-post-%s-%s.deps := $(pre-post-jses.%s-%s.deps) $(dir.tmp)/pre-js.%s-%s.js\n",
zNM, zNM, zNM);
pf("# End --pre/--post flags for %s-%s%s", zNM, zBanner);
** Emits rules for the fiddle builds.
static void mk_fiddle(){
int i = 0;
mk_pre_post("fiddle-module","vanilla", 0);
for( ; i < 2; ++i ){
const char *zTail = i ? ".debug" : "";
const char *zDir = i ? "$(dir.fiddle-debug)" : "$(dir.fiddle)";
pf("%s# Begin fiddle%s\n", zBanner, zTail);
pf("fiddle-module.js%s := %s/fiddle-module.js\n", zTail, zDir);
pf("fiddle-module.wasm%s := "
"$(subst .js,.wasm,$(fiddle-module.js%s))\n", zTail, zTail);
pf("$(fiddle-module.js%s):%s $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE.fiddle) "
"$(fiddle.cses) $(pre-post-fiddle-module-vanilla.deps) "
zTail, (i ? " $(fiddle-module.js)" : ""));
if( 1==i ){/*fiddle.debug*/
pf("\t@test -d \"$(dir $@)\" || mkdir -p \"$(dir $@)\"\n");
pf("\t$(bin.emcc) -o $@ $(fiddle.emcc-flags%s) "
"$(pre-post-fiddle-module-vanilla.flags) $(fiddle.cses)\n",
pf("\t$(maybe-wasm-strip) $(fiddle-module.wasm%s)\n", zTail);
pf("\t@cp -p $(SOAP.js) $(dir $@)\n");
if( 1==i ){/*fiddle.debug*/
pf("\tcp -p $(dir.fiddle)/index.html "
"$(dir.fiddle)/fiddle.js "
"$(dir.fiddle)/fiddle-worker.js "
"$(dir $@)\n");
pf("\t@for i in %s/*.*js %s/*.html %s/*.wasm; do \\\n"
"\t\ttest -f $${i} || continue; \\\n"
"\t\tgzip < $${i} > $${i}.gz; \\\n"
"\tdone\n", zDir, zDir, zDir);
if( 0==i ){
ps("fiddle: $(fiddle-module.js)");
ps("fiddle-debug: $(fiddle-module-debug.js)");
pf("# End fiddle%s%s", zTail, zBanner);
** Emits makefile code for one build of the library, primarily defined
** by the combination of zName and zMode, each of which must be values
static void mk_lib_mode(const char *zName /* build name */,
const char *zMode /* build mode */,
int bIsEsm /* true only for ESM build */,
const char *zApiJsOut /* name of generated sqlite3-api.js/.mjs */,
const char *zJsOut /* name of generated sqlite3.js/.mjs */,
const char *zCmppD /* extra -D flags for c-pp */,
const char *zEmcc /* extra flags for emcc */){
const char * zWasmOut = "$(basename $@).wasm"
/* The various targets named X.js or X.mjs (zJsOut) also generate
** X.wasm, and we need that part of the name to perform some
** post-processing after Emscripten generates X.wasm. */;
assert( zName );
assert( zMode );
assert( zApiJsOut );
assert( zJsOut );
if( !zCmppD ) zCmppD = "";
if( !zEmcc ) zEmcc = "";
pf("%s# Begin build [%s-%s]\n", zBanner, zNM);
pf("$(info Setting up build [%s-%s]: %s)\n", zNM, zJsOut);
mk_pre_post(zNM, zCmppD);
pf("\nemcc.flags.%s.%s ?=\n", zNM);
if( zEmcc[0] ){
pf("emcc.flags.%s.%s += %s\n", zNM, zEmcc);
pf("$(eval $(call SQLITE.CALL.C-PP.FILTER, $(, %s, %s))\n",
zApiJsOut, zCmppD);
/* target zJsOut */
pf("%s: %s $(MAKEFILE) $(sqlite3-wasm.cfiles) $(EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.api) "
"$(pre-post-%s-%s.deps) "
/* ^^^ maintenance reminder: we set these as deps so that they
get copied into place early. That allows the developer to
reload the base-most test pages while the later-stage builds
are still compiling, which is especially helpful when running
builds with long build times (like -Oz). */
zJsOut, zApiJsOut, zNM);
pf("\t@echo \"Building $@ ...\"\n");
pf("\t$(bin.emcc) -o $@ $(emcc_opt_full) $(emcc.flags) \\\n");
pf("\t\t$(emcc.jsflags) -sENVIRONMENT=$(emcc.environment.%s) \\\n", zMode);
pf("\t\t$(pre-post-%s-%s.flags) \\\n", zNM);
pf("\t\t$(emcc.flags.%s) $(emcc.flags.%s.%s) \\\n", zName, zNM);
pf("\t\t$(cflags.common) $(SQLITE_OPT) \\\n"
"\t\t$(cflags.%s) $(cflags.%s.%s) \\\n"
"\t\t$(cflags.wasm_extra_init) $(sqlite3-wasm.cfiles)\n", zName, zNM);
if( bIsEsm ){
/* TODO? Replace this CALL with the corresponding makefile code.
** OTOH, we also use this $(call) in the speedtest1-wasmfs build,
** which is not part of the rules emitted by this program. */
pf("\t@$(call SQLITE.CALL.xJS.ESM-EXPORT-DEFAULT,1,%d)\n",
0==strcmp("sqlite3-wasmfs", zName) ? 1 : 0);
pf("\t@chmod -x %s; \\\n"
"\t\t$(maybe-wasm-strip) %s;\n",
zWasmOut, zWasmOut);
pf("\t@$(call SQLITE.CALL.WASM-OPT,%s)\n", zWasmOut);
pf("\t@sed -i -e '/^var _sqlite3.*createExportWrapper/d' %s || exit; \\\n"
/* ^^^^^^ reminder: Mac/BSD sed has no -i flag */
"\t\techo 'Stripped out createExportWrapper() parts.'\n",
zJsOut) /* Our JS code installs bindings of each WASM export. The
generated Emscripten JS file does the same using its
own framework, but we don't use those results and can
speed up lib init, and reduce memory cost
considerably, by stripping them out. */;
** The above $(bin.emcc) call will write zJsOut and will create a
** like-named .wasm file (zWasmOut). That .wasm file name gets
** hard-coded into zJsOut so we need to, for some cases, patch
** zJsOut to use the name sqlite3.wasm instead. Note that the
** resulting .wasm file is identical for all builds for which zEmcc
** is empty.
if( 0==strcmp("bundler-friendly", zMode)
|| 0==strcmp("node", zMode) ){
pf("\t@echo 'Patching $@ for %s.wasm...'; \\\n", zName);
pf("\t\trm -f %s; \\\n", zWasmOut);
pf("\t\tsed -i -e 's/%s-%s.wasm/%s.wasm/g' $@ || exit;\n",
/* ^^^^^^ reminder: Mac/BSD sed has no -i flag */
zNM, zName);
pf("\t@ls -la $@\n");
pf("\t@ls -la %s $@\n", zWasmOut);
if( 0!=strcmp("sqlite3-wasmfs", zName) ){
/* The sqlite3-wasmfs build is optional and needs to be invoked
** conditionally using info we don't have here. */
pf("all: %s\n", zJsOut);
pf("# End build [%s-%s]%s", zNM, zBanner);
int main(void){
int rc = 0;
pf("# What follows was GENERATED by %s. Edit at your own risk.\n", __FILE__);
mk_lib_mode("sqlite3", "vanilla", 0,
"$(sqlite3-api.js)", "$(sqlite3.js)", 0, 0);
mk_lib_mode("sqlite3", "esm", 1,
"$(sqlite3-api.mjs)", "$(sqlite3.mjs)",
"-Dtarget=es6-module", 0);
mk_lib_mode("sqlite3", "bundler-friendly", 1,
"$(sqlite3-api-bundler-friendly.mjs)", "$(sqlite3-bundler-friendly.mjs)",
"$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-esm) -Dtarget=es6-bundler-friendly", 0);
mk_lib_mode("sqlite3" , "node", 1,
"$(sqlite3-api-node.mjs)", "$(sqlite3-node.mjs)",
"$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-bundler-friendly) -Dtarget=node", 0);
mk_lib_mode("sqlite3-wasmfs", "esm" ,1,
"$(sqlite3-api-wasmfs.mjs)", "$(sqlite3-wasmfs.mjs)",
"$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-bundler-friendly) -Dwasmfs",
mk_pre_post("speedtest1","vanilla", 0);
mk_pre_post("speedtest1-wasmfs","esm", "$(c-pp.D.sqlite3-bundler-friendly) -Dwasmfs");
return rc;