blob: e072d08a1ed44b71f7e30e64e012d22ffbfe05d3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Expects $1 to be a (speedtest1 --script) output file. Output is a
# series of SQL files extracted from that file.
infile=${1:?arg = speedtest1 --script output file}
testnums=$(grep -e '^-- begin test' "$infile" | cut -d' ' -f4)
if [ x = "x${testnums}" ]; then
echo "Could not parse any begin/end blocks out of $infile" 1>&2
exit 1
if [ "$odir" = "$infile" ]; then odir="."; fi
#echo testnums=$testnums
for n in $testnums; do
ofile=$odir/$(printf "speedtest1-%03d.sql" $n)
sed -n -e "/^-- begin test $n /,/^-- end test $n\$/p" $infile > $ofile
echo -e "$n\t$ofile"