blob: 4912b8fb60ba335ca3b2131c5fdd8aeb58a993f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM e:/builds/tinderbox/XR-Trunk/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/content/xslt/public/nsIXSLTProcessor.idl
#ifndef __gen_nsIXSLTProcessor_h__
#define __gen_nsIXSLTProcessor_h__
#ifndef __gen_nsISupports_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
#ifndef __gen_domstubs_h__
#include "domstubs.h"
/* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
#ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
#define NS_NO_VTABLE
class nsIVariant; /* forward declaration */
/* starting interface: nsIXSLTProcessor */
#define NS_IXSLTPROCESSOR_IID_STR "4a91aeb3-4100-43ee-a21e-9866268757c5"
{0x4a91aeb3, 0x4100, 0x43ee, \
{ 0xa2, 0x1e, 0x98, 0x66, 0x26, 0x87, 0x57, 0xc5 }}
class NS_NO_VTABLE NS_SCRIPTABLE nsIXSLTProcessor : public nsISupports {
* Import the stylesheet into this XSLTProcessor for transformations.
* @param style The root-node of a XSLT stylesheet. This can be either
* a document node or an element node. If a document node
* then the document can contain either a XSLT stylesheet
* or a LRE stylesheet.
* If the argument is an element node it must be the
* xsl:stylesheet (or xsl:transform) element of an XSLT
* stylesheet.
* @exception nsIXSLTException
/* void importStylesheet (in nsIDOMNode style); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD ImportStylesheet(nsIDOMNode *style) = 0;
* Transforms the node source applying the stylesheet given by
* the importStylesheet() function. The owner document of the output node
* owns the returned document fragment.
* @param source The node to be transformed
* @param output This document is used to generate the output
* @return DocumentFragment The result of the transformation
* @exception nsIXSLTException
/* nsIDOMDocumentFragment transformToFragment (in nsIDOMNode source, in nsIDOMDocument output); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD TransformToFragment(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument *output, nsIDOMDocumentFragment **_retval) = 0;
* Transforms the node source applying the stylesheet given by the
* importStylesheet() function.
* @param source The node to be transformed
* @return Document The result of the transformation
* @exception nsIXSLTException
/* nsIDOMDocument transformToDocument (in nsIDOMNode source); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD TransformToDocument(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument **_retval) = 0;
* Sets a parameter to be used in subsequent transformations with this
* nsIXSLTProcessor. If the parameter doesn't exist in the stylesheet the
* parameter will be ignored.
* @param namespaceURI The namespaceURI of the XSLT parameter
* @param localName The local name of the XSLT parameter
* @param value The new value of the XSLT parameter
* @exception NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE The datatype of value is
* not supported
/* void setParameter (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName, in nsIVariant value); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant *value) = 0;
* Gets a parameter if previously set by setParameter. Returns null
* otherwise.
* @param namespaceURI The namespaceURI of the XSLT parameter
* @param localName The local name of the XSLT parameter
* @return nsIVariant The value of the XSLT parameter
/* nsIVariant getParameter (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant **_retval) = 0;
* Removes a parameter, if set. This will make the processor use the
* default-value for the parameter as specified in the stylesheet.
* @param namespaceURI The namespaceURI of the XSLT parameter
* @param localName The local name of the XSLT parameter
/* void removeParameter (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD RemoveParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName) = 0;
* Removes all set parameters from this nsIXSLTProcessor. This will make
* the processor use the default-value for all parameters as specified in
* the stylesheet.
/* void clearParameters (); */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD ClearParameters(void) = 0;
* Remove all parameters and stylesheets from this nsIXSLTProcessor.
/* void reset (); */
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD ImportStylesheet(nsIDOMNode *style); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD TransformToFragment(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument *output, nsIDOMDocumentFragment **_retval); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD TransformToDocument(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument **_retval); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant *value); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant **_retval); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD RemoveParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName); \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD ClearParameters(void); \
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD ImportStylesheet(nsIDOMNode *style) { return _to ImportStylesheet(style); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD TransformToFragment(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument *output, nsIDOMDocumentFragment **_retval) { return _to TransformToFragment(source, output, _retval); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD TransformToDocument(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument **_retval) { return _to TransformToDocument(source, _retval); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant *value) { return _to SetParameter(namespaceURI, localName, value); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant **_retval) { return _to GetParameter(namespaceURI, localName, _retval); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD RemoveParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName) { return _to RemoveParameter(namespaceURI, localName); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD ClearParameters(void) { return _to ClearParameters(); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Reset(void) { return _to Reset(); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD ImportStylesheet(nsIDOMNode *style) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->ImportStylesheet(style); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD TransformToFragment(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument *output, nsIDOMDocumentFragment **_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->TransformToFragment(source, output, _retval); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD TransformToDocument(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument **_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->TransformToDocument(source, _retval); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant *value) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetParameter(namespaceURI, localName, value); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant **_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetParameter(namespaceURI, localName, _retval); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD RemoveParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->RemoveParameter(namespaceURI, localName); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD ClearParameters(void) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->ClearParameters(); } \
NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Reset(void) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Reset(); }
#if 0
/* Use the code below as a template for the implementation class for this interface. */
/* Header file */
class nsXSLTProcessor : public nsIXSLTProcessor
/* additional members */
/* Implementation file */
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsXSLTProcessor, nsIXSLTProcessor)
/* member initializers and constructor code */
/* destructor code */
/* void importStylesheet (in nsIDOMNode style); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXSLTProcessor::ImportStylesheet(nsIDOMNode *style)
/* nsIDOMDocumentFragment transformToFragment (in nsIDOMNode source, in nsIDOMDocument output); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXSLTProcessor::TransformToFragment(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument *output, nsIDOMDocumentFragment **_retval)
/* nsIDOMDocument transformToDocument (in nsIDOMNode source); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXSLTProcessor::TransformToDocument(nsIDOMNode *source, nsIDOMDocument **_retval)
/* void setParameter (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName, in nsIVariant value); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXSLTProcessor::SetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant *value)
/* nsIVariant getParameter (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXSLTProcessor::GetParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName, nsIVariant **_retval)
/* void removeParameter (in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXSLTProcessor::RemoveParameter(const nsAString & namespaceURI, const nsAString & localName)
/* void clearParameters (); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXSLTProcessor::ClearParameters()
/* void reset (); */
NS_IMETHODIMP nsXSLTProcessor::Reset()
/* End of implementation class template. */
#endif /* __gen_nsIXSLTProcessor_h__ */