blob: fcec28d449dba791d8c8c25330c703383fdc39e6 [file] [log] [blame]
//@line 37 "e:\builds\tinderbox\XR-Trunk\WINNT_5.2_Depend\mozilla\toolkit\components\urlformatter\src\nsURLFormatter.js"
* @class nsURLFormatterService
* nsURLFormatterService exposes methods to substitute variables in URL formats.
* Mozilla Applications linking to Mozilla websites are strongly encouraged to use
* URLs of the following format:
* http[s]://%LOCALE%.%SERVICE%.mozilla.[com|org]/%LOCALE%/
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
function nsURLFormatterService() {}
nsURLFormatterService.prototype = {
classDescription: "Application URL Formatter Service",
contractID: ";1",
classID: Components.ID("{e6156350-2be8-11db-a98b-0800200c9a66}"),
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIURLFormatter]),
_defaults: {
get appInfo() {
if (!this._appInfo)
this._appInfo = Cc[";1"].
return this._appInfo;
LOCALE: function() Cc[";1"].
VENDOR: function() this.appInfo.vendor,
NAME: function(),
ID: function() this.appInfo.ID,
VERSION: function() this.appInfo.version,
APPBUILDID: function() this.appInfo.appBuildID,
PLATFORMVERSION: function() this.appInfo.platformVersion,
PLATFORMBUILDID: function() this.appInfo.platformBuildID,
APP: function() /, ""),
OS: function() this.appInfo.OS,
XPCOMABI: function() this.appInfo.XPCOMABI
formatURL: function uf_formatURL(aFormat) {
var _this = this;
var replacementCallback = function(aMatch, aKey) {
if (aKey in _this._defaults) // supported defaults
return _this._defaults[aKey]();
Cu.reportError("formatURL: Couldn't find value for key: " + aKey);
return aMatch;
return aFormat.replace(/%([A-Z]+)%/g, replacementCallback);
formatURLPref: function uf_formatURLPref(aPref) {
var format = null;
var PS = Cc[';1'].
try {
format = PS.getComplexValue(aPref, Ci.nsISupportsString).data;
} catch(ex) {
Cu.reportError("formatURLPref: Couldn't get pref: " + aPref);
return "about:blank";
if (!PS.prefHasUserValue(aPref) &&
/^(?:data:.+,.+=.+|chrome:\/\/.+\/locale\/.+\.properties)$/.test(format)) {
// This looks as if it might be a localised preference
try {
format = PS.getComplexValue(aPref, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
} catch(ex) {}
return this.formatURL(format);
function NSGetModule(aCompMgr, aFileSpec)