blob: eec71e1e59ad6d5300647d29aa0e53d6a36c2ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.android_webview;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
* Provides the Message Channel functionality for Android Webview. Specifically
* manages the message ports that are associated with a message channel and
* handles posting/receiving messages to/from them.
* See for
* further information on message channels.
* The message ports have unique IDs. In Android webview implementation,
* the message ports are only known by their IDs at the native side.
* At the java side, the embedder deals with MessagePort objects. The mapping
* from an ID to an object is in AwMessagePortService. AwMessagePortService
* keeps a strong ref to MessagePort objects until they are closed.
* Ownership: The Java AwMessagePortService is owned by Java AwBrowserContext.
* The native AwMessagePortService is owned by native AwBrowserContext. The
* native peer maintains a weak ref to the java object and deregisters itself
* before being deleted.
* All methods are called on UI thread except as noted.
public class AwMessagePortService {
private static final String TAG = "AwMessagePortService";
* Observer for MessageChannel events.
public static interface MessageChannelObserver {
void onMessageChannelCreated();
// A thread safe storage for Message Ports.
private static class MessagePortStorage {
private SparseArray<AwMessagePort> mMessagePorts = new SparseArray<AwMessagePort>();
private final Object mLock = new Object();
public void remove(int portId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
public void put(int portId, AwMessagePort m) {
synchronized (mLock) {
mMessagePorts.put(portId, m);
public AwMessagePort get(int portId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
return mMessagePorts.get(portId);
private long mNativeMessagePortService;
private MessagePortStorage mPortStorage = new MessagePortStorage();
private ObserverList<MessageChannelObserver> mObserverList =
new ObserverList<MessageChannelObserver>();
AwMessagePortService() {
mNativeMessagePortService = nativeInitAwMessagePortService();
public void addObserver(MessageChannelObserver observer) {
public void removeObserver(MessageChannelObserver observer) {
public void closePort(int messagePortId) {
if (mNativeMessagePortService == 0) return;
nativeClosePort(mNativeMessagePortService, messagePortId);
public void postMessage(int senderId, String message, int[] sentPorts) {
// verify that webview still owns the port (not transferred)
if (mPortStorage.get(senderId) == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot post to unknown port " + senderId);
if (mNativeMessagePortService == 0) return;
nativePostAppToWebMessage(mNativeMessagePortService, senderId, message, sentPorts);
public void removeSentPorts(int[] sentPorts) {
// verify that webview owns all the ports that are transferred
if (sentPorts != null) {
for (int port : sentPorts) {
AwMessagePort p = mPortStorage.get(port);
if (p == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot transfer unknown port " + port);
public AwMessagePort[] createMessageChannel() {
return new AwMessagePort[]{new AwMessagePort(this), new AwMessagePort(this)};
// Called on UI thread.
public void releaseMessages(int portId) {
if (mNativeMessagePortService == 0) return;
nativeReleaseMessages(mNativeMessagePortService, portId);
private AwMessagePort addPort(AwMessagePort m, int portId) {
if (mPortStorage.get(portId) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Port already exists");
mPortStorage.put(portId, m);
return m;
private void onMessageChannelCreated(int portId1, int portId2,
AwMessagePort[] ports) {
addPort(ports[0], portId1);
addPort(ports[1], portId2);
for (MessageChannelObserver observer : mObserverList) {
// Called on IO thread.
private void onReceivedMessage(int portId, String message, int[] ports) {
AwMessagePort[] messagePorts = null;
for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
if (messagePorts == null) {
messagePorts = new AwMessagePort[ports.length];
messagePorts[i] = addPort(new AwMessagePort(this), ports[i]);
mPortStorage.get(portId).onReceivedMessage(message, messagePorts);
private void unregisterNativeAwMessagePortService() {
mNativeMessagePortService = 0;
private native long nativeInitAwMessagePortService();
private native void nativePostAppToWebMessage(long nativeAwMessagePortServiceImpl,
int senderId, String message, int[] portIds);
private native void nativeClosePort(long nativeAwMessagePortServiceImpl,
int messagePortId);
private native void nativeReleaseMessages(long nativeAwMessagePortServiceImpl,
int messagePortId);