blob: 1dc80d9a56dc496f50f45d49d8d7400fcb2dce27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/configuration.h"
#include <shellapi.h> // NOLINT
#include <stddef.h>
#include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/appid.h"
#include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/mini_installer_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/mini_installer_resource.h"
#include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/regkey.h"
namespace mini_installer {
Configuration::Configuration() : args_(NULL) {
Configuration::~Configuration() {
// When multi_install is true, we are potentially:
// 1. Performing a multi-install of some product(s) on a clean machine.
// Neither the product(s) nor the multi-installer will have a
// ClientState key in the registry, so there is no key to be modified.
// 2. Upgrading an existing multi-install. The multi-installer will have
// a ClientState key in the registry. Only it need be modified.
// 3. Migrating a single-install into a multi-install. The product will
// have a ClientState key in the registry. Only it need be modified.
// To handle all cases, we inspect the product's ClientState to see if it
// exists and its "ap" value does not contain "-multi". This is case 3,
// so we modify the product's ClientState. Otherwise, we check the
// multi-installer's ClientState and modify it if it exists.
// TODO(bcwhite): Write a unit test for this that uses registry virtualization.
void Configuration::SetChromeAppGuid() {
const HKEY root_key =
const wchar_t* app_guid =
has_chrome_frame_ ?
google_update::kChromeFrameAppGuid :
is_side_by_side_ ? google_update::kSxSAppGuid
: google_update::kAppGuid;
// This is the value for single-install and case 3.
chrome_app_guid_ = app_guid;
if (is_multi_install_) {
ValueString value;
if (ReadClientStateRegistryValue(root_key, app_guid, &ret, value)) {
// The product has a client state key. See if it's a single-install.
if (ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
!FindTagInStr(value.get(), kMultiInstallTag, NULL))) {
// yes -- case 3: use the existing key.
// error, case 1, or case 2: modify the multi-installer's key.
chrome_app_guid_ = google_update::kMultiInstallAppGuid;
bool Configuration::ReadClientStateRegistryValue(
const HKEY root_key, const wchar_t* app_guid,
LONG* retval, ValueString& value) {
RegKey key;
if (!OpenClientStateKey(root_key, app_guid, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key))
return false;
*retval = key.ReadSZValue(kApRegistryValue, value.get(), value.capacity());
return true;
const wchar_t* Configuration::program() const {
return args_ == NULL || argument_count_ < 1 ? NULL : args_[0];
void Configuration::Clear() {
if (args_ != NULL) {
args_ = NULL;
chrome_app_guid_ = google_update::kAppGuid;
command_line_ = NULL;
operation_ = INSTALL_PRODUCT;
argument_count_ = 0;
has_chrome_ = false;
has_chrome_frame_ = false;
is_multi_install_ = false;
is_system_level_ = false;
is_side_by_side_ = false;
previous_version_ = NULL;
bool Configuration::Initialize(HMODULE module) {
return ParseCommandLine(::GetCommandLine());
// |command_line| is shared with this instance in the sense that this
// instance may refer to it at will throughout its lifetime, yet it will
// not release it.
bool Configuration::ParseCommandLine(const wchar_t* command_line) {
command_line_ = command_line;
args_ = ::CommandLineToArgvW(command_line_, &argument_count_);
if (args_ != NULL) {
for (int i = 1; i < argument_count_; ++i) {
if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args_[i], L"--chrome-sxs"))
is_side_by_side_ = true;
else if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args_[i], L"--chrome"))
has_chrome_ = true;
else if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args_[i], L"--chrome-frame"))
has_chrome_frame_ = true;
else if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args_[i], L"--multi-install"))
is_multi_install_ = true;
else if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args_[i], L"--system-level"))
is_system_level_ = true;
else if (0 == ::lstrcmpi(args_[i], L"--cleanup"))
operation_ = CLEANUP;
if (!is_multi_install_) {
has_chrome_ = !has_chrome_frame_;
return args_ != NULL;
void Configuration::ReadResources(HMODULE module) {
HRSRC resource_info_block =
if (!resource_info_block)
HGLOBAL data_handle = LoadResource(module, resource_info_block);
if (!data_handle)
// The data is a Unicode string, so it must be a multiple of two bytes.
DWORD version_size = SizeofResource(module, resource_info_block);
if (!version_size || (version_size & 0x01) != 0)
void* version_data = LockResource(data_handle);
if (!version_data)
const wchar_t* version_string = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(version_data);
size_t version_len = version_size / sizeof(wchar_t);
// The string must be terminated.
if (version_string[version_len - 1])
previous_version_ = version_string;
} // namespace mini_installer